
  1. Native people had a difficult time with non native people in the last_____years
  2. They signed agreements called a treaty, which was done to accomplish 2 goals.
    • 1. Maintain economic base
    • 2. The right to control their own affairs
  3. What is a decription of first nation people
    • A native group in which the members share a common culture and history
    • They wish to be treated as a distinct group on this basis
  4. For legal purposes, the federal goverment divides natives into three groups, what are they?
    • Indians
    • Inuit
    • Metus
  5. What is a description of Indians?
    Status Indians(covered by the treaties) and non status Indians
  6. What is a decription for inuit
    there is none
  7. Metus
    People of mixed aboriginal and european decent
  8. When were the metus people dicovered
    new sun title
  10. How far do treaties date back till?
  11. At one time the natives provided more to new comers, who were they and after more started to come, what happened?
    They were Europeans, after a lot more began to come, The british goverment decided that they wanted to start taking more control
  12. What did the british goverment do?
    They offered money, an area of land called a reserve and goods in exchange for land
  13. When did the British Royal Proclaimation happen?
  14. What was established?
    That two important values were to be applied when treaties were nagotiated
  15. What were the important values?
    • 1. Land ownership rights of the first nation must be respected.
    • 2. If a first nation did choose to give up land, they should recieve a fair amount of money
    • **often not the case
  16. In what year did things started to be traded, and what were they and what were they being traded for?
    1780-1886, they were small parcels of land were being traded for one time payment, clothing or blankets.
  17. when did bigger trades start happening and what were they?
    In 1850,, larger areas of land were being traded for reserves, money, promises of yearly payments, hunting and fishing rights over vacant goverment owned land
  18. What soon happened
    The goverment wanted more land to expand the railroad west
  19. THE Indian ACT of:
  20. What kept happening in 1876
    Goverment signed treaties with more native groups requirring them to give up land claims and move to more reserves.
  21. What did the goverment decide
    They decided who the Indians were and that only status indians had the right to reserved land.
  22. When was the year that the last unsurredure land was given over, where was it and what was the result?
    It was in 1923, and it was in Southern Ontario, as a resuld the treaty making process came to an end.
  23. What did the natives feel
    there were differences in what natives though they were signing for than what the natives actually got.
  24. What is a status Indian?
    A first nation who is registered with the department of Indian and Northern affairs by being band members on a reserve
  25. What is the band?
    The decision making organization according to the indian act
  26. how was the band different from the first nations
    they were different from the first nations own decisions making unit
  27. What happened if you left the reserve?
  28. What were the Metus and non status indians not included in
    the treaty making process
  29. Goverments made decisions on behalf on native, what does this mean
    How reserve lands were to be used.
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