disease causing with special properties that permit host invasion
when microogranisms overcome host defeses
the study of disease
invasion and growth of pathoen in a host
study of development of disease
study of the cause of disease
animals are germ free
in utero but are colonized almost immediatly after birth
microorganisms that may occasionally be found associated with the host
normal bacteria prevent growth of others
bacteria and host live together
commensalism symbosis
one benefits
mutalism symbosis
both benefit
parasitism symbosis
one benefits, other is harmed
do not cause disease normally
koch's postulate
- establish etiology (cause)
- same pathogen present in very instance of disease
- pathogen isolated in culture
- isolated pathogen causes disease when introduced to a healthy host
- pathogen re isolated from the diesased host
factors to host susceptablity
- age
- gender
- climate
- level of fatigue
- and nutrition
disease patterns
- incubation period
- prodominal period
- illness period
- decline period and convalescene period
incubation period
time between infection and first signs
prodromal period
first mild signs
illness period
period when all symptoms are pesent
human reservoirs
people who have disease or are carriers (infected/no symptoms)
zoonose reservoirs
wild or domestic animals that transmit disease to humans
nonliving reservoirs
soil and water
transmition of disease
- direct contact
- fomites
- droplet
- medium
- airborne
- arthropod
fomite transmittion
inanimate objects
droplet transmittion
saliva, mucous coughing, or sneezing
medium transmition
food water and air
arthropod transmittion
insect vectors
nosocomial infection
- acquired during hospitilization or a stay in other health care facilities
- occurs 5-15%
- normal organisms introduced into wrong part of the body during invasive procedures
compromised host
burns, wounds, immune supressed
chain of transmition
direct contact and fomites
crontrol of disease
- aseptic transfer
- cleaning storage
- maintenance
- trained staff
problems of controling disease
- multiple drug resistance
- nonuse of effective cleaning agents
- training of staff