nasm exercise technique.txt

  1. The jprincipel that states the body will adapt to the specific demands that are placed on it
    SAID principle or principel of specificity
  2. Concentrically accelerates dorsiflexion and inversion
    anterior tibialis
  3. The ability of the neuromuscular systme to produce internal tension to overcome an external force
  4. The normal extensibility of all soft tissues that allow full range of motion of a joint
  5. the primary principle used in static stretching and self myofascial release
    autogenic inhibition
  6. The section of the heart that gathers reoxygenated blood returning from the lungs
    left atrium
  7. Three exercises occurring in the frontal plane of motion
    Side lateral raise, side lunge, side shuffle
  8. Efficient movemnt requieres force reduction, isometric stabiiazatoin, and concentric for production
    integrated performance paradigm
  9. The ability of the neuromuscular system to allow all muscles to work together with proper activation and timign between them
    intermuscular coordination
  10. The ability of the neuromuscular systme to allow optimal levels of motor unit recriutment and synchronization within a muscle
    intramuscular coordination
  11. Proprioceptive progression
    Floor, balance beam, half foam roll, airex pad, dynadisc
  12. Can only occur side to side, as if the were a wall in front and behind the bdy
    frontal plane movements
  13. The functional unit of the muscle formed by repeating sections of actin and myosin and lies in the space between two Z lines
  14. The cumulative sensory input to the central nervous system from all mechanoreceptors that sense positoin and limb movements
  15. Sensory recpetors responsible for sensing distortion in body tissues
  16. The term used to describe and anatomical location referring to a position described as being closer to the midline of the body from a reference point
  17. the concept that body fat reduction can only take place when there is more energy being burned than is being consumed
    Law of thermodynamics
  18. Number of muscles attached to the lumbo pelvic hip complex
  19. Systems of the kinetic chain
    nervous system, muscular system, skeletal system
  20. the process when neural impulses that sense tension is greater than the impulses that cause muscles to contract, providing an inhibitory effect to the muscle spindles
    autogenic inhibition
  21. Imaginary bisector that divides the body into top and bottom halves
    transverse plane
  22. Receptors sensitive to change in length of the muscle and rate of that change
    muscle spindles
  23. Concentrically accelerates hip extension and external rotation
    gluteus maximus
  24. An imaginary bisector that divides the body into right and left halves
    sagittal plane
  25. Heart rate percentage zones when using atp cp as energy source
  26. Movements that occur in the transverse plane oof motion
  27. A flattened or indented portion of bone, which can be a muscle attachment site
  28. Anatomical location referring to a position on the same side of the body
  29. Concentrically accelerates hip flexion, abduction, and internal rotation
    tensor fascia latae
  30. the state where there is an elevation of the bodys metabolism after exercise
  31. Muscles that assist the prime mover
  32. the name of the receptors that respond to pressure, acceleration, and deceleration in the joint
    joint receptors
  33. the cellular structure that supplies energy for many biomechanical processes by undergoing enzymatic hydrolysis
    Adensoine triphospahte
  34. Consistently repeating the same pattern of motion, which may place abnormal stresses on the body
    pattern overload
  35. When a muscle is exerting more force that being placed on it, resulting in the shortening of the muscle
  36. The agonist, synergist, and antagonist during hip extension
    Gluteus maximus, hamstrings, psoas
  37. Concentrically accelerates spinal fexion, laterl felxion, and rotation
    rectus abdominus
  38. Six muscle of the stabilization system of the core
    transverse abdominus, internal oblique, lumbar mutifidus, pelvic floor muscles, diaphragm, transversospinalis
  39. Three items necessary to establish neuromuscular efficiency
    Proper length tension relationships, rpoper force couples, proper arthrokinematics
  40. Reference to the length at which a muscle can produce the greatest force
    Length tension relationships
  41. Primary connective tissue that connects bones together and provides stability, input to the nervous system, guidance, and the limitation of improper joint movement
  42. Two muscles that eccentrically decelerate ankle dorsiflexion
    soleus and gastrocnemius
  43. The ability to react and change body positon with maximum rate for force produciton, in all planes of motion, from all body positions, during functional activities
  44. A training environment that is as unstable as can safely be controlled by an individual
    controlled instability
  45. Feedback used after the completion of a movement to help inform the client about the outcome of his performance
    knowledge of results
  46. What is developed when clients demonstrate poor flexibilty
    relative flexibility
  47. The tendency of the body to seek the path of least resistance during functional movemnet patterns
    relative flexibility
  48. The stretching technique that focuses on the neural system and fascial system of the body by applying gentle force to an adhesion
    self myofascial release
  49. eight muscles of the movement systme of the core
    latissimus dorsi, erector spinae, iliopsoas, hamstrings, hip adductors, hip abductors, rectus abdominus, external oblique
  50. The acronym said in said principel stands for
    specific, adaptation, imposed, demands
  51. Muscles that perform the opposite action as the prime mover
  52. The reflex that maintains the eyes level during movemnt
    pelvo ocular reflex
  53. Moving in the same directino of force, resulting in the lengthening of a muscle
