WBC Anomalies

  1. congenital or hereditary condition where the WBC's dviate from the normal standard.
    WBC anomalies
  2. This is an autosomal dominant, that causes an abnormal maturation of nucleus that appears to function normally.
    Inherited (true) pelger-huet
  3. This pelger-huet condition may be drug induced or secondary to CML.
  4. in pseudo-pelger-huet ____ are normal three lobed nucleus.
  5. This is a response to severe infection where metamyelocytes and bands are present.
    Shift to the left
  6. These are blue staining areas made up of rough endoplasmic reticulum and RNA.
    Dohle bodies
  7. This is an autosomal dominant condition where dohle bodies, throbocytopenia, and giant, bizarre platelets are seen.
  8. This is a rare sex-linked recessive disease that is fetal at a young age due to WBC's being unable to kll catalase positive organisms.
  9. this disorder is characterized by a normal WBC morphology, increased WBC count and granulomas in many organs and sites of infection.
  10. This is a deficiency of enzyme beta-glucocerebroside.
    Gaucher's disease
  11. What are the five characteristics of gaucher's disease?
    • Leukopenia
    • thrombocytopenia
    • hepatosplenomegaly
    • gaucher's cells in bone marrow
    • increased serum acid phosphate
  12. In bone marrow these cells have a wrinkled cytoplasm that looks like unfolded crumpled paper.
    Gaucher's disease
  13. These tissue cells are also known as sea-blue histiocytes.
  14. these disorder is caused dby a deficiency in sphingomyelinase that leads to an accumulation of sphingomyelin in histiocytes.
  15. infectious mononucleosis is caused by what virus?
    Epstein Barr Virus
  16. The epsein barr virus infects what cells?
  17. how is infectious mononucleosis contracted
  18. infectious mononucleosis causes malaise, enlarged lymph nodes, splenomegaly, hepatomegaly, and is known as a _______ illness.
    benign illness
  19. Complete recovery from infectious mononucleosis usually takes _______.
    two months
  20. This is an abnormal neutrophilic response to infection that mimics early stage or leukemia.
    leukemoid reaction
  21. These are dark blue-black granules seen in severe bacterial infections.
    Toxic Granulation
  22. What are the four laboratory features of a leukemoid reaction.
    • signs of infection
    • toxic granulation
    • dohle bodies
    • vacuolization
  23. in a leukemoid reaction what is the:
    WBC count:
    philadelphia chromosome:
    • WBC count: 10-100
    • Eosinophilia: absent
    • Basophilia: absent
    • philadelphia chromosome: absent
    • LAP: Increased
  24. In CML what is the:
    WBC count:
    Philadelphia chromosome:
    • WBC count: 30-500
    • Eosinophilia: present
    • Basophilia: present
    • Philadelphia chromosome: present
    • LAP: decreased
  25. This is a malignant disease of hematopoietic tissue.
  26. In leukemia normal bone marrow elements are replaced by ________.
    neoplastic cells
  27. in leukemia __________ is always involved.
    bone marrow
  28. Lukemia infiltrates what three parts of the body.
    • spleen
    • liver
    • lymph nodes
  29. Acute leukemia
    WBC count:
    • Age: all ages
    • Onset: suden
    • Cells: immature (blasts)
    • Anemia: mild to severe
    • Thrombocytopenia :mild to severe
    • WBC count: variable
    • Organomegaly: mild
  30. In Chronic lukemia
    WBC count:
    • Age: adults
    • Onset: insidious
    • Cells: Mature
    • Anemia: Mild
    • Thrombocytopenia: Mild
    • WBC count: increased
    • Organomegaly: Prominent
  31. If the liver and spleen are not affected by acute leukemia what anemia will be present?
    normocytic, normochromic
  32. what cells will be present and usually predominante in an acute leukemia patients differential?
  33. This is used to attain better discrimination in therapy and prognosis
    FAB classification
  34. FAB classification is based on what four things?
    • WBC morphology
    • Cytochemical staining
    • immunologic marker studies
    • cytogenetics
  35. what type of blast has prominent nucleoli and and auer rods present in 50-60%.
    AML blasts
  36. what type of blast has indistinct nucleoli and never has auer rods.
    ALL Blasts
  37. These are stains used to aid in the diagnosis and classification of leukemia.
    cytochemical staining
  38. Cytochemical staining uses the presence or absence of ________ or ________ to differentiate hematopoietic cells.
    • enzymes
    • lipids
  39. This leukemia resembles M1 except smear shows maturation to or beyond promyelocytes.
  40. What is the most common type of AML
    M1 and M2
  41. True or False
    auer rods are often present in M2
  42. in this leukemia cells are all promyelocytes
  43. what type of leukemia has cells that have a kidney shaped or biloben nucleus, moderate cytoplasm, heavy primary granulation, and auer rods are common and in multiple
  44. what type of leukemia has a high incidence of DIC.
  45. in M4 leukemic cells are called _______.
    myelomonocytic cells
  46. what type of leukemia is is characterized by both monocytic and granulocytic differentiation.
  47. what type of leukemia has a large heterogenous lymphoblast morphology.
  48. what is the four characteristics of nucleus lymphoblast morphology in L2-ALL.
    • irregular in shape
    • clefting and indentation
    • heterogenous chromatin pattern
    • one or more nucleoli
  49. what are the two characteristics of a laymphoblast's cytoplasm.
    • variable, often moderately abundant
    • variable cytoplasmic vacuolization
  50. what is B cell ALL aso called?
    burkitt's leukemia or lymphoma
  51. this leukemia accounts for 2-5% of all ALL cases and has asymmetrical enlargement of lymph nodes.
    B-cell Leukemia
  52. what are the two other names that Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia is known as?
    • Chronic Myeloid Leukemia
    • Chronic Myelocytic Leukemia
  53. This is the most common type of leukemia in adults.
  54. what are the five symptoms of CML?
    • Weight loss
    • enlarged spleen
    • fever
    • night sweats
    • malaise
  55. This is a diverse group of diseases characterized by proliferation of a single clone of cells producing a monoclonal immunoglbulin or immunoglobulin fragments.
    Plasma Cell Disorders
  56. What are the three causes of multiple myeloma?
    • Radiation
    • Chemical agents (agricultural)
    • certain medical conditions
  57. True or false
    Multiple myeloma is not normally a myloproliferative disorder
  58. this disorder causes bone pain in 2/3 of cases, anemia, fatigue, SOB, constipation, and abdominal pain.
    Multiple myeloma
  59. This disorder involves IgG or IgA, and causes marked rouleaux, elvated ESR, Presence of flame cells in BM
    Multiple myeloma
  60. This disorder is characterized by a predominance of prolymphocytes in bone marrow and marked rouleaux
    waldenstrom's macroglobulinemia
  61. this dye is used to differentiate AML or AMoL from ALL. Positve for AML and AMoL (blue-black precipitate). Negative for ALL (No precipitate)
  62. This stain is soluble in lipids and penetrates granules in granulocytes and monocytes. granules stain black.
  63. Sodium fluoride inhibits this dye's activity in monocytes and macrophages but not other cells.
  64. pelger huet
  65. chediak-higashi
  66. atypical lymphocytes
    • M3 APL
    • Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia
Card Set
WBC Anomalies
MLT 10005, WBC, anomalies