Which embryological structure becomes the following adult structure?
Ascending aortal and pulmonary trunk
Truncus arteriosus
Which embryological structure becomes the following adult structure?
Coronary sinus
L horn of sinus venosus
Which embryological structure becomes the following adult structure?
Superior Vena Cava
R cardinal veins
Which embryological structure becomes the following adult structure?
Smooth parts of L and R ventricles
Bulbis cordis
Which embryological structure becomes the following adult structure?
Smooth part of R atrium
R horn of sinus venosus
Which embryological structure becomes the following adult structure?
Trabeculated L and R atrium
primitive atria
Which embryological structure becomes the following adult structure?
Trabeculated parts of L and R ventricles
primitive ventricles
What structure divides the truncus arteriosus into the aortic and pulmonary trunks? What is its cellular origin?
Spiral septum - aka the aorticopulmonary septum from neural crest cells
What fetal vessel has the highest oxygenation?
Umbilical vein
What causes the ductus arteriosus to close?
Indomethacin, increased O2 and decreased prostaglandins
What causes the foramen ovale to close?
increased Left Atrium pressure due to infant breathing
What is the most common congenital cardiac anomaly?
What are the components of tetralogy of fallot?
- Pulmonary stenosis
- Overriding aorta
boot shaped heart, cyanotic spells
explain how the great vessels are attached in a transposition of the great vessels.
- Aorta to Right ventricle
- Pulmonary Trunk to Left Ventricle
A 45 year old male presents with a BP of 160/90 on the right arm and 170/92 on the left arm. Ther eare no palpable pulses in the feet. What problem does this patient most likely have?
Coarctation of the aorta
Describe blood flow through the PDA
- Left to right shunt
- aorta to pulmonic circulation
What heart defect is associated with the following disorder?
Chromosome 22q11 deletions
Truncus arteriosus, tetralogy of fallot
What heart defect is associated with the following disorder?
Down syndrome
ASD, VSD, AV septal defects
"endocardial cushion defects"
What heart defect is associated with the following disorder?
Congenital Rubella
PDA, Pulmonary Stenosis, Septal defects
What heart defect is associated with the following disorder?
Turner's Syndrome
Coarctation of the Aorta
What heart defect is associated with the following disorder?
Marfan's syndrome
Aortic insufficiency
What problems are offspring of diabetic mothers at higher risk for?
Transposition of the great vessels, erb duchenne, shoulder dystocia, hypoglycemia
What is the pulse pressure in a patient with a systolic BP of 150 and a MAP of 90?
MAP = 2/3 diastolic + 1/3 systolic
90=X + 50
X = 40
- Diastolic = 60
- Systolic = 150
- Pulse pressure is Sys = Dia
- 150-60 = 90mmHg
what is the basic equation for cardiac output? What is the Fick principle?
CO = SV x HR
Fick: CO = O2 consumption / [arterial O2 - venous O2)
what increases a hearts contractility?
- Catecholamines
- Increased intracellular Ca2+
- Decreased extracellular Na+
- Digitalis
what decreases a hearts contractility?
- B blockers
- heart failure
- acidosis
- hypoxia/hypercapnia (decreased PO2, increased PCO2)
- CCB's (nondhydropyridine)
How can the myocardial O2 demand be decreased during an ischemic heart event?
- B blockers
- ACE inhibitors
- Nitro
anything that decreases afterload, contractility and HR.
what is the formula for mean arterial pressure?
MAP = 2/3 dia + 1/3 sys
what is the formula for SV?
What factors affect stroke volume?
- afterload
- preload
- contractility
what is the ejection fraction?
preload is approximately what? It's affected by what type of drug?
the ventricular end diastolic volume
VENOdilators - Nitroglycerin
less blood back to the heart = less preload
afterload is approximately equal to what? it's affected by what type of drug?
the mean arterial pressure
VASOdilators - Hydralazine
dilates arteries, decreases pressure against which the heart must pump
What pushes the Starling Curve to the Left? to the Right?
 - Exercise Left (greater stroke volume)
- CHF right (fluid overload, low SV)
What are the signs of right sided heart failure?
