Books for Comps

  1. Boleman & Deal
    Reframing the Path to school Leadership
    • Frames - Political, Structural, Humanistic, Symbolic
    • Political
    • Know the political climate
    • Know the key people
    • Structural
    • People like to know where they are going
    • Who's in Charge
    • Humanistic
    • Shared decision making
    • Empower others
    • Symbolic
    • Celebrate student achievements
    • cultivate and share values
  2. Boynton
    The Educator's Guide to Preventing and Solving Discipline Problems
    • High Expectations and accountability
    • Effective disciplin strategies lead to better morale and job satisfaction
    • Use proactive strategies
  3. Zmuda, Kuklis and Kline
    Trasforming Schools
    • Create a culture of continuous improvement
    • working toward a shared vision = autonomy
    • envision desired results
    • make staff developement worthwhile
    • Data shoud be analyzed by staff
    • Data shoudl serve the shared vision
    • All staff should be held responsible for improving student achievement
  4. Payne
    A Framework for Understanding Poverty
    • Home environment most important in effect and influence on student achievement
    • students motivated by relationships
    • Education is the key to getting out of generational poverty
    • Students of poverty have different values - like humor
    • Limited support system and not jsut financial
  5. Lindsey
    The Culturally Proficient School
    • Involves parents and community
    • Makes stduents a valued memeber of diverse community rather than deprived minority
    • Asses Culture
    • Value diversity
    • Adapting to diversity
  6. Marzano
    Classroom instruction that works
    • 9 strategies that positively effect student achievement
    • Identify similar and different
    • summary and notes
    • reinforcing effort and giving recognition
    • homework and practice
    • cooperative learning
    • setting objectives
    • nonlinguistic representations
    • cues, questions and advanced organizers
  7. Daresh
    Beginning the assistant principalship
    • AP's job is to assist the principal
    • there will always be unforseen events that you are not prepared for
    • can never stand alone and be effective
    • must us active listening skills
    • let staff know your there to support them
  8. Mc Ewen
    Ten Traits of Highly Effective Principals
    • Good communicator
    • Envisioner- guided by mission that has best intrest of students at its core
    • Judged by what you get done, not say
    • Say what you mean and mean what you say
    • Ability to teach
    • Culture builder
    • School success begins in the principals office
    • Slow and steady
    • Don't do it alone
  9. Marzano
    What works in Schools
    • 3 factors - school, teacher, student
    • School Level
    • Guarunteed and viable curriculum is key to achievement
    • Teacher Level
    • Instructional strategies, classroom management and curriculum
    • Student Level
    • Home, motivation

    • Use research to guide practice to have large impact on student achievement
    • Teachers included in making school police
    • safe environment to be able to teach and learn
  10. Collins
    Good to Great
    • Get the right people on the bus and the wrong people off the bus
    • Look in the mirror when things go wromg not out the window
    • Confront the brutal facts
    • Hedge Hog concept
    • Look at failures as well as successes
    • communication at all levels
  11. Fullen
    Leading in Culture of Change
    • People are hoping for an easy answer and a set solution, neither of which exist
    • Change is frightening, there will be and implementation dip that good leaders understand and appreciate
    • Listen to resisters
    • Build relationships
    • apply pressure and privide support
  12. Whitaker
    What great teachers do differently
    Its about the people not the programs
  13. Wiggins
    Understanding by design
    • Plan backwards with the end in mind
    • Bloom's taxonomy - affective domain, cognitive domain and psychomotor domain
  14. Garmston and Wellman
    The Adaptive School
    • Schools need to be adaptive by having flexible responses, interacting with changing the environment conditions for lasting improvement
    • Meetings should be safe but not comfortable
    • Physical management tasks have no impact on learning but the energy at the school does
    • good dialogue leads to understanding
    • communication is valuable on all levels
    • collective responsibility = larger student gain
    • everthing influences everthing else
    • more data does not leade to better predictions
  15. Glickman
    Holding Sacred Ground
    • work together toward a shared vision
    • Teachers are the catalyst for change
    • Schools need to be more democratic where students and parents are more involved
    • build personal relationships with students
    • Diversity is and advantage it offer more intellectual pespectives
  16. Dufour
    Professional Learning Communities at work
    • Do what ever it takes to get students to succeed
    • to improve schools we must improve the people
    • Create mission and vision statements they are the foundation
    • it is critical to involve parent to move the school towards it vision
    • Use data to develop vision and evaluate progress
  17. Gladwell
    The Tipping Point
    • Spread learning epidemic
    • Message must be memorable and so should the messanger
    • Examining data can lead to conducive programs to promote student learning
    • advice should be memorable and personal
  18. Schmoker
    Results Now
    • data makes the invisible, visible
    • PlC's the best way for improvement of instruction and student performance
    • creating, testing and refining lessons in teams is guarunteed path to better instruction
    • use data to drive instruction
    • dont have do many goals
  19. Reeves
    Accountability for Learning
    • Data focus on discovery, not fear
    • don't kgnor test scores, but don't obsess over them
    • ensure a safe and secure environment in schools
    • student centered accountablility works best (holistic accountibility) - looks at scores, curriculum, and teaching practives, leadership, individual student progress and parent involvement
  20. Kouznes and Posner
    Encouraging the heart
    • Model the way
    • Inspire the shared vision
    • challenge the process
    • be clear about standards
    • personalize recognition - tell the story
    • leaders on the lookout for exemplary employees
    • talk the talk and walk the walk
  21. Dufour and Eaker
    On Common Ground
    • Focus switch from teaching to learning
    • Build common practices
    • Teachers must work collaboratively
    • Draw on each others expertise
    • PLC
    • Clarify values
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Books for Comps
Books and Authors for Comprehensive exam