
  1. (급) 성장 (~하다)
    growth (rapid) (grow/thrive) (13 51)
  2. (일차) 산업
    (primary) industry/sector (13 51)
  3. 감소 (~하다)
    decrease (decrease) (13 51)
  4. 개발 (~하다)
    development (develop) (13 51)
  5. 경제
    economy/economics (13 51)
  6. 공급 (~하다)
    supply (supply/provide) (13 51)
  7. 공업
    manufacturing industry (13 51)
  8. 공장
    factory/plant (13 51)
  9. 광업
    mining (13 51)
  10. 국민 총생산
    gross national product (GNP) (13 51)
  11. 국산
    products made in Korea (13 51)
  12. 기술
    technique/skill/technology (13 51)
  13. 농업
    farming/agriculture (13 51)
  14. 무역 (~하다)
    trade (trade) (13 51)
  15. times/twice (13 51)
  16. 비하여
    as compared with (13 51)
  17. 비해서
    as compared with (13 51)
  18. 생산 (~하다)
    production (produce) (13 51)
  19. 생필품
    essential goods/necessities of life (13 51)
  20. 선진국
    advanced nation (13 51)
  21. 세계무역기구
    World Trade Organization (WTO) (13 51)
  22. 소비 (~하다)
    consumption (consume) (13 51)
  23. 소비자
    consumer (13 51)
  24. 수요
    demand (13 51)
  25. 수입 (~하다)
    import (import) (13 51)
  26. 수출 (~하다)
    export (export) (13 51)
  27. 어업
    fishing/fishing industry (13 51)
  28. 여하튼
    anyway (13 51)
  29. 요/고/조
    this/that/that (13 51)
  30. 원인
    cause (13 51)
  31. 인상 (~하다)
    raise (raise) (13 51)
  32. 인플레
    inflation (13 51)
  33. 인하 (~하다)
    reduction (reduce [price]) (13 51)
  34. 적자
    deficit/red figures (13 51)
  35. 제품
    manufactured goods/products (13 51)
  36. 증가 (~하다)
    increase (increase) (13 51)
  37. 투자 (~하다)
    investment (invest) (13 51)
  38. 품질
    quality (of a product) (13 51)
  39. 한국산
    products made in Korea (13 51)
  40. 후진국
    underdeveloped nation (13 51)
  41. 흑자
    surplus (of trade)/black figures (13 51)
  42. -는 한
    so far as/unless (13 51)
  43. -량
    amount/volume (13 51)
  44. -에도 불구하고
    in spite of/despite (13 51)
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