
  1. Demography
    The study of population numbers, distribution, trends and issues
  2. Population Pyramids
    Graphs that compare the percentage of males and females in a given population by their age ranges
  3. Immagrate
    To move permanentely to a country other than ones native country
  4. emigrate
    to leave your country of origin to live permanentely in abother country
  5. Birth rate
    number of births per 1000 people
  6. death rate
    number of death per 1000 people
  7. natural increase rate:
    difference between birth rate and death rate in a country
  8. immigration rate
    number of new Canadians who have immigrated here from another country per 1000 people of Canada's population
  9. emigration rate:
    number of people per 1000 population in one year who emigrate
  10. net migration rate
    difference between people immingrating to a country and people emigrating from the same country
  11. Population growth rate
    measurement that combines both natural increase and net migration to calculate the overall growth of a countrys population
  12. doubling tim(demographics)
    how long it would take for a country's population to double at the countrys current rate of population growht
  13. Rule of 70
    in demographics, process whereby you divide 70 by the population growth rate to estimate how many years it will take for the countrys population to double
  14. dependency load
    proprtion of the population that is not in the workforce; total number of people 14 and under and 65 and over.
  15. How is the population growth calculated formaly
    (Births-deaths)+(immigrats-emmagrants)=population growth
  16. How do you calculate population density?
    population density= population/area(square km)
  17. On a population graphs females are true of:
    Being on the right hand side and being coloured pink
  18. men are true of
    being on the left hand side and being blue
  19. Soil
    surface layer of earth composed of mineral and organic minerals, air and water
  20. soil profile
    different horizons(layers) in the soil and the rock layer(bedrock) below the soil. Each horizon has different physical , biological, abd chemical characteristics
  21. humus
    dark, upper layer of soil made up of partially decayed plant material
  22. leaching
    removing mminerals from soil by adding water as it moves downward throguh the soil, leaching occurs in wet climate
  23. transition zones
    area where the characteristics of one region gradually change into those of another
  24. Permafrost
    permanently frozen ground that does not completely thaw in the summer
  25. Coniferous trees
    trees with cones and often needle like trees; evergreen
  26. deciduous trees
    broad leaved trees that shed their leaves annually in the fall
  27. mized forest
    vegetation region that contains both coniferous and deciduos tree types. It is a transition zone between the deciduous forest and the boreal forest
  28. ecozone
    a distinct ecological region determined on the basis of physical, bioligical and human factors
  29. How many land ecozones does Canada have?
  30. What ecozone do we live in
    Mixedwood Plains
  31. When was the first map of ecozones published?
  32. Why would they not want to have too many or to few?
  33. gross domestic product
    total value of the goods and services produced within a country per person, excluding transactions with other countries
  34. Where does the majority of the GDP come from
    our area
  35. recession
    loss of jobs+ less money spent because of bad economy
  36. What are the winds that influence us in summer, winter?
    • winter= jet stream pulls down cool arctic air
    • summer= jet stream pulls up warm gulf air
  37. What are the two currents that collide to make fog?
    Cold Labrador current and Warm gulf stream
  38. mt, mp,ma, ct,cp,ca
    • maritme= wet(formed over water)
    • continental= dry(formed over land)
    • Ploar=formed between 55N and 66N
    • Artic= very cold, formed over arctic
    • Tropic, hotr formed near tropics
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