
  1. 가공할
    dreadful terrible formidable (Military)
  2. 감시 활동
    observation activities (Military)
  3. 감축
    reduction (Military)
  4. 공격하다
    to attack (Military)
  5. 공산군측
    Communist Army (Military)
  6. 공수 사단
    airborne division (Military)
  7. 관통상
    piercing bullet wound (Military)
  8. 국군
    ROK Army (in contrast with North Korean Army) (Military)
  9. 국방성
    Department of Defense (of the U.S.) (Military)
  10. 군사 정전 위원회
    Military Armistice Commission (MAC) (Military)
  11. 군축 협상
    armament reduction negotiation (Military)
  12. 기계화
    mechanized (Military)
  13. 다국적군
    multi-national forces (Military)
  14. 단계적
    by phase step-by-step (Military)
  15. 대체하다
    to replace (Military)
  16. 대함 미사일
    anti-vessel missile (Military)
  17. 도발 행위
    provocative act (Military)
  18. 독개스
    poison gas (Military)
  19. bay gulf (Military)
  20. 무기
    weapon firearm (Military)
  21. 무력
    armed (military) power (Military)
  22. 무장하다
    to be armed with (Military)
  23. 미국 본토
    Continental United States (CONUS) (Military)
  24. and (Military)
  25. 발진하다
    to launch (Military)
  26. 방어하다
    to defend (Military)
  27. 병력
    military personnel strength (Military)
  28. 보급품
    supplies (Military)
  29. 부상을 당하다/입다
    to get wounded (Military)
  30. 북괴군
    North Korean Armed Forces (Military)
  31. 사정권
    range of fire (Military)
  32. 선단
    fleet of ships (Military)
  33. 선제 공격
    preemptive attack (strike) (Military)
  34. 선편으로
    by ship (Military)
  35. 식량
    foodstuff food; food ration (Military)
  36. 싣다
    to load (Military)
  37. 앞으로
    in the future (Military)
  38. 양국
    both countries/nations (Military)
  39. 어깨
    shoulder (Military)
  40. 열리다
    to be opened take place; open begin (Military)
  41. 예비군
    reserve forces armed reserve (Military)
  42. 예하 부대
    subordinate unit (Military)
  43. 요청하다
    to request (Military)
  44. 우세
    superiority (Military)
  45. 위력
    power influence (Military)
  46. 유엔군측 수석 대표
    senior delegate of the United Nations Command (Military)
  47. 전진 기지
    forward base (Military)
  48. 전진 배치
    advanced placement (Military)
  49. 전투기
    fighter (aircraft) (Military)
  50. 정규군
    regular forces (troops army) (Military)
  51. 주한 미군
    U.S Forces stationed in Korea (Military)
  52. 줄이다
    to reduce (Military)
  53. 중동
    the Middle East (Military)
  54. 중부 전선
    central front line (Military)
  55. 지상군
    ground forces (Military)
  56. 초소
    guard post (GP) (Military)
  57. 총격전
    gunfire (Military)
  58. 최신예
    most advanced newest and superior (Military)
  59. 출발하다
    to depart (Military)
  60. 탄약
    ammunition (Military)
  61. 태평양 사령부
    Headquarters (HQ) U.S. Pacific Command (PACOM) (Military)
  62. 통합 병원
    combined hospital (Military)
  63. 파병하다
    to dispatch military troops (Military)
  64. 평화 지대
    peace zone (Military)
  65. 한미
    Korea and America (Military)
  66. 함정
    naval vessel (Military)
  67. 합치다
    to combine (Military)
  68. 항공모함
    aircraft carrier (Military)
  69. 항진하다
    to cruise (Military)
  70. nuclear (Military)
  71. 후송하다
    to send back (from the front) (Military)
  72. -제
    made in - (Military)
  73. -차
    the -th (as in the 14th 27th etc.) (Military)
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