What does APTM stand for?
- Aortic
- Pulmonic
- Tricuspid
- Mitral
Where is the PMI and what does it stand for?
- Point of Maximal Impulse (Also called apical pulse)
- Apex of heart
- 5th ICS (intercostal space)
- MCL (Midclavicular Line)
When auscultating, listen for a full 60 seconds.
When auscultating area, may have to ask woman to displace lt breast to one side.
In older women, just have them lay down.
Can also roll pt up on lt side.
Where do you ausculate for aortic sounds
2nd RICS, sternal border
Auscultate for Pulmonic sounds?
2nd LICS, sternal border
Tricuspid sounds?
5th ICS, LSB
Mitral sounds
- 5th ICS, MCL
- Will be close to nipple line, maybe slightly below for some women.
Two phases of chardia pumps
- Diastole: ventricles relax and fill w blood
- Atrial kick
Systole; contraction and blood pumped out
Diastolic Murmers
- Heard between S2 and S1.
- If found, usually patholical.
- "Musical" sound like water over rocks.
Systolic Murmers
- Heard between S1 and S2.
- May or may not be benign, but typically is benign.
- Result of turbulent blood flow and collisions
- Gentle, blowing, swooshing sound
- Can be heard on chest wall
- Conditions:
- Velocity of blood Increase (flow murmur); exercise, thyrotoxicosis
- Viscosity of blood decreased ; anemia
- Structural defects in valves, narrowed valve, incompetent valve
- Unusual openings occur in chambers, dilated chamber, wall defect
What is a CABG?
- Corinary
- Artiery
- Bypass
- Grafting
What kind of cardiac problem can a wet cough indicate?
- congestive heart failure on the rt side. Blood backs up in lungs.
- May also be lt side.