- Group of parasites that can live on the;
- Body: corporis
- Scalp: capitis
- Genitals: pubis
Organisms that benefit by living in, with, or on another organism
Drug that kills lice
Drugs that kills the scabies mite
- Parasitic infection caused by the mite Sarcoptes scabei
- Spead by close contact, bedding, clothing and sexual contact
- Life cycle: 30 days
- Without host: 2-3 days
Head Lice
- Affects: kids 3-11 & their families
- Life cycle: 4-6 weeks
- Without a host: 2 days
Body Lice
- Affects: poor & unsanitary areas
- Life cycle: 4-6 weeks
- Without a host: 10 days
Pubic Lice
- Spread by sexual contact
- Pubic & Head lice are different species
OTC Treatment of Lice
Topical Pediculides;
- 1) Pyrethrins; R&C Shampoo
- Non ovicidal
- 2) Permethrins; Nix
- Ovicidal
Reinfestation Prevention
- 1) treat whole family
- 2) use nit comb
- 3) wash all fabrics (130+ hot)
- 4) place non-washables in an airtight plastic bag for 2 wks
Prescription Treatment of Lice
- 1) lindane: Hexit
- Kills: Lice, scabies & eggs
- Uncommon; high ADRs
Agricultural Pesticide
Lindane Black Box warnings
- 1) repeats should be avoided
- 2) must be over 110lbs
- 3) depensed in 1-2oz sindle dose vials maximum