Motor Vehicle Laws

  1. Driver License Issuance is handled by
    Ohio Bureau of Moter Vehicles
  2. How to Obtain License
    1)Provide Documentation of age, Identity, and Social Security number(Birth cirtificate, School ID, Social Security Card)
  3. Drive on right half of the roadway except:
    • -when passing another vehicle going in the same direction
    • -Driving in road with 3+ lanes
    • -One way designated roads
    • -police/traffic control device directs otherwise
    • -obstruction in road(drive left of center)
  4. Multiple Lane Roads:
    1) 4+ marked lanes
    2) traffic in municipalities(City town district)
    • 1) 4 + marked Lanes
    • 2) traffic in municipalities(City town district)
  5. Multiple Lane Roads: These Rules Apply When
    1) Turn signal given before lane changes
    2) Drive as close as possible within single lane of traffic

    Traffic Laws
    • 1) Turn signal given before lane changes
    • 2) Drive as close as possible within single lane of traffic

    Traffic Laws
  6. Multiple Lane Roads: These Rules Apply when
    1)Road ways divided in three lanes Vehicles cant drive center lane unless center lane is devoted to moving traffic
    1)Road ways divided in three lanes Vehicles cant drive center lane unless center lane is devoted to moving traffic
  7. Slow traffic
    Vehicles moving slower than traffic
    -use available right lane
    -stay close to right-hand curb
    - Stay close to edge of roadway
    • -use available right lane
    • -stay close to right-hand curb
    • - Stay close to edge of roadway
  8. Emergency Vehicles: Police Car, Fire Truck in ect
    1)Display of alarm/flashing lights- move right of road/curb
    2) Dont Block intersections
    3) Change lanes to pass emergency vehicle in lane not adjacent to where emergency vehicle stopped(ONLY WHEN IT STOPS AND NOT WHILE MOVING)
    • Police Car, Fire Truck in ect
    • 1)Display of alarm/flashing lights- move right of road/curb
    • 2) Dont Block intersections
    • 3) Change lanes to pass emergency vehicle in lane not adjacent to where emergency vehicle stopped(ONLY WHEN IT STOPS AND NOT WHILE MOVING)
  9. Divided Highway
    Dont drive over, across, or within dividing spaces, barriers, or sections of a highway except through an opening/crossover established by authority.
    Pg 35
    Dont drive over, across, or within dividing spaces, barriers, or sections of a highway except through an opening/crossover established by authority.
    As you prepare to turn, stay as far to the right as possible. Avoid macking wide, sweeping turns. Unless signs direct you otherwise, turn into the right lane of the road you enter.Image Upload 2
    As you prepare to turn, stay as far to the right as possible. Avoid macking wide, sweeping turnsImage Upload 4 Unless signs direct you otherwise, turn into the right lane of the road you enter.
  11. Turn Right after stopping at a red traffinc signal only when:
    -No signs forbid right turns on red
    -You've completely stoped and allowed crossing traffic/predestrians proceed.
    • Turn Right after stopping at a red traffic signal only when:
    • -No signs forbid right turns on red
    • -You've completely stoped and allowed crossing traffic/predestrians proceed.
  12. Image Upload 6
    Traffic Intersection
  13. Image Upload 8Left Turn:
    -Enter intersection in right half of road nearest center line.
    -Turn into lane on right half of street nearest center lane
    • Left Turn:
    • -Enter intersection in right half of road nearest center line.
    • -Turn into lane on right half of street nearest center lane
Card Set
Motor Vehicle Laws
Signs and laws for driving