Topic 5 - Ecology and Evolution

  1. What best describes the mode of nutrition for a heterotroph?
    It obtains organic molecules from other organisms
  2. Image Upload 2
    What is the secondary consumer?
    The turtle
  3. Image Upload 4
    If 14000kJ m-2 year-1 of energy is transferred from plant to worm, how much is passed from turtle to eagle?
    Approximately only 10% of energy passes up the food chain, so ~140kJ moves up to the eagle.
  4. What is an autotroph?
    • HELP: Auto = self
    • Troph = feeding
    • Organisms that synthesize their own organic molecules (food) from simple inorganic substances. e.g. plants. These are also called producers
  5. What is a detritivore?
    Ingesdt dead organic matter.
  6. What is a saprotroph?
    Live on dead OR in dead organic matter. they secrete enzymes into and absorb the products of digestion. e.g. bread mould and mushrooms.
  7. List, in order the groups from Kingdom to Species
    • KINGDOM = King
    • PHYLUM = Philip
    • CLASS = Came
    • ORDER = Over
    • FAMILY = For
    • GENUS = Good
    • SPECIES = Sushi
  8. What is the 2 name system of naming species called?
    Binomial system of nomenclature
  9. How can a population grow?
    • When offspring are added by being born = natality
    • When individuals move to the area = immigration
  10. How can a population decrease in size?
    • When individuals die = mortality
    • When individuals move out of the area to live elsewhere = emigration
  11. Image Upload 6
    on the growth curve....what are A, B and C?
    • A= lag phase
    • B = exponential phase (sometimes called log phase) (individuals being born are more than individuals dying)
    • Between B and C = transitional phase
    • C = Plateau phase (individuals being born is equal to individuals dying). Something has limited the population
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Topic 5 - Ecology and Evolution