frontal belly of occifrontalis muscle
"belly of eyes" forehead area. front.
temporalis muscle
temporal lobe area.
temporoparietalis muscle
- temporo...temporal lobe
- parietal...parietal lobe
- kinda where they meet
auricularis superior muscle
- "above ear" muscle
- auricularis...ear
orbicularis oculi muscle
- orbicularis...circle
- oculi...eye
- "around eye" muscle
zygomaticus minor muscle
- zygomatic bone...
- minor is top
- top muscle on cheek bone
levator labii superioris aleque nasi muscle
- Lifts. superior. nose. muscle
- levator...elevates, lifts
- superioris...superior
- nasi...nose
nasal(nasalis) muscle
nose muscle
orbicularis oris muscle
- orbicularis...circle
- oris...mouth
- "around mouth" muscle
zygomaticus major muscle
- zygomatic bone...
- major...under
- the lower muscle on cheek bone
- think of when u blow
- "trumpeter"
masseter muscle
- up/down muscle on jaw
- think of it as muscle used to chew and eat
risorius muscle
"a laughter" by blow muscle slightly underneath it
depressor anguli oris muscle
- depressor...deresses, brings down
- anguli...angle
- oris...mouth
- brings down angle of mouth muscle
depressor labii inferioris muscle
- labii...lip area on mandible
- depressor...depresses, brings down
- inferioris...inferior, bottom
- brings down lower lip of mouth
hypoglossus muscle
- glosso...tongue
- tongue muscle
genohyoid muscle
- touches hyoid bone
- can see neck up, throat area
- looking at model, furthest right
mylohyoid muscle
- touches hyoid bone
- can see neck up, throat area
- looking at model, furthest left. right next to genohyoid bone
anterior belly of digastric muscle
- anterior...front, jutting out
- can see neck up, throat area
- next to...hyoid muscles
posterior belly of digastric muscle
- posterior...towards back
- think of it as connected to anterior belly of digastric muscle
- anterior toward front, posterior towards back
- skinny
- dont get confused by muscle right next to it
sternohyoid bone
- sterno...sternum bone, bone going up down in chest
- hyoid...by throat area at top
- connects the sternum and the hyoid bone
thyrohyoid bone
- thro...thyroid. that little gland at topish area
- hyoid...by throat area at top
- connects the thyroid and the hyoid bone
cricothyroid muscle
- crico...check again.cartilage??
- thyroid...thyroid bone
- connects the thyroid and the crico cartilage
sternoscleidomastoid muscle
- sterno...sternum
- mastoid...mastoid process. in brain
- long muscle that connects the mastoid process in the brain all the way to the sternum o the chest area
scalenus anterior muscle
- scalenus...scale down
- on side of neck
- anterior...towards front
scalenus medius muscle
- scalenus...scale down
- medius...middle
- on side of neck
scalenus posterior muscle
- scalenus...scales down
- posterior...back
- on side of neck
levator scapulae muscle
- lavator...elevates, lifts
- scapulae...scapla
- "lifts scapula" muscle
splenius capitis muscle
- splenius...spleen
- capitis...head
- head of spleen
- this muscle kinda covers it
"rhombus" muscle on back
trapezius muscle, descending part
- "trapezoid" muscle
- descending...going down
- back
trapezius muscle, transverse part
- trapezoid muscle
- transverse...going up
- back