Functional Myo - Term 2

  1. The cartilage of the acetabulum is 'C' shaped with the opening facing downwards (omega shaped). What is the name given to the inferior facing opening?

    C) Acetabular Notch

    • Acetabular Fossa = A depressed area in the floor of the acetabulum above the acetabular notch
    • Acetabular Notch = in the medial part of the rim of the acetabulum
    • c =
    • Fovea Capitus = a fovea on the head of the femur, where the round ligament is attached.
  2. The acetabular labrum is a fibrocartilagenous structure attached to the periphery of the acetabulum that helps to deepen it and to hold the femoral head in position. It bridges the opening referred to in question one. Here it is called...

    C) Transverse acetabular ligament

    • Median Arcruate Ligament = connects crura of the diaphragm
    • Ligament of Bigalow = a band of fibrous tissue connecting bones or cartilages, serving to support and strengthen joints.
  3. The ischiofemoral ligament reinforces the hip joint capsule posteriorly and primarily limits which movement...

    A) extension

    iliofemoral - Prevents hyperextension of hip; screws the head of the femur into the acetabulum to help strengthen and stabilize the joint; is a Y-shaped ligament that covers most of hte anterior aspect of the coxofemoral joint

    Pubofemoral - checks hyperabduction; aids in preventing hyperextension of hip; strengthens the anterior and inferior parts of the capsule
  4. Which of the two following motions of the hip is considered to have a range of motion of about 30 degrees?
    a) Adduction
    b) Extension
    c) External rotation
    d) Flexion
    Adduction & External Rotation
  5. Which range of motion of the hip is considered to be the least?

    D) Extension
  6. Which of the following muscles is not considered to contribute to medial hip rotation?

    C) Gmax
  7. Which two of the following are attachment points for the lateral collateral ligament of the knee?
    a) Head of fibula
    b) Lateral femoral epicondyle
    c) Lateral tibial plateau
    d) Lateral lip of the linea aspera
    • a) head of fib
    • b) Lateral femoral epicondyle
  8. Which of the following is false with regard to the medial collateral ligament of the knee?

    C) It is a cord like structure
  9. Which of the following is false with regard to the lateral meniscus of the knee?

    D) It is attached via the joint capsule to the lateral collateral ligament
  10. Which of the following is true with regard to the anterior cruciate ligament of the knee?

    B) Helps prevent anterior translation of the tibia relative to the femur
  11. What is the name given to the aponeurosis on the top of the head?

    B) Galea aponeurotica - the aponeurosis connecting the two bellies of the occipitofrontalis muscle.
  12. Which of the following muscles is not part of the 'epicranius'?

    A) Temporalis
  13. What is the action of the Levator Palpabrae Superioris?

    D) Raises the eye lid

    • Closes eye - obiccularis occuli
    • Raises eye brows - Frontalis
    • Raises upper lip - Levator labii superioris
  14. Which of the following muscles causes the nostrils to flare and constrict?

    A) Nasalis

    Procerus - functions to draw down the eyebrows and wrinkle the nose.
  15. Which of the following muscles does not cause movement of the eyebrows?

    C) Levator Palpebrae Superioris
  16. Which of the following muscles does not elevate the upper lip?
    a) Levator Labii Superioris Alaque Nasi
    b) Levator Labii Superioris
    c) Mentalis
    d) Zygomatic Minor
    c) Mentalis - rasises and protrudes the lower lip to express doubt
  17. Which of the following muscles derives its name from the Latin word for Trumpet?

    A) Buccinator
  18. Which of the following means pertaining to the lip?

    D) Labial

    • Mental - Of or relating to the mind
    • Palpebral - An eyelid
  19. Which of the following cranial nerves supplies all the muscles of facial expression?

    C) VII

    • III - Oculomotor - Innervates the levator palpebrae superioris, superior rectus, medial rectus, inferior rectus, and inferior oblique.
    • V - Trigeminal - innervates the muscles of mastication
    • XII - Hypoglossal - Provides motor innervation to the muscles of the tongue
  20. Which emotion does the depressor anguli oris help to express?
  21. Which of the following is not part of the erector spinae?

    • C) Splenis
    • I LOVE SEX
    • I-L-S
  22. Which of the following is positioned most laterally on the back?

    B) Iliocostalis
  23. Which of the following does not arise from the common origin of the erector spinae group?

    C) Iliocostalis Thoracis
  24. Which of the following is not part of the transversospinalis group?

    B) Spinalis
  25. Of the transversospinalis group, which are the longest?

    A) Rotatores
  26. Of the transversospinalis group, which are divided into subgroups by length/depth?
    a) Multifidus
    b) Rotatores
    c) Spinalis
    d) Semispinalis
    a & b
  27. Generally speaking, what osseous structures are the points of attachment for the longissimus group?

    B) Transverse processes and ribs
  28. Which two of the following do not have a 'capitus' sub grouping?

    • B) Iliocostalis
    • c) Rotatores
  29. Which of the following does not help form the suboccipital triangle?

    A) Rectus capitus posterior minor
  30. Which of the following primarily causes rotation of the upper cervical complex?

    B) Obliquus capitus inferior
  31. The diaphragm is the primary muscle of inspiration. It is dome shaped at rest. What is the name given to its aponeurotic apex?

    D) Central tendon
  32. The diaphragm descendes during the initial stage of inspiration. What structures limit it's downward movement?

    B) Oesophegeal hiatus

    • Crus - two fibromuscular bands that arise from the lumbar vertebrae and insert into the central tendon of the diaphragm.
    • Medial arcruate ligament -  connects the right and left crura of diaphragm
    • Pericardium -  the thin, sac-like membrane that surrounds the heart
  33. Which of the following apertures is most posteriorly placed in the diaphragm?

    C) Aortic Aperture
  34. Which two of the following structures give rise to the median arcruate ligament which, in turn, forms the aortic aperture?

    • B) Left crus
    •  d) Right crus
  35. Concentric contraction of the diaphragm increases the internal dimensions of the thorax in which direction?

    C) Vertically
  36. The serratus posterior superior lays deep to which of the following muscles?

    B) Rhomboids Minor/Major
  37. Which of the following is not considered to be a muscle of inspiration?

    C) Transversus thoracis
  38. Which of the following muscles arises from the TP's of C7-T11 and inserts into the rib below?

    B) Levator Costales
  39. Which of the following is not a muscle of inspiration?

    D) Levator Scap
  40. Which of the following muscles, involved in respiration, is located inside the thoracic cavity?

    D) Diaphragm
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Functional Myo - Term 2
Functional Myo - Term 2