- Edema
- Nutmeg liver
- Peripheral signs
what are the signs of left sided heart failure?
- dyspnea on exertion
- cardiac dilation
- orthopnea
- paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea
how does poor cardiac output result in an increase in aldosterone?
JG cells in the kidney sense a decrease in BP -> secrete renin -> angiotensin -> angiotensin II -> vasoconstriction -> aldosterone secretion
What medications reduce mortality in a CHF patient?
- ACE inhibitors
- Spironolactone
- Loop Diuretics
- Thiazide
- Metoprolol or Carvedilol
what medications are used to treat acute heart failure?
- Furosemide
- Morphine
- Nitrates
- O2
What is the mechanism of action of the cardiac glycosides?
Blocks Na+/K+ATPase which increases intracellular Ca2+ and decreases extracellular Na+
What is seen on points 1-5?
- 1 - normal operating point of the heart
- 2 - exercise (low TPR)
- 3 - hemorrhage (high TPR)
- 4 - CHF
- 5 - Mean Systemic Pressure
Describe the cardiac cycle
- a) mitral valve opens - rapid filling
- b) mitral valve closes - isovolumetric contraction - pressure building
- c) aortic valve opens - systolic ejection - pressure still increases
- d) aortic valve closes - isovolumetric relaxation - pressure drop
Describe the S1, S2, S3 and S4 heart sounds
- S1 - mitral and tricuspid closure
- S2 - aortic and pulmonary closure
- Pathologic:
- S3 - early diastole - CHF (increased filling pressure)
- S4 - late diastole - "atrial kick" LVH
Describe the JVP waves
- a - RA contraction
- c - RV contraction
- v - RA filling
What causes pitting edema vs non pitting edema?
Pitting - water only swelling
Non-pitting - water and protein in the interstitium
what causes wide splitting of the S2 sound?
- pulmonic stenosis
- Right BBB
what causes fixed splitting of the S2 sound?
ASD (pulmonic closure delay)
what causes paradoxical splitting of the S2 sound?
What do you hear on ausculation: A
Systolic ONLY
- Aortic stenosis
- (flow murmur)
What do you hear on ausculation: P
Systolic Ejection ONLY
- Pulmonic stenosis
- (flow murmur)
What do you hear on ausculation: T
- Diastolic
- Tricuspid Stenosis
What do you hear on ausculation: M
Mitral Regurg
Mitral Stenosis
What do you hear on ausculation: Left Sternal Border
Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy
- Aortic Regurgitation
- Pulmonic Regurgitation
What heart sounds do you hear during systole?
Aortic and Pulmonic Stenosis
Mitral and Tricuspid Regurg
What heart sounds do you hear during diastole?
Aortic and Pulmonic Regurg
Mitral and Tricuspid Stenosis
Identify the Murmur:
holosytolic, high pitched blowing murmur, loudest at apex and radiates toward axilla
Mitral Regurg
Identify the murmur:
holosytolic, high pitched blowing murmur, loudest at tricuspid area, radiating to right sternal border
Tricuspid regurg
Identify the murmur:
crescendo-decrescendo systolic ejection murmur with ejection click.
Aortic Stenosis
what are the main causes of aortic stenosis?
- 1 - bicuspid aortic valve
- 2 - calcifications
Identify the murmur:
holosystolic harsh sounding murmur loudest at tricuspid area.
hard to distinguish from tricusp regurg
Identify the murmur:
late systolic crescendo with midsystolic click
Mitral valve prolapse
most common
Identify the murmur:
high pitched blowing diastolic murmur, wide pulse pressure, bounding pulses, head bobbing
Aortic regurg
Identify the murmur:
follows opening snap, late diastolic murmur
Mitral stenosis
Identify the murmur:
continuous machine like murmur
Describe the phases of the ventricular action potential:
- Phase 0 - Na+ open
- Phase 1 - Na+ inactive, K+ open
- Phase 2 - plateau - Ca2+ open, release from SR
- Phase 3 - Ca2+ close, K+ influx
- Phase 4 - K+ leak open
Describe the pacemaker action potential:
- Phase 4 - K+ open, Na+ open
- Phase 0 - Na+ inactivated, Ca2+ open
- Phase 3 - Ca2+ inactivated, K+ open
In which phase of the pacemaker action potential are B blockers effective? CCB's? When does the AV node transmission get prolonged?