  54. Movement of a body part away from the midline of the body
  55. Primary causes of muscle imbalance
    postural stress, emotional stress, repetitive movement, cumulative trauma, poor training technique, lack of core strength, lack of neuromusculer dfficiency
  56. Proper frontside mechanics
    ankle dorsiflextion, knee flexion ,hip flexion, neurtral lumbar spine
  57. Concentrically accelerates shoulder flexion, horizontal adduction, and internal rotation
    pectoralis major
  58. The type of specificity that refers to the weight and movements placed on the body
    mechanical specificity
  59. Three performance adaptive benefits from resistance training
    Increased tissue tensile strength, increased power, increased endurance
  60. eight reasons for the incorportation of flexibility training
    Correct muscle imbalances, increase joint rage of motion, decrease tension of muscles, relieve joint stress, improve extensibility, maintain normal functional length of muscles, improve optimum neromuscular efficiency, improve function
  61. Dysfunction within the connective tissue of the kinetic chain that is treated by the body as an injury, initiating this repair process
    cumulative injury cycle
  62. Law stating that soft tissure models along the lines of stress
    daviss law
  63. The muscle that concentrically accelerates knee extension and hip flexion
    rectus femoris
  64. Structures that make up the core
    lumbo pelvic hip complex, thoracic and cervical spine
  65. The neuromuscular phenomenon that occurs when nappropriate muscles take over the function of a weal or inhibited prime mover
    synergistic dominance
  66. The study that uses principle of physisc to quantitatively study houw force interact within a living body
  67. Concentrically accelerates scapular retraction
    middle trapezius
  68. Repeated practice of motor control processes, which lead to a change in the ability to produce complex movements
    motor learning
  69. Eccentrically decelerates shoulder flexion, abduction, and external rotation
    latissimus dorsi
  70. proper backside mechanics
    ankle plantar flexion, knee extension, hip extension, neurtral lumbar spine
  71. energy sources used in zone two of cardiorepiratory training
    muscle gycogen and lactic acid
  72. Seven charcteristics of typ i mucscle fibers
    more capillaries, increased oxygen delivery, smaller in size, less force production, slow to fatigue, long term contractoins such as stabilization, slow twitch
  73. Exercises that use quick, powerful movement involving and eccentric contraction immediately followed by an explosive concentric contraction
    reactive training
  74. the study of posture and movements and the involved strectures and mechansims that the central nervous systme uses to assimilate and integrate sensory information with previous experiences
    motor control
  75. The ability to accelerate, decelearte, stabilize and change direction quickly, while maintaing proper posture
  76. Muscles involved in inspiration
    Diaphragm, external intercostal, scalene, sternocleidomastoid, pectoralis
  77. The bending of a joint, causing the angle in the joint to decrese
  78. The type of flexibility designed to improve extensibilty of soft tissue and increase neuromuscular efficiency by using reciprocal inhibition
    active flexibility
  79. the synergistic action of muscle to produce movement around a joint
    force couple
  80. The two systmemthe musculature of the core is divided into
    stabilization systme andmovement systme
  81. The posisotn of the lumbo pelvic hip complex duiring ruinning movemtns
    A slight forward lean with neural spine
  82. The ability to move th eboyd in one intended direction as fast as possible
  83. Receptors sensitive to change and rate of change of tension
    golgi tendon organs
  84. altered reciprocal inhibition, synergistic ddominance , and arthrokinetic dysfuctinon all ead to this
    muscle imbalance
  85. Forward and backward movement, ncluding flexion and extension, occur in this plane of motion
  86. The concept of muscle inhibition, caused by a tight agonist, which inhibits its fuincitnal antagoinsit
    altered reciprocal inhibiotn
  87. The energy pathway used in moderate to high intensity activities that can only be sustabined for 30 to 50 secs
  88. The three stages in the general adaptaion sysndrome
    alarm reaction, resistance development, exhausiton
  89. The ablility of muscle to exert maximal force output in aminimal amount of time
    rate force productioon
  90. The ability of the neuromuscular systme to properly reruitmuscle s to produce force concentrically, reduce force eccentreically, and isometrically stabilze the entire kinetic chain in all three planes of motion
    Neuromuscular efficiency
  91. Feedback that provides info about the qualit of the movment during exercies
    knowledge of performance
  92. REsearch has demonstrated increased electromyogram activity and pelvic stabilizatoin wen this is performed
    drawing in maneuver
  93. The functinoal unit of the nerovus systme
  94. four examples movements occuring in the transverse plane of motion
    Trunk rotation, throwing, golfing, swinging a bat
  95. Seven charcteristics of type 2 muscle fibers
    Fewer capillaries, decreased oxygen delivery, larger in size, more force produce, quick to fatigue, short term contractions, fast witch
  96. Muscle sysnergis used in a houlder press
    deltoid, rotator cuff, trapezius
  97. The three phases of the intergrated flexibility continuum
    Corrective flexiblity, active flexiblity, fuinctional flexiblity
  98. The ablity of the obdy to produce high levels of force for prolonged perionds of time
    strength endurance
  99. Primary movements occuring in the frontal plane of motion
    abduction,adduction, lateral flexion, eversion, inversion
  100. maximum stride length
    2.1 to 2.5 times leg length
Card Set
nasm exercise technique.txt
exercise techniques