GRE Root Word List

  1. A:

    Amoral, atheist, atypical
  2. Ab/Abs:
    Off, away from, apart, down

    Abduct, abhor, abolish
  3. Ac/Acr:
    Sharp, bitter

    Acid, acute, acrid
  4. Act/Ag:
    To do; to drive; to force; to lead

    Agile, agitate, pedigouge (a teacher), synagouge
  5. Ad/Al:
    To, toward, near

    Adjust, adjacent, address, addict
  6. Al/Ali/Alter:
    Other, another

    Alternative, alibi, alter ego
  7. Am:

    Amateur (engages in activity for pleasure rather than personal gain), amatory (of or pertaining to lovers or lovemaking), amorous (inclined to love, esp. sexual love)
  8. Amb:
    To go; to walk

    Ambient (moving freely), ambitious, ambassador (authorized messenger), ambulatory, (pertaining to or capable of walking), Perambulator (one who makes a tour of inspection on foot)
  9. Ambi/Amph:
    Both, more than one, around

    Ambiguous, amphibian (any cold blooded vertebrate, the larva aquatic and adult terrestrial), ambidextrous
  10. Anim:
    Of the life, mind, soul, spirit

    Unanimous (in complete accord), animus (hostile feeling/attitude), equanimity (mental/emotional stability esp. under tension), magnanimous (generous in forgiving insult/injury)
  11. Annui/Enni:

    Annual, anniversary, annals (record of events, esp. yearly record), perennial (lasting for an indefinite amount of time), annuity (a specified income payable at stated intervals)
  12. Ante:

    Anterior (placed before), antecedent (existing, being, or going on before), antedate (precede in time), antediluvian (belonging to the period before biblical flood or very old fashioned)
  13. Anthro/Andr
    Man, human

    Anthropolgy (study orgins of humankind), android (robot, mechanical man), philanderer (cheater), androgen (any substance that promotes masculine characteristics)
  14. Anti:

    Antibody (protein naturally in blood serum that reacts to overcome the toxic efects of an antigen), antidote (remedy to counteract effects of disease/poison), antipodal (opp. side of globe)
  15. Apo:

    Apology, apostle (1 of 12 disciples sent forth by Jesus to preach gospel), apocalypse (revelation; discovery; disclosure), apogee (highest or most distant pt), apocryphal (of doubtful authorship/authenticity), apostasy (a total desertion of one's religion, principles, party, cause, etc)
  16. Arch/Archi/Archy:
    Chief, principal, ruler

    Architect, archenemy (chief enemy), anarchy (w/o gov), oligarchy (state/society ruled by a selected group)
  17. Auto:

    Automatic, autocrat (an absolute ruler), autonomy (independence, freedom)
  18. Be:
    To be; to have a particulat quality; to exist

    Belittle (to regard something as less impressive than it actually is), bemoan (to express pity for), belie (to misrepresent, to contradict)
  19. Ben/Bon:

    Benefit, benign (having a kindly disposition), benediction (act of uttering a blessing)
  20. Bi:
    Twice, double

    Bipartisan (representing 2 parties)
  21. Cad/Cid:
    To fall; to happen by chance

    Accident, coindidence, decadent (decaying/deteriorating), cascade, recidivist (1 who repeatedly relapses, as into crime)
  22. Cant/Cent/Chant:
    To sing

    accent, recant (disavow a statement), incantation (chanting words purporting to have magical power)
  23. Cap/Cip/Cept:
    To take; to get

    Capture, susceptible, anticipate
  24. Cap/Capit/Cipit:
    Head; headlong

    Capital (City/town that is official seat of gov.), disciple (1 who is a pupil of the doctrines of another), precipitate 9to hasten occurence of, bring about prematurely)
  25. Card/Cord/Cour:

    Cardiac, concord (agreement; peace amity), encourage
  26. Carn:
  27. Cast/Chast:

    Caste (hereditary social group, limited to people of same rank), castigate (to punish in order to correct), chastise (to discipline, esp. by corporal punishment), chaste (free from obscenity; decent)
  28. Ced/Ceed/Cess:
    To go; to yield; to stop

    Antededent, concede (acknowledge as true/just/proper), cessation, incessant
  29. Centre:

