IDW 205

  1. Basic concept of how RADAR works
    • 12.63 microseconds = RADAR mile
    • Electromagnetic waves are used to identify range, altitude, direction or speed of both moving and fixed objects
  2. Doppler Effect
    Apparent change in frequency or pitch
  3. Clutter
    Unwanted echoes in a radar system
  4. Ground Clutter
    Unwanted ground noise
  5. Sea Clutter
    Disturbing radar-echoes of sea wave crests
  6. Amplitude
    Strength of a signal
  7. Wavelength
    Distance from peak to peak
  8. Frequency
    Number of cycles that occur in one second
  9. Ground Wave
    Radio waves that travel near the Earth's surface
  10. Sky Wave
    Radio waves that are reflected back to the Earth from the ionosphere
  11. Space Wave
    • 2 paths
    • 1 - reflected from the ground
    • 2 - directly to the receiving antenna
  12. Natural Horizon
    Line of sight
  13. Radio Horizon
    1/3 farther than natural horizon
  14. Refraction
    Wave changes direction when passing from one medium into another
  15. Diffraction
    Occurs when waves pass through a narrow opening
  16. Reflection
  17. Basic characteristics of sound
    • Pitch
    • Intensity
    • Quality
  18. Reciprocity
    Transmit and recieve at the same time
  19. Polarization
    Orientation of the electric field vector of the electromagnetic wave produced by the antenna
  20. Mobile Malicious Code - Major Types
    • Virus
    • Trojan Horse
    • Worm
Card Set
IDW 205
IDW 205