Cluster A (Odd & Eccentric)
- Schizotypal
- Paranoid
- Schizoid
Cluster B (dramatic, emotional, erratic)
- Borderline
- antisocial
- histrionic
- narcissistic
Cluster C (Anxious fearful)
cluster A- Schizoid
- profound defect in the ability to form personal relationships
- more men then in women
- failure to respond to others in a meaningful emotional way, cold, prefers to be alone
cluster A- paranoid disorder
- distrust and suspiciousness of others
- more in men
cluster A- schizotypal
- graver form of schizoid
- isolated, aloof, delusions, superstitousness, withdrawal into self
cluster A: interventions
be aware of client suspiciousness, avoid being to nice, use neutral approach
cluster B- antisocial
- socially irresponsible, exploitative, guiltless
- men
- when clients are seen it to get out of legal consequences
cluster B- borderline disorder
- highly impulsive
- most common personality disorder
- self-destructive behavior, inability to be alone
cluster B- histrionic
excitable, emotional, attention-seeking, seductive, manipulative, highly distractible
cluster B- narcissistic
- exaggerated sense of self-worth, lack empathy
- men
cluster C- avoidant
- social withdrawal, extreme sensitivity to rejection
- akward and uncomfortable in social situations, are often lonely and feel unwanted
cluster C- dependent
- excessive need to be taken care of that leads to submissive and clinging behavior and fears of separation
- women
- youngest and oldest child
cluster C- OCD
- inflexibility, devotion to productivity at the exclusion of personal pleasure
- polite and formal
- rigid and unbending