Vocab Words

  1. chide
    to express disapproval of
  2. coerce
    to compell by force of authority
  3. cognizant
    fully informed
  4. collusion
    a secret agreement, especially for frogment reasons
  5. compassion
    a feeling of deep sympathy
  6. condolence
    expression of sympathy
  7. congenital
    of or pretaining to a condition present at birth
  8. congruent
    agreeing or corresponding to
  9. contiguous
    touching in contact
  10. conundrum
    a riddle
  11. corpulent
    large or bulky of body
  12. covert
    concealment or secrecy
  13. credible
    capable in being believed
  14. culpable
    deserving blame
  15. daunt
    to lessen the courage of
  16. decrepit
    weakened by old age
  17. demeanor
    one's conduct or behavior
  18. demure
    characterized by shyness
  19. derision
    ridicual or mockery
  20. desist
    to cease doing an action
  21. didactic
    intended into two opposing groups
  22. digress
    to wonder away from main topic
  23. dilemma
    a situation, a choice between equal alternatives
  24. diligent
    characterized by constant effort
  25. disdain
    to treat with scorn
Card Set
Vocab Words