A (or an) ___ maps MAC addresses with host IP addresses.
ARP table
What uniquely identifies nodes on a TCP/IP network?
IP address
What is the bottom-up acronym for the 7 layers?
people dare not throw salty pretzels away
What is DES?
data encryption standard
DES requires “what” of both the sender and the receiver?
that they possess the same secret key
What is the main disadvantage of 3DES?
it’s three times slower than DES
What is meant by “symmetric”?
a symmetric encryption scheme is where both parties use the same key for encryption and decryption
What is the main disadvantage to symmetric encryption schemes?
they don’t scale well when you have a large number of users
What is war driving?
hackers with wireless laptops connecting to unprotected WLANs to access their resources
What is a smurf attack?
DoS attack where ping messages are broadcasted to an entire network on behalf of a victim computer, to flood him with responses
What is SNMP?
simple network management protocol which is vulnerable because it uses clear text. “v1” is much more vulnerable than “v2”. Someone who gains administrative control, can take over network connection devices.
What is stateful packet inspection?
In SPI, every time a packet is sent out of the computer, the firewall keeps track of it. When a packet comes back to the firewall, the firewall can tell whether the inbound packet is a reply to the packet that was sent out. This way the firewall can handle most network traffic safely without a complex configuration of firewall rules
What is TPM?
trusted platform module is something that goes with Bit locker
What is VCPU?
virtual CPU on a server
Where is “virtual supervisor” used?
in Cisco systems
What is zone transfer used for?
for security logging on a DNS server
What is NTLMv2?
a hashing algorithm authentication protocol from Microsoft
What is OVAL?
Open vulnerability and assessment language. It’s a standard that uses an XML-based language for the storage and dissemination of security information.
What is quantum encryption?
it involves sending data by way of photons, which are polarized in one of four directions. Eavesdroppers cause detectable changes in orientation which prevents them from getting secret information.
What is RC4W?
a symmetric algorithm using variable key lengths
What is RSA?
the first successful algorithm designed for public key encryption
The “sandbox” is used by ___.
What is SFTP?
secure FTP, which is a SSH-encrypted version of FTP protocol
What is SHA?
secure hash algorithm modeled after MD5
What is Hypervisor?
virtual machine component that monitors and manages the various virtual instances
What is IDS?
intrusion detection system which scans, audits and monitors the security infrastructure for signs of attacks in progress
What is IETF?
the internet engineering task force
What’s meant by “implicit deny”?
blocks everything and only allows explicitly granted permissions
What’s an internet content filter?
tool used for allowing users to go to approved business-related websites only
What is ISAKMP?
Internet security association and key management protocol. They define procedures for authenticating computing peers, security associations, key generation techniques, and thread mitigation
Who uses the “Key distribution center”?
Who uses the “key ring”?
What is 10base5?
cable that uses thicknet coaxial copper
What is AES?
it is the most recent addition of cryptography
What is Blowfish?
a free 64-bit block cipher algorithm that uses variable key length
What is DES?
a weak form of encryption using symmetric keys
What kind of encryption has the smallest keyspace?
What are GRE packets?
Generic routing encapsulation point-to-point tunneling protocol to create private networks
What is meant by Gutman sanitization?
removing data from storage media with reasonable assurance it can’t be retrieved and reconstructed
What is 3DES?
a symmetric encryption algorithm that processes each block of data three times with a different key each time
What is 80211 modE?
it has to do with “over the air” modulation techniques
What is 8021x?
a standard for port-based network access control for devices wishing to connect to a LAN
What is ACL?
access control list is statements used by a router to permit or deny the forwarding of traffic on a network, based on one or more criteria
What is AES?
a symmetric block cipher for encryption. Uses private key. Rijndael is the most popular form
What is ARP?
Address resolution protocol in the network layer. Relates MAC addresses to their IP addresses
What is blue snarfing?
process where attackers gain access to unauthorized information on a wireless device using a Bluetooth connection
What is a CA?
certificate authority issuing and maintaining digital certificates as part of the public key infrastructure
What is CHAP?
Challenge handshake authentication protocol that operates over PPP. It requires the authenticator to take the first step by offering the other computer a challenge
What is a CRL?
certification revocation list, of certificates that are no longer valid
What is DAC?
discressionary access control, where access is controlled based on users identity. Objects are configured with a list of users that are allowed to access them