
  1. cerebullum
    one of the three major subdivisons of the brain, sometimes called the "little brain" coordinates the various activities of the brain, particularly fine body movements
  2. cerebrum
    the largest part of the three subdivisions of the brain, sometimes called the gray matter, made up of several lobes that control movement, hearing, balance, speech, visual perception, emotions, and personality
  3. cervical spine
    the portion of the spinal column consisting of the first seven vertibrae that lie in the neck
  4. circulatory system
    the somplex arrangement of connected tubes, including the arteries, arteriles, capillaries, venules, and veins, that moves blood, oxygen, nutrients, carbon dioxide, and cellusr waste thoroughout the body
  5. clavicle
    the collarbone, it is laterial to the sternum and medial to teh scapula
  6. coccyx
    the last three of four vertebrae of the spine
  7. connecting nerves
    nerves that connect the sensory and motor nerves in the spinal cord
  8. costal arch
    a bridge of cartilage that connects the ends of the sixth through tenth ribs with the lower portion of the sternum
  9. costovertebral angle
    an angle that is formed by the junction of the spine and the teenth rib
  10. cranium
    the area of the head above the ears and eyes, the skull, it contains the brain
  11. cricoid cartilage
    a firm ridge of cartilage that forms the lower part of the larynx
  12. cricothyroid membrane
    a thin sheet of fascia that connects the thyroid and crioid cartilages that make up the larynx
  13. deep
    further inside the body and away from the skin
  14. dermis
    the inner layer of theskin, containing hair follicles, sweat glands, nerve endings, and blood vessels
  15. diaphragm
    a muscular dome that forms the undersurface of the thorax, seperating the chest from the abdominal cavity.
  16. diastole
    the relaxation or period of relaxation of the heart especially of the ventricles
  17. digestion
    the processing of food that nourishes the individual cells of the body
  18. distal
    structures that are farther from the trunk or nearer to the free end of the extremity
  19. dorsal
    the posterior surface of the body, including the back of the hand
  20. dorsalis pedis artery
    the artery on theanterior surface of the foot between the first and second metatarsals
  21. endocrine system
    the complex message and control system that intergrates many body functions including the release of hormones
  22. enzymes
    protein catysts designed to speed up the rate of specific reactions
  23. eidermis
    the outer layer of skin, which is made up of cells that are sealed together to form a watertight protective covering for the body
  24. epiglottis
    a thin leaf shaped valve that allows air to pass into the trachea but prevents food or liquid from entering
  25. esophagus
    a collapsible tube tha extends from the pharynx to the stomach, contractions of the muscle in the wall of theesophagus propel food and liquids through it to the stomach
  26. extend
    to straighten
  27. extension
    the straighting of a joint
  28. fallopian tube
    long slender tube that extends from the uterus to theregion of the ovary to uterus
  29. fascia
    a sheet or brand of tough fibrous connective tissue, lies deep under the skin and forms an outer layer for the muscles
  30. femoral artery
    the principal artery of the thigh, a continuation of the external gentalia, and legs, it can be palpated in the groin area
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chpt 4/2 vocab