Esthetics's Chap 1-5

  1. Skin care was practiced in early times:
    for self-preservation.
  2. The_________were the first to use cosmetics in an extravagant way.
  3. Why did ancient Hebrews use cosmetics?
    Bodily Health
  4. What were the Romans most famous for?
  5. The ancient Asians adhered to a high standard of:
    grooming and appearance.
  6. _____________was introduced in the twentienth century.
    Botox,Alpha hydroxy acid, Retin-A.
  7. What do estheticians focus on?
    preventive skin care,makeup,maintenace of healthy skin.
  8. Camouflage therapy involves minimizing or disguising the appearance of:
    scars and fresh incisions.
  9. Ancient people used coloring matter on which parts of thier body?
  10. Women of the Middle Ages wore colored makeup on their:
    cheeks and lips
  11. How did the Greeks view the human body?
    As a temple
  12. Women of status who lived during the Age of Extravagance colored their cheeks:
    bright pink or orange
  13. Which services do estheticians typically perform in a spa setting?
    facials,waxing,body tretaments,and makeup services.
  14. How do estheticians and medical estheticians differ?
    medical aestheticians provide esthetic services in a medical setting
  15. Teachers,supervisors,directors, or school owners must possess______in order to be successful.
    a good sense of commercial operations,a thorough knowledge of business,the ability to direct and get along wih people.
  16. You can relieve stress by:
  17. You can help create a stress free and productive environment by focusing on:
    team work
  18. Estheticians must practice within:
    their license
  19. What does personal hygiene entail?
    sanitary practices
  20. What is true beauty rooted in?
    good health
  21. Good posture includes
    holding your shoulders level and relaxed
  22. life skills can do what for your personal development?
    prepare you to live as a mature adult,prepare you to embark on your new career, help you get along better with people
  23. a strong work ethic includes
    supporting your manager and salon owner
  24. According to the guidelines for success, being kind to yourself means:
    putting a stop to self critical and negative thoughts
  25. The two types of goals are
    short term and long term
  26. To ensure you are staying on track with your goal, what should you do?
    reexamine your goal often
  27. what does time management enable you to do?
    live a healthy life
  28. time management teaches you to
    reward yourself for a job well done, prioritize your taks, learn problem solving techniques and use them
  29. the average facial treatment time including additional consultation and retail responsibilities generally totals
    1 hour 15 minutes
  30. Besides having excellant technical skills, what must you master to succeed in the skin care business?
    Art of communication
  31. An intake form is also called a:
    client questionnaire or consultation form
  32. Your client shoulds always sign a ____________ prior to more aggressive skin care treatments
    consent form
  33. When should a client consultation be done?
    prior to every service
  34. you should cover________ during a consultation
    all key points
  35. __________is not a skin type
  36. the salon manager is generally responsible for
    daily maintenance,quality of client services,daily operations
  37. when dealing with difficult people you should always
    respect boundaries,think before you speak or act, be assertive but respectful
  38. There is a huge difference between being right and:
    being righteous
  39. anytime you have an aggressive client who is not responding to your best efforts to communicate effectively you should
    seek the aid and advice of your manager
  40. customer service is cenral to
  41. you need to understand_______before you can understand others
  42. we like to interact with________when we feel secure
    other people
  43. you should take care of________first
  44. communication is
    successfully sharing information between two people
  45. what should you do when you have an unhappy client on your hands?
    offer to redo the service as soon as you possibly can,if the service cannot be redone explain to the client exactly why this is the case,ask for the assistance of your manager
  46. every action brings about a reaction means
    everything we do good or bad elicits a response from others
  47. the opposite of having a pleasant tone of voice is
    rapid,jumbled speech
  48. when dealing with a dissatisfied client you should
    try to move on to the solution
  49. an employee evaluation is a formal meeting where
    your progress,work habits, and skill levels are discussed,new goals are set or current ones are reviewed,compensation is discussed
  50. when giving a consultation what should you have at your fingertips?
    vendor pamphlets,intake form,before and after pictures.
  51. which of the following questons are not part of a 10-step consultation
    marital status,children
  52. in a salon/employee situation what is the best way to handle tardy clients
    follow your salons late policy still take the client if you have room
  53. what is an important step when determining why a client is unhappy
    ask for specifics about the situation
  54. when you interact with fellow staffers you should:
    be honest and sensitive,remain objective,remain neutral
  55. gossiping with coworkers is permitted when
    it is never alright to gossip with coworkers
  56. what does msds stand for?
    material safety data sheet
  57. _____________protect(s) clients health,safety,and welfare
    state regulatory agencies
  58. what will hospital grade and tuberculocidal disinfectants kill
  59. the study of microbes is called
  60. what are pus forming bacteria that grow in clusters similiar to grapes called?
