Thefile extension for a presentation file that has been created usingMicrosoft PowerPoint.
Design Template:
Preformatted style templates for presentations that contain color schemes, slide and title masters with custom formatting for text and other slide objects, giving the slides a consistent look and feel.
Organizational Chart:
Agraphical representation depicting hierarchical relationships. Resembles the layout of a flowchart
used to display content IN POWER POINT. All of the content to be shown to an audience of a PowerPoint presentation will be content that is created by the author on the individual slides of a presentation. By progressing through a presentation one goes on from one slide to the next.
A visual effect used to introduce a slide during a slide show. For example, you can fade in from black or dissolve from one slide to another.
Provides the slides or text outline of the entire presentation on the left, the current slide on the right, and speaker notes below the slide.
Slide Sorter
Shows the entire set of slides (numbered) on the screen.Allows you to drag-and-drop slide icons to change their order.
Slide Show
Displays the presentation in full-screen mode starting with the slide currently being edited (so jump to slide 1 first if you wantto see the entire presentation). Press the Escape key if you wish to exit the Slide Show before it ends.
Entrance effect
is an effect used to bring your item onto a slide. In other words you do not see the object on your slide until it is introduced with THIS EFFECT it is labeled with a green star
Emphasis effect
as labeled with a yellow star is a special kind of effect that can be used to modify the size, shape and color or your object. Unless the object is first given an Entrance effect the object will already appear on the slide when it is viewed.
An Exit effect
labeled with a red star is an effect used to take an item off of a slide. In other words you see the object when the slide first appears and it will remain there until it is removed with this effect.
A motion path effect
an effect labeled with a grey star and is an effect where the designer of a presentation can create a custom path for the object to follow. As with the Emphasis effect unless the object is first given an Entrance effect the object will already appear on the slide when it is viewed and then follow the motion path when its turn comes in the animation order for that slide.
can be thought of as a tool a student will use inthe course of solving a problem thereby learning more about the tool itself.
The file extension for a spreadsheet document that has been created in Microsoft Excel.
The idea of cells on a spreadsheet may seem too simple to define but there is one thing that should be kept in mind that aids in the overall understanding of how to use cell referencing in a spreadsheet. Each cell reference you are given is a combination of a column reference and a row reference. For example cell A1 can only be found by first finding column A and then row 1. Keep this in mind when trying to understand and use absolute and relative cell referencing.
are the third type of data to be found in an Excel spreadsheet, the first two being text and numbers. All formulas and functions begin withan equal sign. For example the formula =A1 + B1 would add the two numbers found in cells A1 and B1. You would enter this formula in the cell where you want the result to be viewed.
Predefined formulas that perform calculations by using specific values, in a particular order or structure. For example, the SUM function adds values or ranges of cells, and would take the form of =SUM (A1:D1). The average function would take the form of =AVERAGE (A1:D1), and would find the average of the numbers between the range of cell A1 and D1. There are literally hundreds of functions available for use within Microsoft Excel and they can all be seen if you select Function from the Insert menu.
Refers to the symbols used to represent the basic mathematical concepts that we are already familiar with such as addition, subtraction, division and multiplication. In Microsoft Excel these operators can be added to a formula or a function by using the following symbols +, -, /,and *.
Refers to the number of cells within a given area and is represented by the following symbol, :. For example the range of A1:D1 would include the cells A1, B1,C1, and D1.
A series of selectable buttons in either a horizontal row or a vertical row that give the user another option aside from pull-down menus.
An Excel spreadsheet file is technically referred to as a
everal individual spreadsheets called
Sheet tabs.
This feature allows you to organize various kinds of related information in a single Excel file.
At the bottom of the Excel screen
A relative cell reference
is automatically adjusted when copying a formula to other cells. For example, if the following formula, =A1+B1 was copied, from cell C1 down to C2, the formula when copied would change to = A2+B2.
An absolute cell reference
refers to a value that does not change when being copied to other cells. For this example the same formula as above will be used but with one small change: absolutes will beadded to the row values in the formula. In Microsoft Excel absolutes are represented as dollar signs, $).
Cell comments
are additional explanatory notes, which you can attach to any cell in a spreadsheet.