social work 1-5

  1. Early programs of poor relief in America largely reflected programs developed previously in:
  2. Consistent with the residual conception of social welfare is the view that:
    Funds and services should be provided primarily during emergencies on a short-term basis
  3. Human services is a broader term than social welfare
    because it includes services that are not usually considered social
    welfare services, such as library services and firefighting.
  4. The ____ refers to the fact that decisions about the provision of key
    social welfare programs are being transferred from the federal
    government to the state level:
    Devolution revolution
  5. Which of the following categories was (were) established by the Elizabethan Poor Law:
    • The able-bodied poor
    • Dependent children
  6. Linda Gordon notes that the stigmatization of the AFDC program first
    began to occur on a large scale in the 1950s and 1960s because:
    • An expectation began to grow that women should work outside the home
    • The divorce rate was increasing, which left more women alone to raise their children
    • Black women began asserting that the right to receive welfare (AFDC) was one they were entitled to as citizens, just like the right to vote
  7. The 1601 Elizabethan Poor Law established which three categories of relief recipients:
    The able-bodied, poor, the impotent poor, and dependent children
  8. Private social agencies:
    Provided most of the funds and social services in the 19th century
  9. The political philosophy of liberalism asserts that:
    The government should regulate business and industry in society
  10. Financial support of social welfare programs by the federal government in America began on a large scale:
    In the 1930s
  11. Social welfare overlaps with social work primarily at a:
    Practice level
  12. The United States spends a higher percentage of its gross national product on social welfare programs than any other country in the world.
  13. Blaming social welfare clients for their predicaments is consistent with the institutional view of social welfare.
  14. ____ is the process
    of helping individuals, families, groups, and communities to increase
    their personal, interpersonal, socio-economic, and political strength
    and to develop influence toward improving their circumstances:
  15. Mezzo practice in social work involves:
    Working with families and other small groups
  16. Reasons for the renewed interest of social work in sociological approaches to helping people include:
    • Questioning of the effectiveness of many psychotherapeutic approaches
    • Mood of the 1960s, which raised questions about the relevance of social institutions in meeting social needs
  17. Charity organization societies used volunteer "friendly visitors" extensively to work with recipients of services.
  18. ______ aims at helping individuals on a one-to-one basis to meet personal and social problems:
    Social casework
  19. Functions of charity organization societies included:
    • Providing direct services to individuals and families
    • Planning and coordinating the efforts of private agencies
  20. The text suggests that the most basic skill that a social worker needs is the ability to effectively counsel clients.
  21. The following is (are) true:
    The main objective of the environmental reform approach to helping people is to enable clients to adapt and adjust to their social situations
    The psychiatric approach to helping people focuses on changing the system to better meet the needs of people
    Since 1960 there has been a renewed interest among social workers in environmental approaches to helping people in need
    All of the above
    Since 1960 there has been a renewed interest among social workers in environmental approaches to helping people in need
  22. Analogous to a general practitioner in medicine, a social worker should have a wide range of skills and intervention techniques.
  23. ____ is the process of stimulating and assisting the local community to
    evaluate, plan, and coordinate its efforts to provide for the
    community's health, welfare, and recreation needs:
    Community organization
  24. All of the following are goals of social work practice except:
    Enhancing the problem-solving, coping, and developmental capabilities of people
    Linking people with systems that provide them with resources, services, and opportunities
    Seeking to maintain the power structure that has made America great
    Promoting the effectiveness and humane operation of systems that provide people with resources and services
    Developing and improving social policy
    Seeking to maintain the power structure that has made America great
  25. Systems
    theory suggests that if one family member improves through counseling,
    that improvement will generally upset the balance within the family and
    force other family members to make changes.
  26. A medical model of human behavior focuses on the dysfunctional
    transactions between people and their physical and social environments.
  27. The basic principle
    of generalist practice is that social workers are able to utilize the
    problem-solving process to intervene with various size systems including
    individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities.
  28. ____
    is the process of helping individuals, families, groups, organizations,
    and communities increase their personal, interpersonal, socioeconomic,
    and political strength and influence through improving their
  29. Group therapy has which of the following advantages over individual therapy:
    • Allows for the helper therapy principle to operate
    • Helps members put their problems into perspective by helping them to realize that others have problems as serious as theirs
    • Allows the therapist to save time by treating more than one person at a time
  30. Disciplines that provide training in community practice include:
    • Social work
    • Community psychology
    • Urban and regional planning
    • Health planning
  31. In the following role, the social worker brings together those who are
    in conflict over one or more issues, and seeks to bargain and compromise
    in order to arrive at mutually acceptable agreements:
  32. A skill needed for social work practice is:
    Listening to others with understanding and purpose
  33. The principle of
    self-determination asserts that clients have the right to hold and
    express their own opinions and to act upon them, as long as in doing so
    they do not infringe upon the rights of others.