  61. tetanus,typhoid fever,tuberculosis, and diphtheria are caused by
  62. _________bacteria include reponema papillida
  63. _____________can cause food poisoning and toxic shock syndrome
  64. communicable or_____________diseases can be spread from one person to another.
  65. the presence of pus indicates:
  66. an_____sterilizes equipment by using steam under pressure
  67. isopropyl alcohol must be no less than__% strength to disinfect tools
  68. sodium hypochlorite
    household bleach
  69. how do you mix disinfectant and water
    pour the disinfectant into the water
  70. what is the proper way to dispose of lancets and other sharp implements
    put them in a sharps box
  71. after performing a service or cleaning up contaminated implements and surfaces what should you do with your latex gloves?
    turn them inside out as you take them off and put them in a biohazard trash receptacle
  72. what should you do when a client has an infection?
    decline the service
  73. which organisms can be spread through contact with a bloodborne pathogen?
    hepatitis b, hepatitis c, hiv-1
  74. how do anthrax and tetanus bacilli withstand long periods of famine,dryness, and unsuitable temperatures?
    form a waxy outer shell
  75. motile bacteria:
    independently move about
  76. the HIV virus can be passed from one person to the next during a salon service by:
    enering the bloodstream through cuts and sores when using a contaminated tool
  77. natural immunity is:
    a naturally inherited resistance to a disease
  78. acquired immunity is the result of
    having had the disease or recieving an inoculation against the disease
  79. what can pathogenic bacteria cause?
  80. formalin is an
    unsafe material that was once routinely used by salons to fumigate implements in a dry cabinet sanitizer
  81. what do you risk when you mix chemicals in higher concentrations than recommended by the manufacturer?
    solution may be less effective
  82. OSHA guidelines address issues relating to handling,mixing,storing, and disposing of product: general safety: and your right to know the__________ in the products you use in the workplace
    hazardous ingredients
  83. what do non pathogenic bacteria do?
    break down food protect against infection and stimulate the immune system
  84. the two categories of bacteria are
    pathogenic and nonpathogenic
  85. which answer best describes disinfection?
    using a chemical that kills most microorganisms on hard non porous surfaces
  86. what are dirt,oils,and microbes?
  87. what should you wear when disinfecting implements?
    goggles and gloves
  88. cocci are transmitted
    in the air,in dust, or within the substance in which they settle
  89. universal precautions are standard infection-control practices that entail
    assuming all tissue (even dead skin) is hazardous
  90. a general infection is
    the result of a pathogen that is carried by the bloodstream to different parts of the body
  91. an aseptic procedure involves properly handling disinfected equipment
    to prevent contamination before they are used on a client
  92. breaks in the skin,mouth,nose,eyes, or ears and unprotected sex are what?
    ways for pathogens to enter the body
  93. a fourth degree burn involves injury to
    muscles,ligaments,tendons,nerves,blood vessels, and bones
  94. the basic unit of all living things is a
  95. what is the colorless jelly like substance in cells where food elements and water are present
  96. anabolism is what type of metabolism
  97. ______________involves complex compounds being broken down into smaller ones
  98. what are bone,cartilage,ligament,tenden,fascia,and fat or adipose tissue?
    connective tissue
  99. the special cells in nerve tissue are called
  100. there are__major systems in the human body
  101. the_____is the foundation of the body
    skeletal system
  102. white and red blood cells are produced by the ______system
  103. there are_____bones in the human body
  104. the human skull is made up of_____bones
  105. the____is not a face bone
  106. what do the clavicle and scapula form
  107. over______muscles are found in the human body
  108. muscle tissue is not stimulated by
    dry ice
  109. the____draws the corner of the mouth out and back as in grinning
  110. the biceps,deltoid,and triceps enable movement in the
    arm and shoulder
  111. which system is responsible for coordinating activities both inside and outside of the body
  112. ________supply every square inch of the human body
  113. how many cranial nerves arise from the base of the brain and the brain stem?
