O- iliacus- iliac fossa; psoas major- anterior and lateral surfaces of T12-L5
I- lesser trochanter
A- hip flexion
N- iliacus: femoral; psoas major: L2-3
rectus femoris
I- tibial tuberosity
A- hip flexion, knee extension
N- femoral
I- proximal medial aspect of tibia
A- hip flexion, abduction, ER
N- femoral
O- superior ramus of pubis
I- pectineal line of femur
A- hip flexion, adduction
N- femoral
adductor longus
O- pubis
I- medial 1/3 of linea aspera
A- hip adduction
N- obturator
adductor brevis
O- pubis
I- pectineal line and proximal linea aspera
A- hip adduction
N- obturator
adductor magnus
O- ischium and pubis
I- entire linea aspera and adductor tubercle
A- hip adduction
N- obturator and sciatic
O- pubis
I- anterior medial surface of proximal tibia
A- hip adduction
N- obturator
gluteus maximus
O- posterior sacrum, ilium
I- post. femur, distal to greater trochanter
A- hip ext., hyperext., ER
N- inferior gluteal
deep rotators
O- posterior sacrum, ishium, pubis
I- greater trochanter area
A- hip ER
N- variable
gluteus medius
O- outer ilium
I- greater trochanter
A- hip abduction
N- superior gluteal
gluteus minimus
O- lateral ilium
I- ant. surface of greater trochanter
A- hip abduction, IR
N- superior gluteal
tensor fascia latae
I- lateral condyle of tibia
A- combined hip flexion and abduction
N- superior gluteal