TRI3FIN:Health-Circulatory System

  1. The circulatory system is also known as the ____________ system.
  2. The circulatory system provides a pathway for _____ to carry materials throughout the body.
  3. Blood brings ________, ________ and other necessary materials to the body cells and carries _______ ________ away.
    Blood brings oxygen, nutrients and other necessary materials to the body cells and carries waste products away.
  4. Blood also helps regulate _______ and _______.
    body temperature and water balance
  5. Heart
    Central organ that pumps blood throughout the body
  6. The two chnmbers of each side of the heart are the ______ and the _____.
    atrium and the ventricle
  7. Atrium
    recieves blood entering the heart
  8. Ventricle
    pumps blood from the heart to the rest of the body
  9. The _______________ between the atria and the ventricles are responsible for the sound of your heartbeat.
    closing of valves
  10. The right side of the heart pumps blood to ______________. This pathway is called __________ circulation.
    The right side of the heart pumps blood to the lungs. This pathway is called pulmonary circulation.
  11. The left side of the heart pumps blood to ______________. This pathway is called __________ circulation. This pathway also pumps blood ________________.
    The left side of the heart pumps blood to the rest of the body. This pathway is called systematic circulation. This pathway also pumps blood back to the heart.
  12. Pathway of Blood from all parts of body towards heart:
    • A. Right Atrium
    • B. Right Ventricle
    • C. Lungs
    • D. Left Ventricle (left side of heart)
    • E. Farthest points of body
    • F. Right side of heart
  13. When blood reaches the right ventricle it is low in _________ and high in ________________.
    • low in oxygen
    • high in carbon dioxide
  14. Carbon dioxide is a _______________ produced by the body's cells.
    waste product
  15. The average resting heartbeat of an adult is between __ and __ beats per minute.
    70 and 80 beats per minute
  16. Target Heart Rate?
  17. The heartbeat picks up when a person exercises due to the body's need for more _______ and ________.
    oxygen and nutrients
  18. The Pacemaker
    Cells in the wall of the atrium that help regulate the rate at which our hear beats
  19. Arteries
    the vessels that carry blood away from the heart
  20. Blood travels from the right ventricle to the lungs through the ______________________.
    pulmonary arteries
  21. aorta
    the largest artery in the body
  22. coronary arteries
    carry blood to the heart muscle
  23. capillaries
    smallest blood vessels in the body
  24. veins
    the vessels that carry blood to the heart
  25. the force with
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TRI3FIN:Health-Circulatory System