Chpt. 23

  1. Name of the air-filled pockets within the lungs where all gas exchange takes place.
  2. What lines the conducting portion of the respiratory system?
    • Respiratory mucosa
    • (consists of epithelial layer and lamina propria)
  3. What is the sound production at the larynx called?
  4. The groove along the medial surface of the lunch that each bronchus travels to is called a ________.

    Also where pulmonary nerves, BV's and lymphatics enter the lunch
  5. _______ is the condition where there is an inflammation of bronchial walls that causes constriction and breathing difficulty.
  6. What is Bronchodilation and what causes it?
    ~dilation of the bronchial airways (reduces resistance)

    ~caused by sympathetic ANS activation
  7. What is Bronchoconstriction and what is it caused by?
    ~constricts bronchi

    ~caused by parasymp. ANS and histamine release (allergy rxns)
  8. ______ is excessive stimulation and bronchoconstriction that severely restricts airflow.
  9. ______ contains the supportive tissues and lymphatic vessels of the lungs
  10. ______ is an oily secretion that contains phospolipids and proteins and reduces surface tension.
  11. _______ is the thin membrane of alveoli where gas exchange takes place
    Respiratory membrane
  12. The Respiratory membrane contains:

    D) all of these
  13. ______ is an inflammation of the lobules of the lungs that causes fluid to leak into alveolo and compromises function of the respiratory membrane.
  14. The respiratory exchange receives blood from:

    D) arteries of pulmonary circuit
  15. ______ respiration includes all processes incolced in exchanging 02 and CO2 with the environment.
  16. _______ respiration involves the uptake of O2 and production of CO2 w/in individual cells
  17. Which is NOT one of the processes of external respiration?

    C) production of CO2
  18. ______ is the physical movement of air in and out of respiratory tract that provides alveolar ventilation
    pulmonary ventilation
  19. _______ allows air into the pleural cavity

    A) pneumothorax
  20. _____ is the result of a pneumothorax; called a "collapsed lung"

    A) atelectasis
  21. Inhalation is

    A) active
  22. Exhalation is:

    B) either active or passive
  23. Which is NOT a mechanism of breathing?

    D) pectoral muscles
  24. When inhalation muscles relax, the elastic components of muscles and lungs recoils, returning the lungs to their original position in a process called ________

    D) elastic rebound
  25. States that each gas contributes to the total pressure in proportion to its # of molecules

    B) Dalton's law
  26. ______ is the pressure contributed by each gas in the atmosphere.

    A) partial pressure
  27. States that when a gas under pressure comes in contact with a liquid, gas dissolves in liquid until an equilibruim and that the amount of gas in a solution is proportional to partial pressure of that gas.

    B) Henry's law
  28. Factor(s) that effect hemoglobin is/are

    D) all of these
  29. According to the oxygen-hemoglobin saturation curve, higher PO2 results in a _____ Hb saturation.

    B) greater
  30. The Bohr Effect is caused by

    D) CO2
  31. Fetal Hb binds ____ O2 than adult Hb

    C) more
  32. Co2 can be carries in the blood stream by being:

    D) all of these
  33. The Dorsal Respiratory Group (DRG) functions in

    D) both
  34. The Ventral Respiratory Group (DRG) functions in

    D) forced breathing
  35. Hypercapnia is an _______ in arterial PCO2 that stimulates chemoreceptors to restore homeostatis
    a) increase
    b) decrease
    a) increase
  36. Hering-Breuer Reflexes

    A) all of these
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Chpt. 23