    Concentrate, eccentric (off center), concentric (having a common center, as in circles or speres), centrifuge (an apparatus that rotates at high speeds and seperates substances of diff. densities using centrifugal force), centrist (of or pertaining to moderate political or social ideas)
  30. Cern/Cert/Cret/Crim/Crit:
    To seperate; to judge; to distinguish; to decide

    Discrete (detatched from others, seperate),ascertain (to make sure of; to determine), certitude (freedom from doubt)
  31. Chron:

    anachronism (obsolete or archaic form), chronometer (a timepiece with a mechanism to adjust for accuracy)
  32. Circu:
    Around, on all sides
  33. Cis:
    To cut

    Scissors, precise, incisive (penetrating, cutting)
  34. Cla/Clo/Clu:
    Shut, close

    Claustrophobic, disclose, cloister (a courtyard bordered with covered walks, esp. in a religious institution), preclude (to prevent the presence, existence, or occurence of)
  35. Claim/Clam:
    To shout; to cry out

    Clamor, disclaim (to deny interest in or connection with), proclaim (to announce or declare in an official way)
  36. Cli:
    To lean toward

    Proclivity (inclination, bias), recline, decline, climax
  37. Co/Col/Com/Con:
    With, together

    Connect, compatible, conciliate (to placate, win over), commensurate (suitable in measure, proportionate)
  38. Cour/Cur:
    Running a course

    Incursion (a hostile enterance into a place, esp. suddenly), cursory (going rapidly over something, hasty, superficial), recur, curriculum, courier (a messenger traveling in haste to bear news)
  39. Cre/Cresc/Cret:
    To grow

    Accrue (to be added as a matter of periodic gain), create, increment (something added/gained), accretion (an increase by natural growth)
  40. Cred:
    To believe; to trust

    Incredible, credentials, credo (any formula/belief ), credulity (willingness to believe or trust too readily), credit (trustworthiness)
  41. Cryp:

    Crypt (a subterranean chamber), apocrychal (of doubtful authorship/authority), cryptology (the science of interpreting secret writings, codes, ciphers) cryptography (procedures of making and using secret writing)
  42. Cub/Cumb:
    To lie down

    Succumb (to give away to superior force; yield), incubate (sit on to hatch), incumbent (holding an indicated position), recumbent (lying down; reclining; leaning)
  43. Culp:

    Culpable (deserving blame or censure), inculpate (to charge with fault), mea culpa (through my fault; my fault)
  44. Dac/Doc:
    To teach

    Doctrine (particular principle advocated, as of a gov. or religion), indoctrinate (to imbue a person with learning), docile, didactic (intended for instruction)
  45. De:
    Away, off, down, completely, reversal

    Deferential (respectful; to yield to judgement), defame (attack good name of), decipher, descend
  46. Dem:

    Epidemic, endemic (peculiar to a particular people or locality), pandemic (general, universal), demographics (vital and social statistics of pop.s)
  47. Di/Dia:
    Apart, through

    Dialogue, diagnose (find problem through symptoms), dilatory (inclined to delay or procrastinate), dichotomy (division into 2 parts, kinds, etc.)
  48. Dic/Dict/Dit:
    To say; to tell; to use words

    Dictionary. predict, verdict, interdict (to forbid; prohibit)
  49. Dign:

    Dignity, dignitary (a person who holds a high rank or office), deign (to think fit or in accordance with one's dignity), condign (well deserved; fitting; adequate) Disdain (to look upon or treat with contempt)
  50. Dis/Dif:
    Away from, apart, reveral, not

    Disseminate (to scatter or spread widely; promulgate), dissipate (to scatter wastefully)
  51. Dog/Dox:

    Orthodox (sound or concrete in opinion or doctrine), paradox (an opinion or statement contrary to accepted opinion) Dogma (system of tenets, as of a church)
  52. Dol:
    Suffer, pain

    Condolence (expression of sympathy), indolence (state of being lazy or slothful), doleful, dolorous (full of pain/sorrow, grievous)
  53. Don/Dot/Dow:
    To give

    Donate, pardon, antidote (something that prevents or counteracts ill effects), anecdote (short narrative about interesting event), endow (to provide with a permanent fund)
  54. Dub:

    Indubitable (unquestionable)
  55. Duc/Duct:
    To lead

    Abduct, conduct (personal behavior, way of acting), conducive (contributive, helpful), induce (to lead or move by influence), induct (to install in a position with formal ceremonies), produce
  56. Dur:

