Refereed Article
Article that has been subjected to review by content experts and accepted for publication on the basis of reviewer evaluation
Tells about the purpose of the study and how the authors developed the research question. Involves review of literature that frames the theoretical foundation of the study, and answers questions (problem investigated? how has author used literature? theoretical context? references appropriate/comprehensive? specific purpose? hypotheses?)
Process done to protect subjects, testers, and investigators from causing a bias in the results
Effect Size
Tells about the strength of the observed relationships. The usefulness of a study's results lie in the size of the effect demonstrated
Critically Appraised Topic (CAT)
Used to understand quality of evidence by providing a brief summary of a search and critical appraisal of literature related to a focused clinical question
CAT Title
Concise statement that will be used to catalogue the CAT
CAT Author and Date
Author of CAT should be specified, as well as date the search was executed. Revision date should be proposed
CAT Clinical Scenario
Concise description of the patient case that prompted the question
CAT Clinical Question
The question that was developed from the patient case. Includes PICO model
CAT Clinical Bottom Line
Concise summary of how the results can be applied; a description of how results will affect clinical decisions or actions
CAT Search History
Description of the search strategy used to obtain studies being appraised
CAT Citations
Full bibliographic citations of studies selected for review
CAT Summary of the Study
Provides a description of the study based on a variety of questions including type of study, subjects, procedures, and design elements
CAT Summary of the Evidence
Results summarized in narrative/ tabular format, including effect size, means and mean differences, confidence intervals, odds ratios, likelihood ratios, etc.
CAT Additional Comments
Critical comments on the study including issues of sampling, methods, data analysis, quality of discussion, and results interpretation. Positive and negative aspects to be included