1. Immediately following entry into SAMG-0l, plant conditions are:

    Reactor water level is -60 inches. steady
    Reactor pressure is 25 psig
    Control rods are fully inserted
    SLC is injecting demin water with both pumps per LEP-Ol
    SLC tank level is 56%

    What action is required by SAMG-Ol?

    A. Realign SLC to the tank and inject boron.
    B. Terminate SLC injection from all sources.
    C. Realign SLC to inject fire water per LEP-Ol.
    D. Continue demin water injection using SLC per LEP-Ol.
    A. Realign SLC to the tank and inject boron.

    Boron injection is directed by the reactor power control section of SAMG-Ol even it all control rods are fully Inserted. The flooding strategy used (PCF-F3) would have the operator continue demin injection otherwise, or transfer to fire protection if demin is not available. Boron injection takes priority due to the SAMG re-criticality phenomenology (control rods melt at lower temperature than fuel).
  2. During primary containment flooding, core debris has breached the reactor vessel.

    Current plant conditions are:

    Primary containment level is 68.5 feet
    Core Spray pump A is injecting with a torus suction
    Core Spray pump B is injecting with a CST suction (external)

    What action is required by SAMG-01?

    A. Stop both Core Spray pumps.
    B. Maintain current Core Spray status.
    C. Stop Core Spray pump A, maintain Core Spray pump B running.
    D. Stop Core Spray pump B, maintain Core Spray pump A running.
    D. Stop Core Spray pump B, maintain Core Spray pump A running.

    Since core debris has breached the RPV, PCF-l is entered. When containment level reaches 63 feet, transition to PCF-F7. Per primary containment level/pressure. Override, at 68.5 feet, terminate any external source injection. Per vessel/containment injection priorities, operate core spray with a CST suction if possible.
  3. Upon entry into SAMG-01, plant conditions are:

    Reactor water level is unknown
    Reactor pressure is 25 psig
    Suppression pool level is ·12 inches
    Suppression chamber pressure is 14.5 psig
    Fire protection is injecting per LEP-01 at 1500 gpm
    Reactor shutdown was five hours ago

    What flooding strategy should be implemented?

    A. PCF-F6.
    B. PCF-F5.
    C. PCF·F4.
    D. PCF-F3.
    • C. PCF·F4.

    Level is unknown so PCF-F3 cannot be chosen. Injection rate is above MORIR so PCF-F4 is appropriate. Conditions are in safe region of PSPL, bus since PCF-F4 is implemented, this decision is not necessary.
  4. During accident conditions beyond design bases on Unit One (1), entry into SAMG is required. Initial conditions upon entry into SAMG-01:

    RPV water level unknown
    RPV prssure 50 psig
    Suppr pool level -24 inches
    Suppr chamber pressure 24 psig
    SLC (1 pump available) injecting boron
    CRD (1 pump available) injecting 180 gpm
    Reacter shutdown 1 hour, 40 minutes

    It has been determined that Core Debris has not breached the RPV.

    Which Section of SAMG-01 should be executed?

    A. PCF-F3
    B. PCF-F4
    C. PCF-F5
    D. PCF-F6
    D. PCF-F6
  5. During Primary Containment flooding per SAMG-01, plant conditions are:

    Reactor water level -110”
    Primary containment level +25”

    In accordance with SAMG-04 Reactor Vessel venting is:

    A. Required when PCPL A is exceeded
    B. Required when containment level exceeds +33’
    C. Required when containment level exceeds +55’
    D. Permitted only when containment level reaches +63’
    C. Required when containment level exceeds +55’
  6. During Primary Containment Flooding, core debris has breached the reactor vessel.
    Current plant conditions are:

    Primary Containment level +68.5 ft
    Core Spray pump A injecting with torus suction
    Core Spray pump B injecting with CST suction

    What action is required by SAMG-01?

    A. Stop both Core Spray pumps
    Maintain current Core Spray system status
    B. Stop Core Spray pump A, maintain Core Spray pump B running
    C. Maintain Core Spray pump A running,
    D. Stop Core Spray pump B
    B. Stop Core Spray pump A, maintain Core Spray pump B running

    PCF-F7 step 1 requires terminating external source injection, step 2 highest priority is to operate core spray with a torus suction.
  7. While executing SAMG-01, reactor level has been restored and maintained above TAF. Only one RHR loop is available for injection, spray, or Torus cooling. The available RHR loop is being used to maintain reactor level above TAF. SAMG-02 has reached a limit which requires drywell spray to be initiated. The available RHR loop should be aligned to:

    A. Spray the drywell irrespective of vessel level.
    B. Spray the drywell only if level can be maintained above TAF.
    C. External sources for drywell spray to facilitate primary containment flooding.
    D. External sources for vessel injection to facilitate primary containment flooding.
    B. Spray the drywell only if level can be maintained above TAF.
  8. During primary containment flooding per SAMG-01, plant conditions are:

    Reactor water level -110” stable
    Primary containment level +25’ slow rise

    In accordance with SAMG-04 Reactor Vessel venting is:

    A. Required when PCPL-A is exceeded
    B. Required when containment level exceeds +33’
    C. Required when containment level exceeds +55’
    D. Permitted only when containment level reaches +63’
    C. Required when containment level exceeds +55’

    +55’ corresponds to -110”
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