- B blockers - phase 4
- CCB's - phase 0
AV node prolonging transmission = Phase 0
what does the P wave represent?
atrial depolarization
EKG representation and timing:
PR interval
conduction delay through the AV node
0.2 seconds
EKG representation and timing:
QRS complex
ventricular depolarization
0.12 seconds
EKG representation and timing:
QT interval
ventricle contraction
0.4 seconds
EKG representation and timing:
T wave
ventricular repolarization
when is an inverted T wave seen?
recent MI
when is a U wave seen?
hypokalemia, bradycardia
Put in order of speed of conduction:
AV node
Purkinje fibers
Purkinje fibers > atria > ventricles > AV node
Name the pacemakers
- SA node
- AV node
- bundle of His
- Purkinje
- Ventricles
Describe the conduction pathway
- SA node
- atria
- AV node
- common bundle
- bundle branches
- Purkinje fibers
- ventricles

Identify. What causes it?
Torsades de Pointes
- anything that prolongs the QT interval
- can progress to V fib

Identify. How do you treat?
A fib - irregularly irregular with no P waves
Tx: Cardioversion w/in 24 hours. Otherwise, B blockers, CCB's, digoxin, prophylactic warfarin
can cause pulmonary embolism

Identify. How do you treat?
Atrial Flutter (sawtooth)
Tx: Class Ia, Ic or III antiarrhytmics

Identify. Prolonged PR interval. What can cause this?
1st degree AV block
HTN, Lyme Disease

Identify: progressive PR lengthening warning
2nd degree AV block Type I
warning before drops

Identify: No warning lengthening of pR interval
2nd degree AV block Type II
no warning before drops
Identify: P waves bear no relation to QRS complexes Tx with pacemaker, assoc with Lyme Disease
3rd degree AV block
Identify: completely erratic rhythm with no identifiable waves
V fib
this is released from the atria in response to increased blood volume and atrial pressure.
escape from aldosterone mechanism
atrial natiuretic peptide
the aortic arch transmits via this nerve to the medulla in response to elevated blood pressure ONLY
Vagus nerve
the carotid sinus transmits via this nerve to this nucleus in the medulla responding to any change in BP.
glossopharyngeal nerve
solitary nucleus
what do baroreceptors do?
sense hypotension and cause vasoconstriction
can be massaged to decrease the heart rate
Peripheral chemoreceptors respond to what, compared to central chemoreceptors?
Peripheral - decreased PO2, increased PCO2, and decreased pH of blood (acidosis)
Central - changes in pH and PCO2 in brain interstitial fluid
The pulmonary capillary wedge pressure is a good approximation of what?
left atrial pressure
pulmonary vasculature is unique in that hypoxia causes _ so that only well ventilated areas are perfused. This is opposite of all other organs.
typically hypoxia causes vasodilation
Pc = capillary pressure...what does this do?
pushes fluid out of capillary
Pi = interstitial fluid...what does this do?
pushes fluid out of interstitium (into capillary)
 c = plasma colloid osmotic pressure...what does this do?
pulls fluid into capillary
"salty plasma"
 i = interstitial fluid colloid osmotic pressure...what does this do?
pulls fluid into interstitium
"salty interstitium"
What is the equation for net filtration pressure?
Pnet = [(Pc-Pi) - (  c-  i)]
Kf is what?
filtration constant (capillary permeability)
CHF causes edema by a change in what capillary starling force?
increased capillary pressure - pushing water out of the vessel
Nephrotic syndrome or liver failure causes edema by a change in what capillary starling force?
decreased plasma proteins (leaking out of kidneys)
this means watery blood that diffuses out into the tissues following their gradient
Toxins, infections and burns cause edema by what starling force?
increased Kf - filtration constant
Lymphatic blockage causes edema by a change in what capillary starling force?
increased interstitial fluid colloid osmotic pressure. salty interstitium pulls water out into the tissues
this disease is associated with delta waves in the EKG and can result in SVT. Treatment for it includes Procainamide specifically.
