lab practical

  1. alcohol sanatizing gel is a better
    disenfectant than antibacterial soap
  2. reasons what plates are inoculated upsidown
    • moisture trapped and plates stay hydrated
    • prevents condensation from dripping onto the agar
  3. colony moorphology
    describes coloines by size, variation, color and texture
  4. aseptic technique
    • no contaminants are introduced to specimen
    • avoid cross contamination
  5. immersion oil
    enables the image to be the clearest state and provides contrast
  6. heat fixed bateria
    adhere to slide and make it accept stains
  7. types of stains
    • methyl blue
    • crystal violet
    • safranin
  8. circular bacteria
  9. rod bacteria
  10. spiral bacteria
  11. gram + are colored
  12. gram - are colored
  13. streak plate
    to isolate single colonies
  14. tsa slant
    solid agar solidified in a tube at a slant
  15. tsa broth
    contains no agar, liquid that contains nutrients for growing bacteria
  16. pellicle growth
    scummy layer of material at the top of the liquid
  17. sediment growth
    cells that have settled to the bottom
  18. surface colonies grow better
    than embedded colonies becuase they recievce more oxygen and have more room to grow
  19. turbidity
  20. urease test
    urease breaks down urea to make ammonia and co2
  21. urease test pink
    • rapid urea hydrolysis and strong urease production
    • yellow/orange: -
  22. ornithine decarboxylation test
    ornithine decarboxylation turns ornithine into putrescine and co2
  23. ornithine decarboxylation test puple
    • presence of ornithine decarboxylation
    • yellow/no color change -
  24. phenylalanine deaminase test
    phenylalanine deaminase turns phenylanine into phenylpyruvic acid and ammonia
  25. phenylalanine deaminase test green
    • after adding ferric chloride
    • presence of phenylpyruvic acid and phenylalanine deaminase
    • yellow-
  26. cyseine desulfhydrase test
    cyseine desulfhydrase turns cystine into pyruvic acid, hydrogen sulfide and ammonia
  27. cyseine desulfhydrase test black
    presence of ferrous sulfide, h2s production and cyseine desulfhydrase
  28. indole test
    tryptophanase turns tryptophan into pyruvic acid, indole and ammonia
  29. indole test red
    top layer- forms rosindole, presence of indole and tryptophanase
  30. oxidation fermentaion test
    • sealed and fermentation
    • unsealed and oxidation
  31. oxidation fermetation green
    oxidation, no acid produced
  32. oxidation fermetation yellow
    • oxidation and fermentation
    • top yellow- oxidation and slow fermentation
    • produces acid
  33. oxidation fermetation blue
    incapable of sugar utalization
  34. nitrate reduction test
    nitrates being reduced to nitrites
  35. nitrate reduction red
    • organism reduced nitrate to nitrite
    • after zinc: pink nitrates reduced
  36. oxidase test blue
    presence of cytochrome c oxidase
  37. catalase test bubbles
    presence of catalse and h202 breakdown
  38. cell growth phases
    • lag
    • log
    • staitionary
    • death
  39. phenylethyl alcohol agar
    • allows growth of gram +
    • inhibts gram - growth by interfering with the DNA synthesis
  40. eosin methylene blue agar
    inhibits growth of gram + bacteria
  41. eosin methylene blue agar- green
    • high acid production, breakdown of sugar
    • pink- moderate
    • uncolored - none
  42. salt agar
    • inhibits growth of most bacteria
    • staphococcus and micrococcus
    • growth observed = salt tolerant bacteria
  43. ultra violet radiation froms
    • thimine dimers which interfers with DNA replication
    • b.pumilis is more sensative to UV than m.luteus
  44. disk diffusion test
    zone of inhibition: bacteria that are susceptible to a specific drug create a clear zone that appears around the disk where growth has been inhibited
  45. bactericidal
    kills the organism
  46. bacteriostatic
    stop growth but doesnt kill
  47. the smaller the clearing zone
    resistant (2mm)
  48. the larger the clearing zone
    sensitive (20 mm)
  49. -pGlo LB/amp
    -pGlo LB
    • no growth
    • lawn growth
  50. +pGlo LB/amp
    +pGlo LB/amp/ara
    • many yellow individual colonies
    • 2x the colonies and glow under UV light
  51. mutations in DNA
    cause the organism to grow uncontrolably caused by UV light.
  52. host range
    type of cells that a specific phage can infect
  53. pathogen
    disease causing organism
  54. pathogenesis
    damaging or altering host cell
  55. mannitol salt agar yellow
    • presence of acid production/ mannitol fermentation
    • red: none
  56. salmonella shigela agar yellow
    • and black- acid production, sulfate reduction and lactose fermentation
    • red- contatins acid and none
Card Set
lab practical
final exam