US History Final Exam

  1. Reapportionment required by the Warren Court boosted the political power of
    African Americans
  2. The development of the transistor made possible the
    miniaturization of radios
  3. To get the economy moving, Kennedy adopted the supply-side idea of
    reducing taxes
  4. At the march on Washington, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.,
    gave his “I have a dream” speech
  5. As the fighting began between the Vietcong and South Vietnamese army, President Eisenhower tried to help South Vietnam by sending
    military advisers
  6. The federal government’s termination policy was intended to
    bring Native Americans into mainstream society
  7. Truman said the Truman Doctrine and Marshall Plan were essential for
  8. A main reason President Johnson refused to order a full-scale invasion of North Vietnam was his fear that it would
    bring China into the war
  9. The Pentagon Papers revealed that
    the government had not been honest with the public about Vietnam
  10. As part of the Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty, Nixon and Brezhnev agreed to
    exchange scientific information
  11. When the French left Vietnam, the United States stepped in to
    protect the pro-Western government in the South
  12. In the 1960 presidential campaign, television was used for the first time to
    advertise candidates
  13. September 11, 2001, was the day that terrorists attacked
    the World Trade Center and Pentagon
  14. NATO formed for the purpose of
    mutual defense
  15. To make good on his campaign promise to fight crime, Nixon targeted
    antiwar protesters
  16. The United Nations went to war in the Persian Gulf because
    Iraq invaded Kuwait
  17. The Long Telegram resulted in
    the containment policy
  18. The Nazis’ “final solution” referred to their plans to
    exterminate Europe’s Jews
  19. Kennedy’s legislative agenda was called the
    New Frontier
  20. After 1920 the women’s movement split into two camps with opposing views on
    laws protecting women
  21. The Free Speech Movement was sparked by restrictions on students’ rights to
    distribute literature and recruit volunteers for political causes
  22. As a result of the GI Bill, many returning soldiers
    attended college
  23. In 1968 antiwar protesters and police clashed outside the
    Democratic National Convention
  24. Many of the new religious groups of the 1960's centered around
    authoritarian leaders
  25. Richard Nixon won Southern support in the 1968 election by promising to
    appoint a Southerner to the Supreme Court
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US History Final Exam
us history final exam questions