What are the Right to Left Shunts? The 5 T's
- Tetralogy of Fallot
- Transposition of the great vessels
- Truncus Arteriosus
- Tricuspid Atresia
- Total anomalous pulmonary venous return (pulmonary veins drain into right sided circulation)
what is a persistent truncus arteriosus?
failure to divide into pulmonary trunk and aorta
what are the left to right shunts?
uncorrected septal defect causes compensatory pulmonary vascular hypertrophy -> pulmonary hypertension. As pulmonary resistance increases the shunt reverses from Left to Right to Right to Left which causes late cyanosis (clubbing and polycythemia)
Eisenmenger's Syndrome
Coarctation of the aorta - infantile type. Describe.
aortic stenosis proximal to insertion of ductus arteriosus.
Coarctation of the aorta - adult type. describe
stenosis distal to the ligamentum arteriosum.
- notching of ribs
- hypertension in upper extremities
- hypotension in lower extremities
can result in aortic regurg
most commonly associated with bicuspid aortic valve
what keeps a PDA open? what closes it? what can uncorrected PDA lead to?
open - prostaglandins
closed - indomethacin
late cyanosis in lower extremities
What are some signs of hyperlipidemia?
- Atheromas (plaques in blood vessel walls)
- Xanthomas (plaques of fat in skin
- Tendon xanthoma - achilles
- Corneal arcus - fat in cornea
What type of arteriosclerosis?
calcification in the media. usually benign does not obstruct blood flow
What type of arteriosclerosis?
hyaline thickening of small arteries in essential hypertension or diabetes mellitus. hyperplastic "onion skinning" in malignant hypertension
What type of arteriosclerosis?
fibrous plaques and atheromas in intima of arteries major arteries - elastic, large and medium muscular
how does atherosclerosis progress?
endothelial damage, macrophage and LDL accumulation, foam cell formation, fatty streaks, PDGF and TGF-B recruit smooth muscle cells, fibrous plaques, complex atheromas
describe the pathology of an abdominal vs thoracic aortic aneurysm
- abd - atherosclerosis, male smokers > 50
- thoracic - HTN, marfan's
longitudinal intraluminal tear forming a false lumen. associated with tearing chest pain and radiation to the back. CXR shows mediastinal widening.
Aortic dissection
What is the difference between a type a and a type b aortic dissection?
type a - radiates to front, involves arch and ascending aorta - require surgery
type b - radiates to back, involves descending aorta - B blockers to treat
Contrast the 3 types of angina
stable - atherosclerosis, ST depression on EKG tx: nitro
Printzmetals - coronary artery spasm, ST elevation on EKG tx: nifedipine
unstable - thrombosis but no necrosis, ST depression on EKG
what is the most common cause of sudden cardiac death?
v fib
MI evolution - gross appearance, microscopic, risk associated
0-4 hours
no gross or microscopic appearance change, risk of arrhythmia
MI evolution - gross appearance, microscopic, risk associated
4-12 hours
dark mottling
early coagulative necrosis, edema, hemorrhage
arrhythmia risk
MI evolution - gross appearance, microscopic, risk associated
12-24 hours
dark mottled tissue
contraction bands, neutrophils arrive
risk of arrhythmia
MI evolution - gross appearance, microscopic, risk associated
2-4 days
red tissue
neutrophil emigration, massive necrosis
risk of arrhythmia
MI evolution - gross appearance, microscopic, risk associated
5-10 days
granulation tissue
Free wall rupture, tamponade, papillary muscle rupture, interventricular septum rupture (macrophage degradation)
MI evolution - gross appearance, microscopic, risk associated
7 weeks
white tissue
contracted scar
Ventricular aneurysm (popping out)
Diagnosis of MI: name expected markers and when they rise, also diagnostic gold standard
EKG is the gold standard
Troponin I rises after 4 hours - stays for 7-10 days - most specific
CKMB - useful for diagnosing "reinfarction"
What does ST elevation, ST depression and pathologic Q waves tell you?
