1. The body is carried down the aisle and laid
    in front of the altar i.e. in front of God
  2. People will be formally dressed in :
    black to express their grief
  3. some Christians today request that they do not wear :
    black as they believe it is important to celebrate that the person has had a good life and has now gone to Heaven
  4. Hyms (more longer , more ..... .... songs) or .... (shorter more modern songs) will be sung . Thes are often the ............... , or songs ..... ... for being ..... and for being a ..... ....
    • traditional Christian
    • chorus'
    • deceased favourite songs
    • thanking God
    • powerful
    • good God
  5. The songs sung help the mourners because they are
    reminded that God , who is omnibenevolent , is with them
  6. Readings from the .... will often take place . The most popular is ....... .... , ".............." . This can bring ..... and remind the ..... that God is always ....................
    • Bible
    • Psalm 23
    • The Lord is my Shepard
    • comfort
    • mourners with them and guiding them
  7. The vicar will talk about
    Christian belief of Heaven and life after death
  8. Hearing about life after death may help a mouner by
    reassuring them that their loved one is happy in Heaven
  9. A friend or family member might give a :
    eulogy , a talk which describes and remembers the deceased person . This is a chanec for peopel to share memories
  10. the deceased person is
    offered up to God and taken from the church to be buried or cremated
  11. the 2nd service is called the
  12. Prayers are said thanking :
    God for the person's life and thanking God that the person is now in his hands
  13. as the body is lowered into the grave the following words are spoken :
    "we therefore comit his/her body to the ground ; earth to earth , ashes to ashes , dust to dust , in sure and certain hope of the resurrection to eternal life"
  14. the belief of eternal life might help a mourner because even though :
    the body is gone , the soul remains
  15. "we therefore comit his/her body to the ground ; earth to earth , ashes to ashes , dust to dust , in sure and certain hope of the resurrection to eternal life"
    here this reminds everyone that :
    Adam was created from the earth therefor the person si being returned to their roots
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