Fire 2 Prep

  1. Type III construction is normally limited in height. What is usually the maximum of a Type III building?

    B) Four story
  2. What is it called when trapped moisture in concrete is heated to steam and expands?

    C) Spalling
  3. If a Type V building is not ballon frame then what is it?
    Platform Frame
  4. Under what conditions will gypsum burn?
    It will not burn under any conditions.
  5. What are laminated glass windows likely to do when exposed to fire?

    D) Crack and remain in place
  6. What is the term for plastics that will not melt under fire conditions?
    Thermoset or Thermoplastics
  7. What is Type IV construction?
    Heavy Timber
  8. What is Type V construction?
    Wood Frame
  9. What metal is used in building construction primarily as a coating to protect metal parts from rust and corrosion?
  10. What is the term used to describe the weight of the building?
    Dead Load
  11. What can be used to provide a secure work platform for fire fighters working on a pitched roof?
    Roof Ladder
  12. If heated to a 1000øF how far will a steel beam elongate per 100' ?
    1 inch
  13. What type of construction is called ordinary construction?
    Type III
  14. A type III building has two different loads. One is the contents. What is the other?
    B) the combustible building materials
  15. The four characteristics of building materials under fire include thermal conductivity, decrease in strength with increased temp. and rate of thermal expansion. What is the Fourth?

    D) Combustibility
  16. What type of barrier is used to prevent the spread of fire from one side of a wall to the other?
    Fire Wall
  17. What is the most effective way of preventing lives in Type V construction?
  18. Failure of a steel structure is dependant on 3 factors, including the mass of the steel components and the loads placed upon them.What is the third?
    The methods used to connect the steel pieces
  19. If a Type V is not balloon frame, what type is it?
    Platform Frame
  20. With what can wood be impregnated to make it more difficult to ignite and slower burning?
    Mineral Salts
  21. What is the term used to describe the weight of the building's contents?
    Live Load
  22. What is the most effective method of protecing lives and property in Type V construction?
    Automatic Sprinklers
  23. How is the density of wood related to it's ease of ignition?
    The denser it is, the harder it is to ignite
  24. What substance is prone to spall under fire conditions?
  25. What is the measure of how readily a material will conduct heat?
  26. What will burn in Type I and Type II construction buildings?
    The contents only
  27. What are laminated glass windows likely to do when exposed to fire?
    Crack and remain in place
  28. Type I buildings are reinforced Concrete and _____________ in their construction.

    B) protected steel frame
  29. What is the term that means Type II construction?
  30. What is the term used to describe the weight of the building?
    Dead Load
  31. The strength of a truss depends on both it's members and the ________________ between them
  32. What type of command structure brings representatives of different agencies together to work on one plan and ensures all actions are fully coordinated?
    Unified Command
  33. As more companies arrive at an incident, what is one reason the command structure must expand?
    To Mantain the Span of Control
  34. What organization developed the first incident command structure?
  35. What level of supervision can an IC establish in charge of a number of divisions or groups?

    A) Branch Director
  36. What do the letters in IAP stand for?
    • Incident
    • Action
    • Plan
  37. What method of communication of the necessary transfer of command info is most effective?
    Face to Face
  38. How many people can one person manage effectively?
  39. When are first arriving officers allowed to pass command?
    Only when they're direct involvement in operations will have a significant impact on the level of the outcome of the incident
  40. In ICS terminology, what is a single resource?
    an individual vehicle and it's personnel
  41. To whom do individuals on the command staff directly report?
    to the IC
  42. How are the chiefs of the four major funtional components known collectively?
    As the IC General Staff
  43. What is the term for an assembly of five units of the same type with an assigned leader?
    Strike Team
  44. ICS has often been characterized as an organizational toolbox. What is the point of making this comparison?
    That only the tools needed for the specific incident are used.
  45. The headquarters for an incident is called?
    The Command Post
  46. By what title are the heads of the four major functional components (The General Staff) of the ICS known?
  47. where does the Safety Officer position occur in the ICS?

    A) as part of the command staff
  48. the command staff is made up of
    • Safety Officer
    • Liason Officer
    • Public Information Officer
  49. The sections of the General Staff are the:
    • Operations
    • Planning
    • Logistics
    • Finance/Administrations
  50. The sides of a building are:
    • the front side A
    • the left side B
    • the back side C
    • the right side D

    clockwise rotation
  51. Branches are lead by a:
    Branch Director
  52. A division usually refers to companies working:
    in the same geographic location
  53. a Group refers to companies working:
    on the same task or objective but not in the same location
  54. A municipal Water Supply has three major components:
    • the water source
    • the treatment plant
    • the distribution system
  55. Friction Loss is:
    the loss of pressure as water moves through a hose
  56. What principle says each fire fighter answer to only one supervisor?
    Unity of Command
  57. To what rank do fire fighters usually report?
  58. The number of people whom one person can supervise effectively is known as _____.
    Span of Control
  59. What agency regulates the design, installation, and operation of two-way radio systems?
    The FCC
  60. What is the term for the lowest temperature at which a liquid produces a flammable vapor?
    Flash point
  61. At this temperature, a fuel-air mixture will ignite spontaneously.
    Ignition Temperature
  62. What is a BLEVE?
    Boiling Liquid Expanding Vapor Explosion
  63. What makes a fire a Class C fire?
    Energized Electrical Equipment
  64. What is one example of a hand-powered hydraulic spreader tool?
    Rabbet Tool
  65. What ICS section is responsible for the collection, evaluation,dissemination,and use of information relevant to an incident?

    A) planning
  66. What NFPA Standard titled Emergency Services Incident Command System?
    NFPA 1561
  67. What organization developed the first ICS system?
  68. Efforts to establish ICS started in?
  69. What type of command structure brings different agencies together to work on a plan and ensure all actions are fully coordinated?
    Unified Command
  70. What principal requires each person to have only one direct supervisor?
    Unity of Command
  71. What method of communication of the necessary transfer of command info is the most effective?
  72. To whom do individuals on the command staff report directly to?
    Incident Commander
  73. In an ICS situation, which of these choices is the maximum number of people one person can supervise effectively?

    B) 5
  74. How are the Chiefs of the four major functional components known collectively?
    The General Staff
  75. Portable fire ground lights can range from 300 to ________?
    1500 watts
  76. What is the term for the process of mantaining continous possession and control of evidence from the time it is discovered until it is used in court?

    B) Chain of Custody
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Fire 2 Prep
NJ State Fire 2 Final exam