Q waves and ST Elevation - transmural infarct
ST depression - angina or subendocardial infarct
ECG diagnosis - Leads with Q waves:
LAD - anterior wall infarct
ECG diagnosis - Leads with Q waves:
V1-V2 only
LAD - Anteroseptal infarct
ECG diagnosis - Leads with Q waves:
LCX - Anterolateral
ECG diagnosis - Leads with Q waves:
I, aVL
LCX - Lateral wall infarct
ECG diagnosis - Leads with Q waves:
II, III and aVF
RCA - Inferior wall infarct
this is an autoimmune disorder resulting in fibrinous pericarditis post MI
Dressler's Syndrome
Most common cardiomyopathy. Findings include S3, dilated heart on ultrasound, balloon appearance on CXR. Systolic Eccentric Hypertrophy
Dilated (Congestive) Cardiomyopathy
What are the etiologies of Dilated Cardiomyopathy?
- Alcohol abuse
- Beriberi
- Coxsackie B virus
- Cocaine use
- Chagas Disease
- Doxorubicin toxicity
- Hemochromatosis
Hypertrophy of IV septum too close to mitral valve leading to outflow obstruction. Autosomal dominant, associated with Friedrich's Ataxia, S4, normal sized heart, apical impulses, systolic murmur.
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
Most common cause of sudden death in young athletes. Tx: BB or Verapamil
major causes include sarcoidosis, amyloidosis, postradiation or endocardial fibroelastosis, Loffler's syndrome (eosinophilic infiltrate), hemochromatosis.
Restrictive obliterative cardiomyopathy
CHF caused by Left Heart Failure:
- Pulmonary edema
- Paryoxysmal nocturnal dyspnea
- Orthopnea
CHF caused by Right Heart Failure:
- Hepatomegaly
- Ankle and Sacral Edema
- Jugular Venous Distension
enlargement of the right ventricle due to high blood pressure in the lungs
Cor Pulmonale
_ sided heart failure results in pulmonary symptoms
Left - backs up into lungs from left heart
_ sided heart failure results in edema, JVD and liver back up
Right sided
Fever, Roth spots, Oslers nodes, new murmur, Janeway lesions, anemia, Splinter hemorrhages.
Bacterial endocarditis
what valves are most often impacted in bacterial endocarditis
mitral valve
IV drug users - tricuspid valve
What bug causes acute bacterial endocarditis? subacute?
acute - S. aureus
subacute - S. viridans
Endocarditis can also be due to what 2 bugs besides S. aureus and S. viridans?
Enterococci (S. bovis)
S. epidermidis (IV drug users)
Verrucous sterile vegetations on the valves, associated with SLE, usually benign
Libman - Sachs endocarditis
SLE causes LSE!
What are the culture negative organisms that can cause Bacterial Endocarditis?
HACEK Organisms
- Haemophius
- Actinobacillus
- Cardiobacterium
- Eikenella
- Kingella
Fever, erythema marginatum, valvular damage, elevated ESR, red hot joints (migratory polyarthritis), subcutaneous nodules, chorea. Immune mediated type II hypersensitivity disease.
Rheumatic fever
a consequence of pharyngeal infection with Group A strep. MVP seen, then mitral stenosis later in life. Aschoff bodies and Anitschkow's cells and elevated ASO titers seen
Rheumatic fever
What is an Aschoff body?
granuloma with giant cells
What is an Anitschkow cell?
activated histiocytes
What are the three different types of acute pericarditis?
Fibrinous - most common - loud friction rub
Serous - noninfectious inflammatory (SLE, Rheumatic fever)
Suppurative/Purulent - infectious
compression of heart by fluid in the pericardium. shows with hypotension, increased JVD, distant heart sounds, increased heart rate, pulsus paradoxus
Cardiac tamponade
a decrease in amplitude of systolic blood pressure by 10mmHg during inspiration.
Seen in: cardiac tamponade, asthma, obstructive sleep apnea, pericarditis, croup
Pulsus paradoxus
tree bark appearance of the aorta due to infectious disruption of the vasa vasorum
syphilitic heart disease
A left atrial _ is the most common primary cardiac tumor in adults. Described as a "ball-valve" obstruction.
