
  1. 경영학
    business administration (13 49)
  2. 공학
    engineering (13 49)
  3. 남녀공학
    coed school/coed system (13 49)
  4. 단점
    weakness/weak point (13 49)
  5. 답답하다
    stuffy (feeling or atmosphere) (13 49)
  6. 등록 (~하다)
    registration (register) (13 49)
  7. 문학
    literature (13 49)
  8. 물리학
    physics (13 49)
  9. 박사
    Doctorate (PhD) (13 49)
  10. 반대 (~하다)
    opposition (oppose) (13 49)
  11. 복학 (~하다)
    returning to school (return to...) (13 49)
  12. 부족 (~하다)
    insufficiency (insufficient) (13 49)
  13. 분위기
    atmosphere (13 49)
  14. 불합격하다
    fail an entrance exam (13 49)
  15. 생물학
    biology (13 49)
  16. 석사
    Master's (MA) (13 49)
  17. 아르바이트 (~하다)
    part-time job (do part-time job) (13 49)
  18. 역사학
    history (13 49)
  19. 연구 (~하다)
    research (do research) (13 49)
  20. 연구소
    research center (13 49)
  21. 외우다
    memorize (13 49)
  22. 의견
    opinion (13 49)
  23. 의논 (~하다)
    discussion (discuss) (13 49)
  24. 의학
    medical science (13 49)
  25. 장점
    strength/strong point (13 49)
  26. 장학금
    scholarship (13 49)
  27. 재수 (~하다)
    study another year for an entrance exam (13 49)
  28. 재수생
    retread/students who study another year for an entrance exam (13 49)
  29. 전공 (~하다)
    major (major in) (13 49)
  30. 제도
    system (13 49)
  31. 중퇴 (~하다)
    dropping out of school (drop...) (13 49)
  32. 진학 (~하다)
    entrance into a higher grade (enter into a higher grade...) (13 49)
  33. 찬성 (~하다)
    approval/agreement (approve agree) (13 49)
  34. 충분 (~하다)
    sufficiency (sufficient) (13 49)
  35. 캠퍼스
    campus (13 49)
  36. 학사
    Bachelor's (BA) (13 49)
  37. 학위
    degree (13 49)
  38. 학점
    unit credit (13 49)
  39. 합격하다
    pass/fail an entrance exam (13 49)
  40. 화학
    chemistry (13 49)
  41. 휴학 (~하다)
    temporary absence from school (withdraw from school temporarily) (13 49)
Card Set