First step for unknown identification
obtain a pure culture
Second step for unknown identification
gram stain
Info you get from a gram stain (3)
Gram reaction, cell shape, cell arrangement
why must cells be in log phase for gram staining?
old cultures of gram positive bacteria may appear as gram negative because there is not enough nutrients left after log phase and they can't retain crystal violet
What 4 genus can fix nitrogen?
Rhizobium, azobacter, cyanobacter, clostridium
living together
the microbe benefits but the host is unaffected
both organisms benefit
microorganism benefits and the host suffers
nitrogen fixation
conversion of atmospheric nitrogen into usable compounds
Plants that nitrogen fix
leguminous (pea, bean, soybean, alfalfa, clover)
Bacteria that nitrogen fix
rhizombium and bradyrhizobium (G - rods)
Staphylocoocus feed on
saprophyte and parasite of the skin and mucus membrane
Staphylococcus gram
positive cocci in clusters (grapes)
Staphyloccocus morphology
medium sized, off white to yellow-orange colonies
staphylococcus oxygen requirement
facultative anaerobe
Staphylococcus NaCl
Do staph produce catalase
Pathogenic staph
staph aureus
Staph aureus
Wound infections, pnemonia, toxic shock syndrome, food poisoning
Non pathogenic staph
staph epidermidis and staph saprophyticus
Staph epidermidis
nosocomial infections
Staph saprophyticus
Urinary Tract Infections
Do pathagenic or non pathegenic staph produce coagulase?
clots blood plasma to get past the hosts defense
Streptococci food
saprophytes and parasites
Strep gram
Gram + cocci in chains or pairs
Strep oxygen requirement
facultative anaerobe
Strep fermentation
lactose fermenters
Strep morphology
small, white, drop-like, mucoid, unpigmented colonies
Does strep produce catalase?
does Strep have salt tolerance?
extracellular enzymes that lys RBC
Alpha hemolysins
partially lyse RBC and reduce hemoglobin to methemoglobin
Beta hemolysins
completley lyse RBC
Gamma hemolysins
no lysis
Does pathogenic or non-pathogenic staph produce hemolysins?
Group A Strep example
S. pyogenes
S. Pyogenes disease
Strep throat
Group A strep hemolysis
Group B strep example
S. agalactiae
S. Agalactiae diseases
impetigo, acute endocarditis, meningitis
Group B strep hemolysis
Group C strep diseases
less serious
Group C strep hemolysis
Group D strep
Group D strep hemolysis
Beta-- may also be alpha or gamma
Group D strep diseases
endocarditis, meningitis, UTI
Viridians hemolysis
viridians disease
Pneumococci hemolysis
pneumococci diseases
Staph tests
Mannitol Sugar Agar (MSA), Coagulase test, Novobiocin test
Strep Tests
Hemolytic, Bile solubility, antibiotic susceptability, CAMP, Bile- esculin hydrolysis, NaCl tolerance
Mannitol Salt Agar Test
selects for staph due to high salt concentration and indicates mannitol fermentation by color change to yello
Coagulase Test
detects enzyme coagulase which converts fibrinogin to fibrin forming a clot. if a clot is formed, coagulase is present and the staph is pathogenic
Novobiocin sensitivity test
determines between non-pathogenic staph; s. epidermidis is resistant to novobiocin and will continue to grow in its presence
Hemolytic Test
determines hemolysis of Strep
Bile Solubility Test
Bile Salts lyse only strep pneumoniae; if the unknown is lysed then it is pneumonia
Antibiotic Susceptibility Tests
determines resistance to antibiotics to determine between groups of strep
Group A strep are sensitive to___
Strep Pneumonia are sensitive to___
Group C strep are sensitive to___
Bile-esculin hyrdolysis Test
Group D strep hydrolyzes bile esculin into esculetin and glucose; esculetin is detected by adding ferric citrate
NaCl Test
Group D strep are salt resistant and will grow in NaCl broth making it turbid