
  1. Sandra Day O�Connor
    -1st woman on Sup Ct.
  2. Ross Perot
    -Ran/lost for Prez �92 on third party ticket. Billionaire. Anti-Washington. 20% of pop vote
  3. Leonid Brezhnev
    -USSR Premier during d�tente/perestroika
  4. Mikhail Gorbachev
    -USSR Premier who ends Cold War.
  5. New Federalism-Revenue sharing
    -Nixon-shift federal monies to state control with few strings
  6. OPEC
    -Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries-controls oil prices
  7. Sunbelt-
    south and west
  8. Rustbelt
    -industrial northeast
  9. Stagflation
    -Inflation/ high unemployment 70s
  10. Swann v. Charlotte Mecklenburg
    1971-court ordered bussing of students if necessary to achieve integrated schools
  11. Texas v. Johnson-
    1989 Flag burning as political protest is protected under 1st Amend.
  12. Helsinki Accords-
    1974.Ford. 35 nations incl. USSR sign agreement of cooperation
  13. Immigration Policy Act-
    1986. Punish employers of illegal immigrants, Amnesty for those in US by 1982
  14. Swann v. Charlotte Mecklenburg
    1971-court ordered bussing of students if necessary to achieve integrated schools
  15. Texas v. Johnson
    - 1989 Flag burning as political protest is protected under 1st Amend.
  16. NAFTA-
    1993. North American Free Trade Agreement. Lowers tariffs. Hurt US manufacturing
  17. Iran Hostage Crisis
    • - 1979-1981.
    • US Embassy workers held hostage for over a year because US gives refuge to deposed Shah of Iran.
    • Rescue fails
    • Released when Reagan inaugurated.
    • Carter�s low point
  18. Iran-Contra Affair (1986)
    • Arms sold to Iran (against law)
    • Payment goes to Nicaraguan Contras fighting communism
    • Scandal, Reagan embarrassed, �Teflon� (didn�t affect his popularity
  19. Movement to Sunbelt
    - Movement of jobs, people, political influence to south and western US
  20. Reaganomics (Supply Side)
    -Cut taxes (on businesses/wealthy) to increase jobs, savings, investment, money will �Trickle Down� to everyone through more jobs and a stronger economy
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