What is the Magic Bullet Theory?
The assertion that media messages directly and measurably affect people's behavior.
What is Media Content Analysis?
An attempt to analyze how what the media presents influences behavior.
What is Media Effects Research?
An attempt to analyze how people use the information they receive from the media.
What is the Spiral of Silence?
The belief that people with divergent views may be relucatant to challenge the consensus of opinion offered by the media.
What is the Two-Step Flow?
The transmmission of information and ideas from mass media to opion leaders and then to friends.
What is Marshall McLuhan remembered for?
For concluding that the widespread use of television as a landmark in history of the world, retribalizing society and creating a global village of people who use media to communicate.
What was the first U.S. election where the Internet played a role in national politics?
John F. Kennedy vs. Robert Nixon
What is censorship?
The practice of suppressing material that is considered morally, politically or otherwise objectionable.
What is cross-ownership?
The practice of one company owning TV and radio stations in the smae broadcast market.
What is false light?
The charge that what was implied in a story about someone was incorrect.
What are intellectual property rights?
The legal right of ownership of ideas and content published in any medium.
What is invasion of privacy?
What is libel?
A false statement that damages a person's character or reputation by exposing that person to public ridicule or contempt.
What is proir restraint?
Government censorship of information before the information is published or broadcasted.
What is qualified privilege?
The freedom of the press to report what is being discussed during legislative and court proceedings.
What are shield laws?
Laws that protect journalist from revealing their sources or info that is communicated between journalist and their sources.
What is a V-chip?
A microchip device required to be included with all new television sets which allows parents to program the TV set to eliminate shows parents find objectionable.
What is the basis for freedom of the press in the United States?
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion (or prohibiting the exercise of religion), aridging the freedom of speech, or of the press. Or the right of the ppl to peacefully assemble and to petition the gov't for a redress of grievances.
What is checkbook journalism?
The practice of a news organization paying for an interview or photograph.
What is conflict of interest?
What is disinformation?
The intentional planting of false information by government sources.
What are ethics?
The rules or standards that govern someones conduct.
What are the 5 philosophical principles that govern media ethics?
- 1. Aristotle's golden mean
- 2. Kant's categorical imperative
- 3. Mill's principle of utility
- 4. Rawl's veil of ignorance
- 5. The Judeo-Christian view of persons as ends in themselves
What are the 4 different types of ethical issues that the media must face?
Truthfullness, Fairness, Privacy, & Responsibility.
What are the 5 political theories that help describe how world media operate?
The Soviet theory, the Authoritarian theory, the Libertarian theory, the Social Responsibility theory, & the Developmental theory.