Define Spinning
- A spin is a condition of stalled flight in which a fixed wing aircraft rotates about its own axis and descends in a helical flight path as a result of auto rotation
- Spin direction is determined by the direction of yaw.
What are the requirements for autorotation?
- Mean angle of attack is at or near the stall
- Roll ie. Wing drop or yaw in a deliberate spin entry
In an autorotation describe what happens to CL and CD
- Roll increases AOA and Drag in the down going wing so puts wings at different points on a CL and CD curve
- The upgoing wing has higher CL and lower CD so aircraft will roll in direction of downgoing wing and yaw towards down going wing
What are the characteristics of a stable spin
- Rates of pitch roll and yaw are stable
- Aircraft presents its upper surface to the spin axis
Characteristics of an Oscillatory Spin
- Rates of roll, pitch and yaw are unstable
- Changes are erattic
What are the charcteristics of a Spiral Dive
- Wings have not stalled
- Increasing IAS and G
In a flat spin, what happens to ROD, Radius, Speed of rotation
- ROD less as form drag is higher
- Radius is smaller
- Rotation higher
If the B/A ratio is less than 1.3, what are an aircrafts spin tendencies
- Aircraft will tend to enter a spin more readily
- Aircraft is more reluctant to recover
If the B/A ratio of an aircraft is greater than 1.3, what are its spin tendencies
- Aircraft will be reluctant to spin
- Aircraft will tend to recover more easily but incorrect use of controls may delay or even prevent recovery if B/A is high
What affects an aircrafts B/A ratio
fuel and cargo loads