Pharm Ch2

  1. What is Drug action?
    The physicochemical interaction between the drug molecule and molecures in the body that alters a physiolocial process in the body by one of three methods
  2. What are the three methods for Drug action
    • Replacement
    • Interruption
    • Potentiation
  3. Replacement
    Exogenous drug replacement and endogenous substance
  4. Interuption
    Drug Process that interfers with a physiological process
  5. Potentiation
    Drug enchnaces a physiological process
  6. Three Phases of drug activity
    • Pharmacutical phase
    • Pharmacokinetic Phase
    • Pharmacodynamic Phase
  7. Pharmaceutical phase
    • Occurs after drug is given
    • involving disintegration-dissolution of dosage form
  8. Pharmacokinetic Phase
    Absorbtion, metabolism, distribution and elmination of a drug
  9. Pharmacodynamic Phase
    Effect of drug on body
  10. What % of drugs are administered Orally
  11. Where are the oral drugs absorbed into blood stream
    small intestine
  12. Rate Limiting Time
    • Lipid soluble > water soluble > suspension solution >
    • Powder > capsules > tablets > coated tablets > enteric-coated tablets
  13. Pharmacokinetics
    • ADME
    • Absorption
    • Distribution
    • Metablolism
    • Elimination
  14. Pharmacokinetics 3 ways the drug can enter the cells
    • Passive diffusion
    • Active (carrier-mediated) diffusion
    • Pinovytosis
  15. Passive diffustion
    • No energy required
    • Most drugs
  16. Active Diffustion
    • Carrier molecule and energy required
    • Drugs: Glucose, amino acids, 5-fluorouralcil
  17. Pinocytosis
    • Process of engulfing drug and pulling it across the membrabce which fuses with lysosymes in cell that hydrolze or break down contecnt of vessicle
    • Drugs Vitamins A D E and K
  18. Factors affecting Absorption
    • PH
    • Soluibility
    • Routes of adminstration
    • Circulation
  19. What is Drug action
    • Physiological interaction between the drug molecule and molecules in the body that alters a physiological process of the body in one of three ways:
    • Replacement
    • Interruption
    • Potentation
  20. Replacement
    :the drug replaces an existing physiological process such as estrogen replacement
  21. Interruption
    The drug interferes with a physiological process. This occurs when an antihypertensive (high blood pressure) drug interferes with the process that constricts blood vessels and may cause blood pressure to rise.
  22. Potentiation
    The drug stimulates a physiological process as in the case of furosemide (Lasix) which is a diuretic and stimulates the kidneys to excrete urine
  23. Explain how drug action works in the body
    • Drug action begins when the drug enters the body and
    • is absorbed into the blood stream where the drug is transported to receptor sites throughout the body. Once the drug hooks onto a receptor site, the drugs pharmacological response initiates.
  24. Endogenous
    Endogenous means produced or grown from within an organism i.e. Epinephrine
  25. Exogenous
    Exogenous means originating from outside an organism i.e albuterol
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Pharm Ch2
Chapter 2 lecture