    Endure, durable, duress (compulstion by threat, coercion), dour (sullen, gloomy), duration
  57. Dys:
    Faulty, abnormal

    Dystrophy (faulty or inadequate nutrition or development), dyspepsia (impaired digestion), dyslexia, dysfunctional
  58. E/Ef/Ex:
    Out, out of, from, former, completely

    Extricate (to disentangle, release), exonerate (to free or declare free from blame), efface (to rub or wipe out; surpass, eclipse)
  59. Epi:

    Epidemic, epilogue (a concluding part adding to a literary work), epidermis (outer layer of skin), epigram (a witty or pointed saying tersely expressed), epithet (a word or phrase, used invectively as a term of abuse)
  60. Equ:
    Equal, even

    Equation (the act of making equal), adequate (equal to the requirement), equidistant (equally distant), iniquity (gross injustice; wickedness)
  61. Err:
    To wander

    Err, erratic (deviating from accuracy or correctness), arrant (downright, thorough, notorious)
  62. Esce:

    Adolescent, obsolescent (becoming obsolete), incandescent (glowing with heat), convalescent, reminiscent
  63. Eu:
    Good, well

    Euphemism (pleasant term for something unpleasant), eulogy, eugenics (improvement of qualities of race by control of inherited characteristics), euthanasia (killing a person painlessly esp. 1 that has painful disease), euphony (pleasantness of sound)
  64. Extra:
    Outside, beyond

    Extradite (to hand over -a person accused of crime- to the state), extrasensory (derived by means other than known senses), extrapolate (to estimate -unknown facts or values- from know date
  65. Fab/Fam:

    Fable, affable (friendly/couteous), ineffable (too great for description in words; that which may not be uttered), famous, defame
  66. Fac/Fic/Fig/Fait/Feit/Fy:
    To do; to make

    Factory, faction (small dissenting group within a larger one, esp. in politics), prolific (producing many offspring or much output), configuration (maner of arrangment, shape), ratify (to confirm or accept by formal consent), effigy (sculpture or model of person), counterfeit
  67. Fer:
    To bring; to carry; to bear

    Offer, confer (to grant, bestow), referendum (to vote on political question open to the entire eloctorate), proffer (to offer)
  68. Ferv:
    To boil; to bubble

    Fervor (passion, zeal), fervid (ardent, intense), effervescent (with the quality of giving off bubbles of gas)
  69. Fid:
    Faith, trust

    Confide, affidavit (written statement on oath), fiduciary (of a trust; held or given in trust), infidel (disbeliever in the supposed true religion)
  70. Fin:

    Final, confine, definitive (decisive, unconditional, final), infintesimal (infinitely or very small)
  71. Flag/Flam:
    To burn

    Flammable, flambeau (a lighted torch), flagrant (blatant, scandalous), conflagration (a large destructive fire)
  72. Flect/Flex:
    To bend

    Deflect (to bend or turn aside from a purpose), inflect (to change or vary pitch of), reflect, genuflect (to bend knee, esp. in worship)
  73. Flu/Flux:
    To flow

    Fluid, fluctuate, effluence (flowing out of as in light/electricity), confluence (merging into one), mellifluous (pleasing, musical)
  74. Fore:

    Forestall (to prevent by advance action), forthright (straightforward, outspoken, decisive)
  75. Fort:

    Fortune, fortuitous (happening by luck)
  76. Fort: (2nd)
    Fortify, fortissimo (very loud), forte (strong point, something a person does well)
  77. Fra/Frac/Frag/Fring:
    To break

    Fracture, fragment, refractory (stubborn, unmanageable, rebellious), infringe (to break or violate as in a law)
  78. Fus:
    To pour

    Profuse (lavish, extravagant, copious), fusillade (continuous discharge of firearms or outburst of criticism), suffuse (to spread throughout or over from within), infusion (infusing; liquid extract so obtained)
  79. Gen:
    Birth, creation, race, kind

    Carcinogenic (producing cancer), congenital (existing or as such from birth), progeny (offspring, descendants), miscegenation (interbreeding of races)
  80. Gn/Gno:

    Agnostic, ignore, incognito (with one's name/identity concealed), prognosis (forecast, especially of disease)
  81. Grad/Gress:
    To step

