CH 10M Adaptive Massage

  1. What is the feel of pain experienced by approximately 70% of people with amputated limbs and usually occurs within the first week after the amputation (involves peripheral and central nervous systems)?

    C. Phantom Limb Sensation
  2. What is the flexible tube that is inserted and sewn into a large vein, usually the right subclavian vein in upper chest, and left in place for a extended period for blood withdrawal, chemotherapy, dialysis and frequent administration of medicine?

    A. Stent
    B. Stoma
    C. Central Venous Catheter
    D. Central Arterial Catherer
    What is a Central Venous Catheter?
  3. What is the device that is used to treat abnormal heart rates, can detect heart rhythms that are too slow or too fast and when necessary, delivers an electrical shock to restore normal heart rate and rhythm?

    A. Pacemaker
    B. Stent
    C. Implatable Cardioverter Defibulator
    D. Stoma
    What is an Implantable Cardioverter Defibllator (ICD)?
  4. What is the device that is surgically implanted and sends out small electrical currents to stimulate the heart to contract, can automatically speed up the heart beat during exercise?

    C. Pacemaker
  5. What is the small, expandable lattice-shaped metal tube or hollow perforated tube used in cornary arteries, peripheral arteries, veins, bile ducts and other vessels to increase the vessel or duct diameter?

    C. Stent
  6. What is the incision in the colon to create an opening that is affixed to the exterior abdominal wall with a bag attached to collect fecal material?

    A. Colostomy
  7. What is the incision in the ileum of the small instestine connecting to the external abdominal wall with a bag attached to collect fecal material?

    A. Ileostomy
  8. During an Ileostomy and Colostomy, this is when the end of the instestine is pulled through an opening made in the abdominal wall and then folded outward onto itself and attached to the abdomen with stitches

    A. Stoma
    B. Stent
    C. Catheter
    D. Splint
    A. Stoma
  9. What is an condition or illness in which the client is expected to die within a time frame, usually six months?

    D. Terminal
  10. A condition or illness of the body for which no cure is known and a gradual decline in health is expected.

    C. Chronic
  11. What is the coping mechanism to trauma where the victim leaves the body so as not to feel, or to believe that abuse or trauma was happening to someone else. Clients may relive abuse memories during massage.

    C. Disassociation
  12. When a tumor "Mestatsizes" its spreads cancerous cells within the body to other parts of the body. What type of tumor causes this?

    D. Malignant
  13. A cancer of the epithelial tissue.

    B. Carcinomas
  14. A cancer that grows from melonocytes or the skin cells that produce pigment melonin

    B. Melanomas
  15. A cancer developed from muscle cells or connective tissues.

    B. Sarcomas
  16. A Cancer characterized by rapid growth of abnormal white blood cells.

    A. Leukemia
  17. A Cancer of the Lymphatic Tissue.

    D. Lymphomas
  18. One of the causes of cancer, these chemicals, agents or radiation that causes permanent structural changes in the genetic material of the cell. Examples are cigarette tar, radon gas and ultraviolent radiation in sunlight.

    D. Carcinogens
  19. Cancer-causing genes that when inappropriately activated, they transform a normal cell into a cancerous cell.

    A. Oncogenes
  20. A cancer-causing virus that stimulates cells to devide abnormally. Example (HPV) causes cervical cancer in woman.

    D. Oncoviruses
  21. What is the Study of the Tumors?

    A. Oncology
  22. Tumors are excess tissue that develops when body cells divide without control, or abnormal cell growth. They are also called _______

    B. Neoplasm
  23. What type of tumor that will spread cancerous cells to other parts of the body but is name for the place it begins.

    D. Malignant
  24. Which tumor that does not spread but may become life-threatening if, as it grows, puts pressure on vital areas, such as areas of the brain

    B. Benign
  25. What is the disease also known as humpback condition, may be uncomfortable lying in the prone position.

    A. Kyphosis
  26. What is the disease also known as swayback, common in clients who are overweight or who have flaccid abdominal muscles. Support needed for prone or supine position.

    B. Lordosis
  27. A disease that causes lateral spine distortion that occurs mostly in women and girls, over 60% to 80%

    C. Scoliosis
  28. A mechanism that causes repressed memories to come to the conscious mind, such as when a clients physical body may remember a past traumatic event while recieving a massage.

    A. State-Dependent Memory
  29. A relapse into a previous condition such as substance abuse. During these episodes, massage can be used for its psychological and physiological benefits

    A. Recidivism
  30. Aids is caused by the HIV virus, affecting _______ of the immune styste. Can be transmitted by sexual contact, sharing needles or transfusions.

    A. T Lymphocytes
  31. Term referring to someone who is 70 years of age or older. Some may require assistance with accomplishing daily activities.

    C. Geriatric
  32. Term referring to clients between ages 3 to 18 years. This type of massage address specific tissue problems and injuries.

    A. Pediatric
Card Set
CH 10M Adaptive Massage
Adaptive Massage Terms