1. What is a repeater?
    Boosts and strengthen the signal of radios
  2. Important principles of radio communication
    make sure frequency is clear before transmission, pressing "press to talk", wait before communication, speak clearly and with a monotone voice with lips 2-3 inches from mic.
  3. When communicating with hospitals or dispatch you should do what?
    identify yourself and the unit you are calling, wait for go ahead, keep it brief, avoid codes
  4. When communicating, what should you NOT do?
    don't give patients name, use profanity, and don't use "yes" or "no" (use affirmative and negative)
  5. Presentation of the patient to medical direction should include what?
    name of EMS unit, ETA, level of prehospital provider, patients age, gender and chief complaint, hx of present illness, SAMPLE, mental status, vitals and exam, Tx and how pt. responded
  6. PCRs serve what functions?
    its a pt record, legal document, CQI & research and educational and administrative data source
  7. How do you document death?
    record physical findings such as decomposition, rigor mortis, dependent lividity, or obvious lethal injuries (decapitation)
  8. What is dependent lividity?
    Discoloration of body tissues caused by collection of coagulation
  9. Run data
    part of documentation that records the location, type of call, and times related to the response.
Card Set
Communication and documentation review