    Progress, agressive, degrade (humiliate/dishonor, reduce to lower rank), digress (to depart from main subject) egress (going out; way out), regress
  82. Grat:

    Ingratiate (to bring oneself into favor), gratuity
  83. Her/Hes:
    To stick

    Coherent (logically consistent; having waves in phase and of one wavelength), adhesive, inherent, adherent, heredity
  84. H(etro)

    Heterogeneous (of other orgin; not originating in the body), heterodox (different from acknowledged standard; holding unorthodox opinions or doctrines)
  85. H(om):

    Homonym (1 of 2 or more words spelled and pronounced alike but in different meaning), homeostasis (relatively stable state of equilibrium)
  86. Hyper:
    Over, excessive

    Hyperbole (purposeful exaggeration for effect), hyperglycemia (abnormally high concentration of sugar in the blood)
  87. Hypo:
    Under, beneath, less than

    Hypodermic (relating to parts beneath the skin), hypocritical (affecting virtuous or qualitites that one does not have)
  88. Idio:
    One's own

    Idiot, idiom (a language, dialect, or style of speaking particular to a people, idiosyncrasy (peculiarity of temperament, eccentricity)
  89. Im/In/Em/En:
    In, into

    Embrace, enclose, influx (the act of flowing in; inflow), implicit, incarnate (given a bodily, esp. a human, form), indigenous (native/natural)
  90. Im/In:
    Not, without

    Inactive, innocous (not harmful/injurious), indolence (showing a disposition to avoid extertion; slothful), impartial (not partial or biased), indigent (deficient in what is requisite)
  91. Inter:
    Between, among

    Interim (a temporary or provisional arrangement; meantime), interloper (one who intrudes in the domain of others)m intersperse (to scatter here and there)
  92. Ject:
    To throw; to throw down

    Inject (To place quality etc. where needed in something), conjecture (formation of opinion or incomplete information), abject (utterly hopeless, humiliating, or wretched)
  93. Join/Junct:
    To meet; to join

    Subjugate (to conquer), rejoinder (to reply, retort), junta (usually military- clique taking power after a coup d'etat)
  94. Jur:
    To swear

    Perjury (willful lying while under oath), abjure (to renounce under oath or to beg or command)
  95. Lav/Lut/Luv:
    To wash

    Deluge (a great flood of charges), antediluvian (before the biblical flood; extremely old), ablution (act of cleaning)
  96. Lect/Leg:
    To select, to choose

    Collect, elect, predilection (preference, liking)
  97. Lev:
    Lift, light, rise

    Relieve, levee (embankment against flooding), levity (humor, frivolity, gaiety)
  98. Loc/Log/Loqu:
    Word, speech

    Dialogue, elocution (art of clear and expressive thinking), grandiloquent (pompousor inflated in language), loquacious (talkative)
  99. Luc/Lum/Lus:

    Lucid, lackluster (lacking brilliance/radiance), translucent
  100. Lud/Lus:
    To play

    Allude (to refer to casually/indirectly), ludicrous, delude (to mislead the mind or judgement of, decieve), elude, prelude (a preliminary to an action)
  101. Mag/Maj/Max:

    Magnify, magnate (a powerful or influential person), magnanimous (generous in forgiving an insult or injury), maxim (an expression of general truth or principle)
  102. Mal/Male:
    Bad, ill, evil, wrong

    Malign (to speak harmful untruths about, to slander), malady (disorder or disease of the body), maladroit (clumsy, tactless), malapropism (humorous misuse of a work), malfeasance (misconduct or wrongdoing, often commited by a public official), malediction (a curse)
  103. Man:

    Manual, mandate (an authorative order, command), manufacture, manifest (readily percieved by the eye or the understanding)
  104. Min:

    Minutiae (small or trivial details), diminution (act of diminishing)
  105. Mis/Mit:
    To send

    Transmit, emmisary (a messenger or agent sent to represent the interests of another), remit (to send money), remission
  106. Misc:

    Miscellaneous, micegenation (the interbreeding of races, esp. between a white and non white person), promiscuous (consisting of diverse and unrelated parts or individuals-?)
  107. Mon/Monit:
    To remind; to warn

    Monument, monitor, summon, admonish (to counsel against something; caution), remonstrate (to say or plead in protest or dissaproval, urge reasons against)
  108. Morph:

    Amorphous (without definite form, lacking specif shape), metamorphosis, anthropomorphism (attribution of human characteristics to inanimate objects, animals, or natural phenomena)
  109. Mut:

    Commute (to substitute; exchange; interchange-?), transmutation (the act of changing from one form into another), permutation (a complete change; transformation), immutable (unchangeable, invariable)
  110. Nat/Nas/Nai:
    To be born

    Natural, native, naive, cognate (related by bood; having a common ancestor), renaissance (rebirth, esp. referring to culture), nascent (starting to develop)
  111. Nic/Noc/Nox:

    Innocent, noxious (injurious or harmful to health or morals), innocuous (harmless)
  112. Nom:
    Rule, order

    Gastronomy (the art or science of good eating), taxonomy (the science, laws, or principles of classification), autonomy (self goverance)
  113. Nom/Nym/Noun/Nown:

    Synonym, nominal (existing in name only; negligible), nomenclature (a system of names; systematic naming), acronym (a word formed from the initial letters of a name)
  114. Nounc/Nunc:
    To announce

    Pronounce, renounce (to give up, esp. by formal announcement)
  115. Nov/Neo/Nou:

    Novice, renovate, neologism (a newly coined word, expression, or phrase), neophyte (a recent convert), nouveau riche (one who has lately become rich)
  116. Ob/Oc/Of/Op:
    Toward, to, against, over

    Obese, obstinate (stubbornly adhering to an idea, inflexible), oblique (having a slanting or sloping direction), obstreperous (noisily defiant, unruly), obtuse (not sharp, pointed, or acute in any form), obfuscate (to render indistinct or dim; darken), obsequious (overly submissive)
  117. Omni:

    Omnibus (an anthology of the works of one author or of writings on related subjects), omniscient (having infinite knowledge), omnipotent (all powerful), omnipresent
  118. Pac/Peac:

    Appease, pacify, pact
  119. Pan:
    All, everyone

    Panorama, panegyric (formal or elaborate praise at an assembly), panoply (a wide-ranging and impressive array or display), pantheon (a public building containing tombs or memorials of the illustrious dead of a nation), pandemic
  120. Par:

    Parity (equally, as in amount, status, or character), apartheid (any system or caste that separates people according to race, etc.), disparage (to belittle, speak disrespectfully about), disparate (essentially different)
  121. Para:
    Next to, beside

    Parallel, parasite, parody(to imitate for purposes of satire), parable (a short, allegorical story designed to illustrate a moral lesson or religious principle), paragon (a model of excellence)
  122. Pas/Pat/Path:
    Feeling, suffering, disease

    Sympathy (harmony or agreement in feeling), empathy (identification with the feelings of others), dispassionate (devoid of personal feeling or bias), impassive (showing or feeling no emotion)
  123. Pau/Po/Pov/Pu:
    Few, little, poor

    Paucity (smallness of quantity; scarcity; scantiness), pauper (a person without any personal means of support), pusillanimous (lacking courage or resolution), puerile (childish, immature)
  124. Ped:
    Child, education

    Pedagogue (a teacher), pedant (one who displays learning ostentatiously)
  125. Ped/Pod:

    Pedal, impede (to retard progress by means of obstacles or hindrances), podium, antipodes (places diametrically opposite each other on the globe)
  126. Pen/Pun:
    To pay; to compensate

    Penal (of or pertaining to punishment, as for crimes), punitive (inflicting, involving, or aiming at punishments), penance (a punishment undergone to express regret for a sin), penitent (contrite)
  127. Pend/Pens:
    To hang; to weigh; to pay

    Depend, stipend (periodic payment; fixed or regular payment), appendix (supplementary material at the end of a text), appendage (a limb or other subsidary that diverges from the central structure)
  128. Per:

    Persistent, perforate (to make a way through or into something), perplex (to cause to be puzzled over what is not understood), pertinacious (resolute), perspicacious (shrewd, astute)
  129. Peri:

    Perimeter (the border of a 2d figure), periscope (an optical instrument for seein objects in an obstructed field of vision), peripatetic (walking or traveling about; itinerant)
  130. Pet/Pit:
    To go; to seek; to stride

    Appetite, centripetal (moving toward the center), impetuous (characterized by sudden or rash action or emotion), petulant (showing sudden irritation, esp. over some annoyance)
  131. Phil:

    Philosophy, philatelist (one who loves or collects postage stamps), philology (the study of literary texts to establish their authenticity and determine their meaning), bibliophile (one who loves or collects books)
  132. Plac:
    To please

    Placid (pleasantly calm, peaceful), placebo, implacable (unable to be pleased), complacent (self-satisfied, unconcerned) complaisant (inclined or disposed to please)
  133. Ple:
    To fill

    Complete, supplement (something added to supply a deficiency), implement (instrument/tool/utensil for accomplishing work), replete (abundantly supplied)
  134. Plex/Plic/Ply:
    To fold, twist, tangle, or bend

    Complex, implicit (implied), implicate (to show to be involved, usually in an incriminating manner), duplicity (deceitfulness in speech or conduct, double dealing), supplicate (to make humble and earnest entreaty)
  135. Pon/Pos/Pound:
    To put; to place

    Component, expose, expound (to set forth in detail), juxtapose (to place close together side by side, esp. for contrast), repository (a receptacle or place where things are deposited)
  136. Port:
    To carry

    Import, disport (to divert or amuse oneself), importune (to urge or press with excessive persistence)
  137. Post:

    Posthumous, posterior (situated at the rear), posterity (succeeding in future generations collectively), post facto (after the fact)
  138. Pre:

    Precarious (dependent on circumstances beyond ones control), precocious (unusally advanced or mature in mental development or talent), presentiment (foreboding), precedent (an act that serves an example for subsequent situations), precept (a common commandment given as a rule of action or conduct)
  139. Prehend/Prise:
    To take; to get; to size

    Enterprise (a project undertaken), comprise (to include), reprisal (retaliation against an enemy), apprehend
  140. Pro:
    Much, for, a lot

    Prolific (highly fruitful), profuse (spending or giving freely), prodigious (extraordinary in size, amount, or extent), proselytize (to convert or attempt to recruit), propound (to set forth for consideration), provident (having or showing foresight)
  141. Prob:
    To prove; to test

    Opprobrium (the disgrace incurred by shameful conduct), reprobate (a depraved/wicked person), probity (honesty, high-mindedness)
  142. Pug:
    To fight

    Pugnacious (to quarrel or fight readily), impugn (to challenge as false), repugnant (objectionable or offensive), pugilist (a fighter or boxer)
  143. Punc/Pung/Poign:
    To point; to prick

    Compunction (a feeling of uneasiness for doing wrong), punctilious (strict or exact in the observance of formalities)
  144. Que/Quis:
    To seek

    Acquire, conquest (vanquishment), querulous (full of complaints), perquisite (a gratuity, tip)
  145. Qui:

    Disquiet (lacking calm or peace), quiescence (the condition of being at rest, still, inactive)
  146. Rid/Ris:
    To laugh

    Derision (the act of mockery), risible (causing laughter)
  147. Rog:
    To ask

    Abrogate (to abolish by formal means), surrogate (person appointed to act for another), arrogate (to claim unwarrantably or presumptuously)
  148. Sacr/Sanct/Secr:

    Santion (authoritive permission or approval), execrable (abominable), sacrament (something regarded as possessing sacred character), Sanctify (to make holy)
  149. Sal/Sil/Sault/ Sult:
    To leap, to jump

    Salient (prominent or conspicuous), insolent (boldly rude or disrespectful), desultory (at random, unmethodical)
  150. Sci:
    To know

    Unconscionable (unscrupulous), omniscient (knowing everything)
  151. Scribe/Scrip:
    To write

    Proscribe (to condemn as harmful or odious), ascribe (to credit or assign, as to a cause or course), conscription (draft), circumscribe (to draw a line around)
  152. Se:

    Secede (to withdraw formally from an association), sequester (to remove or withdraw into solitude or retirement), sedition (incitement of discontent or rebellion against a government)
  153. Sec/Sequ:
    To follow

    Second, prosecute, non sequitur (an inference or a conclusion that does not follow from the premise)
  154. Sed/Sess/Sid:
    To sit; to be still; to plan; to plot

    Sediment (the matter that settles to the bottom of a liquid), dissident (disagreeing, as in opinion or attitude), residual (remaining, left over), subsidiary (serving to assit or supplement), insidious (intended to entrapt or beguile), assiduous (diligent, persistent, hard working)
  155. Sens/Sent:
    To feel; to be aware