  34. Which of the following is not a self-help group:
    Planned Parenthood
  35. Absolute confidentiality with respect to information revealed to social
    work professionals by clients is almost always maintained.
  36. One of the most useful evaluation techniques is management by objectives.
  37. Satir asserts that:
    • Family members in troubled families are apt to communicate with
    • incongruent messages and double-bind messages and by indirectly
    • expressing their thoughts and feelings
  38. According to the text, bureaucratic systems:
    Place heavy emphasis on structure and maintaining the status quo
  39. Which of the following models of community practice stresses the role of the expert and expertise in resolving social problems:
    Social planning
  40. When social workers link individuals or groups who need help with community services, they are fulfilling the role of:
  41. If every able-bodied adult were employed, poverty would be eliminated.
  42. Which of the following programs is referred to as “social security” by
    the general public and is designed to partially replace income lost when
    a worker retires or becomes disabled:
    Old Age, Survivors, Disability, and Health Insurance
  43. Which best describes the programs enacted by the Elizabeth Poor Law?
    • The able-bodied poor were offered work and if they refused, they were whipped, imprisoned, or sent back to their birthplace.
    • The impotent poor (the elderly and disabled) were either given public relief or placed in almshouses.
    • Childrens whose parents could not provide for them were bound out as apprentices to other adults.
  44. Food Stamps primarily have “residual” aspects.
  45. The following program or federal act has a requirement that adult
    recipients of public assistance (who have children) must seek
    Temporary Assistance to Needy Families
  46. Someone that sees themselves as having institutional values would most likely be a republican.
  47. Which of the following programs is referred to as “social security” by
    the general public and is designed to partially replace income lost when
    a worker retires or becomes disabled:
    Old Age, Survivors, Disability, and Health Insurance
  48. If every able-bodied adult were employed, poverty would be eliminated.
  49. Which social insurance program has two parts: hospital insurance and medical insurance?
  50. Which one is not a cause of poverty?
    High educational level
  51. Who are the poor people in our society?
    • Children
    • Single parent families
    • People of color
  52. More than one in five people on this planet survive on less than $1 a day.
  53. The poverty cycle states that because of low educational background, someone can be locked into poverty.
  54. The Aid to Families with Dependent Children program was set up in 1935
    to benefit young children in female-headed families by making it
    possible for their mothers to remain at home.
  55. In most instances poverty isn't passed on from generation to generation.
  56. Szasz asserts that the notion that people who have emotional problems
    are mentally ill is as absurd as the belief that the emotionally
    disturbed are possessed by demons.
  57. The following personality disorder involves a pattern of disregard for, and violation of, the rights of others:
  58. Rational therapy states that emotions stem mainly from:
  59. In counseling people, which of the following should you not (generally) do:
    Give advice
  60. Enduring patterns of inner experience and behavior that deviate markedly
    from the expectations of culture, which are pervasive and inflexible,
    have an onset in adolescence or early adulthood, are stable over time,
    and lead to distress or disability, are classified in DSM-IV-TR as:
    Personality disorders
  61. The problem(s) with labeling a person “mentally ill” is (are):
    • The practice of labeling people “mentally ill” who do not conform to social expectations is sometimes used as a means of social control over people
    • The mental illness labeling process may be the single most important determinant of chronic mental illness
  62. A psychosis manifested by disturbances of language and communication,
    thought, perception, affect, and behavior that lasts longer than six
    months is:
  63. The
    following personality disorder involves a pattern of marked impulsivity
    and of instability in interpersonal relationships, self-image, and
  64. According to Szasz, bizarre homicides are:
    Social deviances
  65. According to Szasz, a serious depression is apt to be a:
    Personal disability
  66. Factors involved in a person being labeled mentally ill include:
    • The person displays deviant behavior
    • The person's family or community will no longer tolerate his or her behavior
    • The views of mental health professionals (psychiatrists, psychologists,
    • and social workers) as to what types of deviant behaviors constitute a
    • mental illness
  67. Bipolar disorder is a(n):
    Major affective disorder in which there are episodes of both mania and depression
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social work 1-5
sw 201 exam 1