complex societies
Nations; large and populous, with social stratification and central governments. 37
cultural consultant
Someone the ethnographer gets to know in the field, who teaches him or her about their society and culture, aka informant . 30
The research strategy that focuses on native explanations and criteria of significance. 30
The research strategy that emphasizes the observer's rather than the natives' explanations, categories, and criteria of significance. 30
genealogical method
Procedures by which ethnographers discover and record connections of kinship, descent, and marriage, using diagrams and symbols. 29
informed consent
An agreement sought by ethnographers from community members to take part in research. 24
interview schedule
Ethnographic tool for structuring a formal interview. A prepared form (usually printed or mimeographed) that guides interviews with households or individuals being compared systematically. Contrasts with a questionnaire because the researcher has personal contact and records people's answers. 28
key cultural consultant
An expert on a particular aspect of local life who helps the ethnographer understand that aspect. 29
life history
Of a cultural consultant; provides a personal cultural portrait of existence or change in a culture. 30
longitudinal research
Long-term study of a community, society, culture, or other unit, usually based on repeated visits. 34
participant observation
A characteristic ethnographic technique; taking part in the events one is observing, describing, and analyzing. 25
random sample
A sample in which all members of the population have an equal statistical chance of being included. 37
A smaller study group chosen to represent a larger population. 37
survey research
Characteristic research procedure among social scientists other than anthropologists. Studies society through sampling, statistical analysis, and impersonal data collection. 36
Attributes (e.g., sex, age, height, weight) that differ from one person or case to the next. 37