ch 1 pft cont.

  1. What are the 3 main focuses in ph.1 STABILIZATION ENDURANCE ?
    1. Increase stabilization endurance

    2. Increase flexibility

    3. Develop optimum levels of neuromuscular efficiency
  2. The progression for this phase is what?
    proprioceptively based
  3. In proprioceptively based training you progress a client from : two arms to...
    aternating arms
  4. In proprioceptively based training you progress a client from : from two leg to...
    one leg
  5. In proprioceptively based training you progress a client from : seating to...
  6. What are the 3 phases in the strength block?
    • ph.2 strength endurance
    • ph.3 hypertrophy
    • ph.4 maximal strength
  7. What is the training Goal for ph.2 strength endur. ?
    Maintain stab. endur. while increasing prime mover strength.
  8. in ph.2 these two adaptations are reached how?
    by using supersets
  9. describe how you would go about using a superset in this phase.
    -by preforming 2 back to back exercises with out rest with similar joint dynamics.
  10. Give examples of 2 back to back exercises with out rest with similar joint dynamics
    FIRST perform a bench press on a bench...( the princible for this is to WORK THE PRIME MOVERS PREDOMINANTLY, to enlisten prime mover strength)


    a b. press on a stability ball ( CHALLENGES STABILIZATION MUSCLES, this increases the ability to maintain postural stabiliztion and dynamic joint stabilization )
  11. in ph. 3, what is the training goal?
    to achieve optimum levels of muscular hypertrophy
  12. to enlicit a high level of Muscular hypertrophy you have to what?
    Have a high level of INTENSITY and VOLUME
  13. in ph 4: Maximal strength, the training goal is what?
    to achieve maximal prime mover strength by lifting heavy
  14. in ph 4: Maximal strength, this form of training recruits what?
    motor unit recruitment


    the frequency of motor unit recruitment.
  15. Whats the end product of ph 4?
    Peak force production OR MAXIMAL STRENGTH
  16. IN ph. 5 the training goal is (emphasizes) what ?
    to Development of speed and power ( OR RATE OF FORCE PRODUCTION) while maintaining prime mover strenght
  17. in this phase... how would you 1. Enhance prime mover strength?
    2. Improving the rate of force production?
    superset a traditional strength exercise W/ an explosive power exercise
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ch 1 pft cont.
ch 1 pft cont.