Joseph H. Connell
Diversity in Tropical Rain Forests and Coral Reefs
James H. Scheuer
Biodiversity: Beyond Noah's Ark
Reed F. Noss
Indicators for Monitoring Biodiversity: A Hierarchical Approach
John G. Robinson
The Limits to Caring: Sustainable Living and the Loss of Biodiversity
Sarah M. Durant, Marcella Kelly, and Tim M. Carob
Factors affecting life and death in Serengeti cheetahs: environment, age, and sociality
J. Alan Pounds and Martha L. Crump
Amphibian Declines and Climate Disturbance: The Case of the Golden Toad and the HarlequinFrog
Julie A. Savidge
Extinction of an Island Forest Avifauna by an Introduced Snake
Francis E. Putz
Are Rednecks the Unsung Heroesof Ecosystem Management?
V. C. Radeloff, R. B. Hammer, S. I. Stewart, J. S. Fried, S. S. Holcomb, J. F.McKeefry
The Wildland-Urban Interface in the United States
R. T. Paine
A Conversation on Refining the Concept of Keystone Species
Aldo Leopold
Joshua J. Tewksbury, Douglas J. Levey, Nick M. Haddad, Sarah Sargent§, John L. Orrock, Aimee Weldon‡,Brent J. Danielson, Jory Brinkerhoff, Ellen I. Damschen, and Patricia Townsend
Corridors affect plants, animals, and their interactionsin fragmented landscapes
Robert H. Horwich and Jonathan Lyon
Community-Based Development as a Conservation Tool: The Community Baboon Sanctuary and the Gales Point Manatee Project
Nancy Knowlton, Jeremy B. C. Jackson
Shifting Baselines, Local Impacts, andGlobal Change on Coral Reefs
Can Carbon Trading SaveVanishing Forests?
Lera Miles and Valerie Kapos
Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissionsfrom Deforestation and Forest Degradation:Global Land-Use Implications