chpt 4/3

  1. femoral head
    the proximal end of the femur, articulating with that acetablum to form the hip joint
  2. femur
    thighbone, the longest and one of th strongest bones in the body
  3. flex
    to bend
  4. flexion
    the bending of a join
  5. floating ribs
    the eleventh and twelfth ribs, which do not attach to the sternum through the costal arch
  6. foramen magnum
    a large opening at the base of teh skull through which the brain connects to thespinal cord
  7. fowlers position
    the position in which the patient is sitting up with the knees bent
  8. gallbladder
    a sac on the undersurface of the liver that collects bile from the liver and discharges it into the duodenum through the common bile duct.
  9. gental system
    the male and female reproductive system
  10. gerater trochanter
    a bony prominence on the proximal lateral side of the thigh, just below the hip joint
  11. hair follicles
    the small organs in theskin that produce hair
  12. heart
    a hollow muscular organ that recieves blood from the veins and propels it into the arteries
  13. heart rate (pulse)
    the wave of pressure that is created by the hearts contracting and forcing blood out the left enticle and into the major arteries
  14. hinge joints
    joints that can bend and straighten but cannot rotate, they restrict motion to one plane
  15. humerus
    the sppporting bone of the upper arm
  16. hypoxic drive
    a backup system to control respiration, senses drops in th oxygen level in the blood
  17. iliac crest
    the rim or wing of the pelvic bone
  18. ilium
    one of three bones that fuse to form the pelvic ring
  19. inferior
    the part of the body or any body part nearer to the feet
  20. inferior vena cava
    one of the two largest veins in the body, carriers blood from the lower extremities and the pelvic and the abdominal organs into the heart
  21. inguinal ligament
    the though fibrous ligament that stretches between the lateral edge of the pubic symphysis and the anterior superior illac spine
  22. involuntary muscles
    muscle over which a person has no conscious control. it is found in many automatic regulating systems of the body
  23. ischium
    one of the three bones that fuse to form the pelvic ring
  24. joint ( articulation)
    the place where two bones come into contact
  25. joint capusle
    the fibrous sac that encloses a joint
  26. kidneys
    2 retoperitoneal organs that excrete the end products of metabolism as urine and regulate the bodys salt and water content
  27. large instestine
    the portion of the deigestive tube that encircles the abdomen around the small bowel, consisting of the cecum, the colon and the rectum, it helps regulate water and eliminate solid wastes
  28. lateral
    parts of the body that lie farther from the midline, also called outer structures
  29. ligament
    a band of fibrous tissue that connects bones to bones, it supports and strengthens a joint
  30. liver
    a large solid organ that lies in the right upper quandrant immediatly below the diaphragm, it produces bile, stores sugar for immediate use by the body, and produces many substances that help regulate the immune responses
Card Set
chpt 4/3
chapt 4-3 vocab