The most common heart tumor overall is _
mets from melanoma or lymphoma
the most frequent primary cardiac tumor seen in kids is _ and it's associated with tuberous sclerosis (which is associated with what two other diseases?)
Cardiac rhabdoymoma
- astrocytoma
- angiomyolipoma
AV malformation in small vessels is called what?
what are some causes of cardiogenic shock?
- MI
- PE
- Arryhtmias
- Cardiac tamponade
- Tension PTX
what other severe problems often coexist in septic shock patients?
- acute renal failure
- acute pancreatitis
- liver failure
- adrenal insufficiency
- interstitial ileus
Vasculitis: Unilateral headache, jaw claudication, elderly females. May cause irreverisble blindness, associated with polymyalgia rheumatica (joint pain). Tx high dose steroids
Temporal arteritis
Vasculitis: Pulseless disease, fever, night sweats, arthritis, myalgias, skin nodules, ocular disturbance, elevated ESR - seen in asian women.
Takayasu's arteritis
Vasculitis: seen in young adults. associated with Hep B, fever, weight loss, malaise, headache. Typically involves renal arteries, Immune complex. Tx: steroids, cyclophosphamide
Polyarteritis nodosa
Vasculitis: asian children < 4 years old, fever, lymphadenitis, strawberry tongue, hand-foot erythema and desquamation. Tx: IV Ig and Aspirin
Kawasaki disease
Vasculitis: heavy smokers, male <40 y/o, claudication, gangrene, Raynauds.
How do you treat?
Buerger's disease
Stop smoking!
Vasculitis: pauci-immune glomerulonephritis, p-ANCA and mpo-ANCA positive
Microscopic polyangitis
Vasculitis: URI, LRI, Renal - hematuria and red cell casts. Multinucleated giant cells. Triad of 1) focal necrotizing vasculitis, 2) necrotizing granulomas in lung and upper airway, 3) necrotizing glomerulonephritis. c-ANCA positive
Wegener's Granulomatosis
Vasculitis: seen with asthma, sinusitis, palpable purpura, wrist/foot drop (periph neurop). Granulomatous vasculitis with eosinophilia - p-ANCA positive.
Churg Strauss syndrome
Vasculitis: childhood systemic vasculitis, IgA complexes, IgA nephropathy following URI - palpable purpura on legs/butt, arthralgia, abdominal pain, melena.
Henoch-Schonlein Purpura (palpable purpura following URI)
congenital vascular disorder that affects capillarys. Port wine stain, AVM in brain, seizures, early onset glaucoma, mental retardation
Sturge Weber Disease
"Port Wine Stain"
Vascular tumors: benign capillary hemangioma regresses spontaneously.
Strawberry hemangioma
Vascular tumors: benign in elderly, does not regress
Cherry hemangioma
Vascular tumors: capillary hemangioma that can ulcerate and bleed - assoc with trauma and pregnancy
Pyogenic granuloma
Vascular tumors: cavernous lymphangioma of the neck associated with Turner Syndrome
Cystic Hygroma
Vascular tumors: Painful red blue tumor under fingernails
Glomus tumor
benign capillary papules in AIDS patients caused by Bartonella henselae infections. NOT Kaposi's.
Bacillary angiomatosis
Vascular tumors: Highly lethal malignancy of liver. Associated with exposures - vinyl chloride, arsenic and ThO2
Angiosarcoma of the Liver
Vascular tumor:
Lymphatic malignancy associated with persistant lymphedema
Vascular tumors: Endothelial malignancy associated with HIV and HH8
Kaposi's sarcoma
Hydralazine: MOA, Use, Tox
MOA: increas cGMP - arteriole vasodilation
Use: HTN - first line in pregnancy with a methyldopa
Tox: reflex tach, Lupus like syndrome
CCB's: Names, MOA, Use, Tox
Nifedipine, verapamil, diltiazem, amlodipine
- MOA: block calcium channels (L-type)
- Verapamil best for heart calcium channels, Nifedipine best for smooth muscle calcium channels.
Use: HTN, Angina, Raynauds
Tox: AV block, edema, flushing, constipation
How do you treat malignant hypertension?
