
  1. Abolition of pain perception by interru[ting nerve impulses going to the brain. Loss of sensation (partial or complete) and sometimes loss of consciousness occurs
  2. Method used to repair a tear r hole in the dura mater around the spinal cord as a result of spinal anesthesia; the goal is to prevent or treat postdural puncture headaches
    Autologous epidural blood patch
  3. Single injection, subarachnod anesthesia useful for pain control during birth but not for labor; it is often used or cesarean birth.
    Spinal Anasthesia (block)
  4. Systemic analgesic such as nalbuphine and butorphanol that releives pain without causing maternal or neonatal resp depression and is less likely to cause nausea and vomiting.
    Opiod agonist-antagonist analgesic
  5. Provides rapid perineal anesthesia for performing and repairing an episiotomy or laceration.
    Local Infiltration anasthesia
  6. Anasthesia method used to releive pain from uterine contractions and cervical dilation; today it is rarely used in labor b/c of its association with fetal bradycardia
    Paracervical (uterosacral) lock
  7. Medication such as phenothiazines and benzodiazepines that can be used to releice anxiety, to induce sleep, augment the effectiveness of analgesics, and to reduce nausea and vomiting
  8. Technique that cna be used to block pain transmission w/o compromising motor ability b/c an opiod is injected intrathecally and a low dose local anesthetic with or w/o an opiod is injected into the peridural space; women are able to walk if they choose to do so.
    Combined spinal-epidural analgesic
  9. Drug that proomptly reverses the effects of opiods including maternal and neonatal CNS depression, espeicially repiratory depression
    Opiod antagonist
  10. Use of a medication such as an opiod anagesic that is administered IM or IV for pain releif during labor
    Systemic analgesic
  11. Alleviation of pain sensation or raising of the pain threshold w/o loss of consciousness
  12. Relief from pain of uterine contractions and birth by injecting a local anesthetic agent, an opiod, or both into the peridural space.
    Epidural analgesia/anesthesia (block)
  13. Anaesthetic that relieves pain in the lower vagina, vulva, and perineum, making it useful if an episiotimy is to be performed or forceps - or vacuum- assistance is required to facilitate birth.
    Pudendal nerve block
  14. Systemic analgesic such as meperidine or fentayl that relieves pain, creates a feeling of well-being, but can also result in respiratory depression, nausea, and vomiting.
    Opiod agonist analgesic
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Study Guide for Anesthesia