    Dissent (to differ in opinion, esp. from the majority), sentinel (a person or thing that stands watch), insensate (without feeling or sensitivity)
  156. Sol:
    To loosen; to free

    Soluble (capable of being dissolved or liquefied), dissolute (indifferent to moral restraints), absolution (forgiveness for wrongdoing)
  157. Spec/Spic/Spit:
    To look; to see

    Circumspect (watchful and descreet, cautious), perspicacious (having keen mental perception and understanding), conspicuous (easily seen or noticed; readily observable), specious (deceptively attractive)
  158. Sta/Sti:
    To stand; to be in place

    Static (of bodies or forces at rest or in equilibrium), destitute (without means of subsistence), obstinate (stubbornly adhering to a purpose, opinion, or course of action), stasis (state of equilibrium cause by opposing equal forces), apostasy (renunciation of an object of one's prevoious loyalty)
  159. Sua:

    Suave, persuade, dissuade, assuage (to ease, relieve)
  160. Sub/Sup:

    Subliminal, subterfuge (an artifice or expedient used to evade a rule), supposition (the act of assuming)
  161. Super/Sur:

    Superlative (the highest kind of order), supersede (to replace in power as by another person or thing), supercilious (arrogant, haughty, condescending, superfluous (extra, more than necessary), surmount (to get over or across, to prevail)
  162. Tac/Tic:
    To be silent

    Reticent (disposed to be silent or not to speak freely), tacit (unspoken understanding), taciturn (uncommunicative)
  163. Tain/Ten/Tent/Tin:
    To hold

    Tenacious (holding fast), abstention (the act of refraining voluntarily), tenure (the holding or possessing of anything), tenable (capable of being held, maintained, or defended), sustenancce (nourishment, means of livelihood), pertinacious (persistent, stubborn)
  164. Tend/Tens/Tent/Tenu:
    To stretch, to thin

    Tension, tentative, tendentious (having a predisposition toward a point of view), distend (to expand by stretching), attenuate (to weaken or reduce in force), extenuating (making less serious by offering excuses), contentious (quarrelsome, disagreeable, belligerent)
  165. Theo:

    Theocracy (a form of government is which a diety is recognized as the supreme ruler), theology (the study of divine things and the divine faith), apotheosis (glorification, glorified ideal)
  166. Tract:
    To drag, to pull, to draw

    Abstract (to draw or pull away from, remove), tractable (easily managed or controlled), protract (to prolong, draw out, extend)
  167. Trans:

    Transgress (to violate a law, command, or moral code), intransigent (refusing to agree or compromise)
  168. Us/Ut:
    To use

    Abuse, usurp (to seize and hold), utilitarian (efficient, functional, useful)
  169. Ven/Vent:
    To come or to move toward

    Convene (to assemble for some public purpose), venturesome (showing a disposition to undertake risks), contravene (to come into conflict with), adventitious (accidental)
  170. Ver:

    Verdict, veracious (habitually truthful), verity (truthfulness), verisimilitude (the appearance or semblance of truth), aver (to affirm, to declare to be true)
  171. Verd:

    Verdant (green with vegetation; inexperienced), verdure (fresh, rich vegetation)
  172. Vers/Vert:
    To turn

    Controversy, revert, covert (hidden, clandestine), avert (to turn away from)
  173. Vi:

    Vivid, viable (capable of living), vivacity (the quality of being lively, animated, spirited), joie de vivre (French expression meaning joy of life), convivial (sociable)
  174. Vid/Vis
    To see

    Evident, adviser, vista (a view or prospect)
  175. Vil:
    Base, mean

    Vilify (to slander, defame), revile (to criticize with harsh language), vile (loathsome, unpleasant)
  176. Voc/Vok:
    Advocate, equivocate (to use ambiguous or unclear expressions), avocation (something one does in addition to a principle occupation), vociferous (crying out noisily), convoke (to call together), invoke (to call on a diety)
  177. Vol:
    To wish

    Voluntary, malevolent (characterized by expressing bad will), benevolent (characerized by expressing goodwill), volition (free choice, free will, act of choosing)
  178. Vor:
    To eat

    Voracious (to having a great appetite)
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GRE Root Word List
GRE Root List