Nitroprusside - increases cGMP -> NO
Fenoldopam - D1 agonist
Diazoxide - K+ channel opener (hyperpolarization)
Nitroglycerin: MOA, Use, Tox
MOA: vasodilate by releasing NO causing increase in cGMP
Use: Angina
Tox: reflex tach, flushing, "Monday disease"
What drugs cause drug induced lupus?
- Sulfasalazine
- Hydralazine
- Isoniazid
- Procainamide
Combo of what two drugs is most effective in treating angina?
Nitrates and B blockers
Statins: MOA, Main effect, Tox, Notes
MOA: HMG-CoA reductase inhibitor - inhibits cholesterol synthesis
Main: Decrease LDL
Tox: Hepatotox, Rhabdomyolysis
Niacin: MOA, Main effect, Tox, Notes
MOA: inhibits lipolysis in adipose, reduces VLDL secretion into tissues
Main Effect: Increase HDL
Tox: Flushing (decreased by aspirin), Hyperglycemia, Hyperuricemia
Bile Acid Resins: Names, MOA, Main Effect, Tox, Notes
Names: Cholestyramine, Colestipol, Colesevelam
MOA: prevent reabsorption of bile acids
Main: lower LDL
Tox: GI discomfort, gallstones
Ezetimibe: MOA, Main Effect, Tox
MOA: Prevents cholesterol reabsorption at small intestine brush border
Main: lower LDL
Tox: rare increase in LFT's
Fibrates: Name, MOA, Main Effect, Tox
Gemfibrozil, clofibrate, bezafibrate, fenofibrate
MOA: upregulate LPL to increase TG clearance
Main Effect: decrease Trigylcerides
Tox: myositis, hepatotox, cholersterol gallstones
Digoxin: MOA, Use, Tox, Antidote
MOA: Na+/K+ ATP ase inhibitor
Use: CHF, A fib
- Tox: cholinergic, increased PR, decreased QT, T wave inversion, arrhythmia, hyperkalemia
- worsened by renal failure
Antidote: lidocaine, anti-dig FAB fragments
Nesiritide: MOA, Use, Tox
MOA: recombinant B type natriuretic peptide, increase in vasodilation
Use: diagnose CHF, acute CHF
Tox: Hypotension
Antiarrhythmics: Class Ia: Name, MOA, Tox
"Double Quarter Pounder"...
Disopyramide, Quinidine, Procainamide
MOA: Na+ channel blocker
Tox: quinidine - headache and tinnitus. procainamide - lupus like reaction.
General: thrombocytopenia, torsades de pointes
Antiarrhythmics: Class Ib: Name MOA Tox
"Lettuce, Tomato, Pickles, Mayo..."
Lidocaine, Tocainide, Phenytoin, Mexiletine
MOA: Na+ channel blocker
Tox: CNS and CV depression
IB is BEST for MI
Antiarrhytmics: Class Ic: Name, MOA, Tox
"Fries, Please".
Flecainide, Propafenone
MOA: Na+ channel blocker
Tox: arrhythmias
IC is contraindicated in MI
Antiarrhythmics: Class II - MOA, Clin Use, Tox
MOA: Beta blockers! Propranolol, Esmolol, Atenolol, Timolol
Use: V tach, SVT (esmolol), A fib, A flutter
Tox: impotence, exacerbation of asthma
Treat OD with glucagon
Antiarrhytmics: Class III - MOA, Use, Tox
Ibutilide, Sotalol, Bretylium, Amiodarone, Dofetilide
MOA: K+ channel blockers
Use: antiarrhythmic
Tox: Amiodarone - pulmonary fibrosis, hyper/hypothyroidism, hepatotoxicity, photosensitivity
Which drug has all class effects?
Antiarrhytmics: Class IV - MOA, Use, Tox
Verapamil, diltiazem
MOA: Ca2+ channel blockers
Tox: constipation, flushing, edema, AV block
Adenosine: MOA, Use, Tox
MOA: increase K+ efflux
Use; SVT
Tox: flushing, hypotension
Mg is effective in treating what two things?
Torsades de points and digoxin toxicity