What is a correlation coefficient?
- It is a relationship that exists between two variables.
- Describes the strength and direction of the two variables.
What is the Spearmans RHOS?
Used with non-parametric data
- The Spearman procedure examines the difference between the two sets of
- rankings for each participant.
- The rs calculated value is given with a
- corresponding p value.
What are the five levels of evidence?
- 1. Systematic review
- 2. RCT
- 3. quais expriemental, prepost, cohort, case control
- 4. Correlational studies of multiple sites
- 5. correlational studies, descriptive studies, qualitative studies, experiemental.
What are the Two types of Descriptve Research?
- Univariate: A single variable
- Co variate: relationships between Variables
Simple random sampling
- Unbiased, use table of random
- numbers, participants are labelled
- lRandom drawing of numbers from a
- hat.
2. Systematic sampling
- l1:10 beginning from a random
- position on a selected named list. E.g. Every 10th person on a list. Starting
- point is random. Similar to random sampling if no order to the listing.