What does God tell us about marriage in Genesis 2: 18-24
- men and women are equal
- In Marriage, two become one.
What does God tell us about Marriage in Matthew 19:6?
- Two become one in marriage.
- Marriage changes a person
- Marriage is FOREVER
What does God tell us about Marriage in Hebrews 13:4?
- Be FAITHFUL to your spouse
What are the State of PA Requirements for Marriage?
- At least 18 (16-18 with parental consent)
- Three day waiting period
- Free to marry--no bigamy (married to more than one person)
- Blood relatives down to and including first cousins may not marry in PA
- May not be intoxicated or under the influence of drugs when applying
- Fee
What are the Church Requirements of Marriage?
- Baptized Christians must be baptized to receive sacraments
- View marriage as a pledge of unconditional forever love
- Intent(ion) that marriage is permanent
- Open to children
- Marriage preparation (Pre-Cana)
The COVENANT of Marriage
- What is marriage?
- a sacred, solemn covenant like the covenent that God has made with us through His covenant with the Hebrews, in which he promised to never leave us.
The love of a married couple is to __.
reflect the love that God has for us-- lasting, faithful and complete
The love that the couple shares comes from __- this makes it __.
- God
- more than just a legal contract
Marriage as a Sacrament
- What is a sacrament?
---> In marriage, __.
- a visual sign of God's presence (grace) in our lives
- one's spouses is the sign of God's presence in their lives
The sacrament of Marriage is actually administered by __. The __ is simply the __.
The __ and the __ act as __.
- priest
- wedding party (particularly the Best Man and Maid of Honor)
- witnesses
Characteristics of a Sacramental Marriage.
- THere are __ characteristics of a Sacramental Marriage. What is the first?
Permanent commitment: the couple acknowledges that it is for life
Characteristics of a Sacramental Marriage.- THere are __ characteristics of a Sacramental Marriage. What is the second?
- Openness to Children: procreation (having children) is a natural result of married love. The church values the family calling children the "supreme gift of marriage" in its catechism
- This characteristic focuses on an openness to children. Certainly a couple who is unable to have children is valued and recognized by the Church.
Characteristics of a Sacramental Marriage.- THere are __ characteristics of a Sacramental Marriage. What is the third?
- Loving fidelity: The Church teaches that a successful mariage (and family) demands TOTAL FIDELITY (faithfulness) from the spouses.
- The church recognizes the difficulty of this kind of fidelity and encourages married people to find support in each other and in their faith
The Marriage Ceremony
- The Marriage Ceremony usually takes place within a __. It occurs after the __.
What is the couple asked?
Then they say __ to each other. Finally, they __.
- Nuptial Mass
- homily
- 1) if they have come freely to be marreid
- 2) if they will love each other forever
- 3) if they will be open to children
- their vows
- exchange rings
Marriage Vows
The couple vow what?
- their commitment to each other in words similar to these:
- I promise to be true to you in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health. I will love you and honor you all the days of my life.
Sexuality and Marriage
A sexual relationship in marriage has two purposes
- 1) Unitive Purpose--> strengthens the couple and allows them to express their love for each other in a powerful way
- 2) Procreative Purpose--> leads to the creation of new life
What is Humanae Vitae?
an encyclical (a letter to the Church from the Pope) written by Pope Paul VI in 1968
What does Humanae Vitae address?
a culture that did not seem to be respecting lfie and responsibility in a variety of ways
What does Humanae Vitae explain?
the Church's position against artificial contraception (birth control)
The Church understands that
1) __
2) __
- 1) couples often need to limit the number of children they have in their family
- 2) sex between a married couple is sacred and good, even if it will not lead to procreation (a baby)
HOWEVER, the Church does believe that __.
What does that mean?
- sex between a husband and wife "retains its intrinsic relationship to the procreation of human life"
Sex naturally leads to new life.
Because of this natural connection between __ and __, the "__" is against what the Church teaches.
- sex
- life
- "direct interruption of the generative process"
"Direct interruption of the generative process" = ?
Artificial Birth Control [Chemical and Barrier Methods] as well as abortion adn sterilization
Natural Family Planning (NFP)
This way of regulating __ is accepted by the Catholic Church because it is __.
NFP involves __.
This involves __, as well as __.
- how many children a couple/ NATURALabstaining from intercourse during the times in a woman's menstrual cycle when she can become pregnant
- careful attention to the woman's body/ clear and honest communication between husband and wife
Can a divorced Catholic remarry?
Yes, but they have to go to a parish priest for an annulment. If not, they are not permitted to marry anyone else because they are still in a sacramental marriage
What does an annulment mean about the marriage?
It means that their relationship at the time of their first marriage lacked the necessary conditions enabling them to enter a permanent sacramental bond lasting until death
How does an annulment affect the children of that marriage?
It doesn't affect the legitimacy of the children.