  114. the fifth cranial nerve is also known as the
  115. the buccal nerve affects the
    muscles of the mouth
  116. what does the infratrochlear nerve affect?
    membrane of the nose
  117. the______is the bodys pump
  118. there are__chambers and__valves in the human heart
  119. the largest artery in the body is the
  120. there are_______pints of blood in the human body
  121. the____helps to equalize the bodys temperature and works with the immune system to protect the body from harmful microorganisms
  122. which system contains glands that affect the growth,development,sexual ctivities and health of the entire body?
  123. what are the two main glands that make up the endocrine system?
    pineal and pituitary
  124. another name for the digestive system is
  125. the primary protection for the respiratory system is the
  126. which of the following is part of the brain
  127. what do your lungs absorb into the blood when you inhale?
  128. what gas is expelled when exhaling?
    carbon dioxide
  129. tissues are made up of
    similar cells that perform a particular function
  130. the largest most complex nerve tissue in the human body is found in the
  131. what are neurons?
    primary structural units of the nervous system
  132. what carries water oxygen food and secretions to all the cells of the body?
  133. nerve tissue is responsible for
    carrying messages to and from the brain,helping control bodily functions,helping coordinate bodily functions
  134. the dense active protoplasm found in the center of the cell is called
  135. the orbicularis oculi and corrugator are muscles of the
  136. the epicranius muscle includes the occipitalis and the
  137. blood aids in protecting the body from harmful bacteria and infections through the action of
    white blood cells
  138. the skins accesory organs include
    oil glands,sensory receptors,sweat glands
  139. ______________is the dense active protoplasm found in the center of the cell
    the nucleus
  140. dendrites are nerve fibers that recieve impulses from other
  141. sensory or afferent nerves carry impulses from the sense organs to the brain where sensations of_______are recognized
    taste,smell and pain touch and cold heat and sight
  142. the______system is also called the circulatory system
  143. what percentage of blood is water?
  144. the______are the principal veins of the head face and neck
    internal and external jugular veins
  145. The ulnar and______arteries are primary blood supplies for the arms and hands
  146. Blood to the______is supplied by the supraorbital artery
    upper eyelid and forehead
  147. the infraorbital artery is responsible for supplying blood to the_____
    eye muscles
  148. ________involves breaking down food by mechanical and chemical means
  149. what is body elimination called?
  150. how does the excretory ystem purify the body/.
    excreting perspiration,excreting urine,discharging bile
  151. how do fluctuating hormones adversely affect the skin?
    acne,unwanted facial hair color and growth,darker areas of pigmentation
  152. define anatomy
    study of the structures of the body that can be seen with the naked eye
  153. what is physiology?
    study of the functions and activities performed by the body structures
  154. define histology
    microscopic anatomy
  155. favorable conditions that encourage new cell reproduction and growth include
    adequate supply of food,adequate supply of water,adequate supply of oxygen
  156. metabolism is essential to all living organisms because it
    nourishes cells
  157. identify the primary role of connective tissue
    supports,protects, and binds together other tissues of the body
  158. an organ is
    a group of tissues that perform a specific function
  159. bones of the cranium include
    sphenoid and ethnoid, parietal and occipital,frontal and temporal
  160. the thorax or chest is made up of
    sternum(breastbone) and spine, ribs,connective cartilage
  161. the bones of the arm and hand do not include
  162. the muscular system
    covers skeleton tissue
  163. muscle tissue includes
    striated,nonstriated and cardiac
  164. supinators are muscles that
    rotate the radius outward
  165. functions of the cerebrum include
    sends messages such as thought,hearing,sight
  166. efferent nerves
    carry impulses from the brain to the muscles to produce movement
  167. identify the chief sensory nerve of the face
    fifth cranial nerve
  168. branches of the fifth cranial nerve include
    ophthalmic nerve,maxillary nerve,mandibular nerve
  169. the mandibular nerve affects the
    muscles of the chin and lower lip
  170. the greater auricular nerve affects the
    face,ears,neck, and parotid gland
  171. the principle nerves supplying the superficial parts of the arm and hand include
    digital and raidal, ulnar,median
  172. the blood vascular system includes the
    heart and arteries, capillaries,veins
  173. the thyroid gland
    controls how quickly the body burns energy,makes protien, and how sensitive the body should be to other hormones
  174. identify the purpose of the pancreas
    secretes enzyme-producing cells that are responsible for digesting carbohydrates,protiens,and fats
  175. the________ play a key role in the excretory system
    kidneys and liver,skin,large intestine and lungs
  176. the respiratory system is composed of the
    lungs and diaphragm
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Esthetics's Chap 1-5
Milady's Standard Esthetics Fundamentals Exam Book