
  1. As vs. like
    • As is used to compare actions (He did not vote for the Libertarian Party, as I did)
    • Like is used to compare nouns (Her coat is just like mine)
  2. Like vs. such as
    • Like means similar to (The mule, like the donkey, is a relative of the horse)
    • Such as means for example (Many of my favorite ice cream flavors, such as chocolate)
  3. The more.. the -er
    The more you ignore me, the closer I get.
  4. From... to
    Scores on the GMAT ranges from 200 to 800
  5. Just as.. so too
    Just as I crossed over to the dark side, so too will you, my son
  6. Each vs. all or both
    • Use each when you want to emphasize the separateness of the items (Each of the doctors had his own specialty)
    • Use both (for two things) or all (for more than two things) when you want to emphasize togetherness (Both of the women went to UCLA for their undergrad degrees. All of the letters received before Jan. 15)
  7. Whether vs. if
    • Use whether when there are two possibilities (Ed wasn't sure whether he could make it to the party)
    • Use if in conditional statements (If Ed comes to the party, he will bring wine)
Card Set
Idioms 2