
  1. 가로등
    streetlight (Politics)
  2. 가지다
    to have (Politics)
  3. 거부하다
    to reject (Politics)
  4. 건설부
    Ministry of Construction (Politics)
  5. 계획안
    proposal for a plan (Politics)
  6. 고위급
    high ranking (Politics)
  7. 공무원
    civil service employee government officials and employees (Politics)
  8. 과제
    task assignment (Politics)
  9. 교통부
    Ministry of Transportation (Politics)
  10. 국내
    domestic within a country (Politics)
  11. 국무 총리
    prime minister (Politics)
  12. 국민
    a national; people of a nation (Politics)
  13. 국회
    National Assembly (Politics)
  14. 금하다
    to prohibit (Politics)
  15. 기본급
    basic salary (Politics)
  16. 남북한
    South and North Korea (Politics)
  17. 내다
    to produce (Politics)
  18. 냉전
    cold war (Politics)
  19. party clique (Politics)
  20. 대통령
    president (of a nation) (Politics)
  21. 대표단
    group of representatives (Politics)
  22. intent meaning (Politics)
  23. 만찬회
    dinner banquet (Politics)
  24. 면담하다
    to have a face-to-face talk interview (Politics)
  25. 무겁다
    to be heavy (Politics)
  26. 민주(주의)
    democracy (Politics)
  27. 방침
    policy guidelines (Politics)
  28. 보수
    remuneration compensation (Politics)
  29. 보안등
    security light (Politics)
  30. 보장하다
    to guarantee (Politics)
  31. 분단하다(되다)
    to divide (to be divided) (Politics)
  32. 사퇴하다
    to resign (Politics)
  33. 성명
    declaration (Politics)
  34. 신변
    one's surrounding person (Politics)
  35. 실현하다
    to realize bring to reality (Politics)
  36. 안전
    safety (Politics)
  37. 양측
    both sides both parties (Politics)
  38. 여러분
    (in addressing) ladies and gentlemen all of you everybody (Politics)
  39. 예방하다
    to make a courtesy visit (Politics)
  40. 왕래하다
    to come and go (Politics)
  41. 우편
    mail postal service (Politics)
  42. 우편물
    postal matter (Politics)
  43. 운전자
    driver (Politics)
  44. 위원
    committee member (Politics)
  45. 유지 관리비
    maintenance and management expenses (Politics)
  46. 의무화
    making (something) mandatory obligatory (Politics)
  47. 의원
    member of the National Assembly (Politics)
  48. 의장
    assembly chief speaker (Politics)
  49. 이루다
    to achieve accomplish (Politics)
  50. 인상하다
    to raise (Politics)
  51. 일정
    itinerary schedule (Politics)
  52. 자유
    freedom liberty (Politics)
  53. 정부
    government (Politics)
  54. 정치
    politics (Politics)
  55. 제안
    proposal (Politics)
  56. 지도자
    leader (Politics)
  57. 진전
    progress. development (Politics)
  58. 짜다
    to compile weave (Politics)
  59. 착용하다
    to wear (Politics)
  60. 청와대
    Blue House (presidential residence of South Korea) (Politics)
  61. 체류
    stay (Politics)
  62. 체신부
    Ministry of Communications (Politics)
  63. 초청하다
    to invite (Politics)
  64. 총재
    party chief president of a nation's central organization (Politics)
  65. 통일하다
    to unify make consistent (Politics)
  66. 통행료
    toll (Politics)
  67. 평화
    peace (Politics)
  68. 푸로 (%)
    percentage (Politics)
  69. 현행
    currently in force currently in operation (Politics)
  70. 확정하다
    to decide definitely (Politics)
  71. 후생비
    general welfare expenses supplementary living expenses (Politics)
  72. -대로 두다
    to leave as is (Politics)
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